Sunday, September 9, 2012

Today's News

Beth Phoenix:

Has had her return pushed back, she was to return on October 1, now October 22 is her first advertised date, she is then not booked until December 28. She is taking time off after losing a loved one recently.

Brock done?:

Paul Heyman has told a website Brock is through with UFC, despite them wanting him back...

“I think Dana White would love to have Brock Lesnar back,” Heyman told “I think Lorenzo Fertitta would love to have Brock Lesnar back. Does Brock Lesnar want to go back? I don’t think Brock has anything to prove in the UFC anymore. He’s 35 years old. He made a lot of money in the UFC.”

Mike Bennett:

Has spoken out on the importance of Indy Wrestling, and said companies like his (Ring Of Honour) need to consider themselves as more then a feeder league, with stars waiting to get noticed by WWE or TNA, or they won't survive...

“I think as long as some of the wrestlers look at us as indy, we’re going to be indy, but I think the hardest part is convincing our locker room that we’re a national company, and as soon as everyone in our locker room says were national, we become national. It’s hard for a company like Ring of Honor to keep surviving because, like you said, we’re always having guys get ‘picked’ to go to TNA or WWE.''


Kurt Angle has finally conceded his injury may cost him his PPV match tonight, no official word from TNA yet.

Mark Henry:

Is lifting weights for the first time since injuring his shoulder.

Animal Jr:

We will have to wait for another 5 years before James (Son of Joe 'Animal') Laurinaitis joins WWE, he has extended his NFL career.

Released diva:

Sophia Cortez who was released by WWE last month is to enter UFC.


Bad signs for Brodus Clay's dancer, she was due to return from suspension on September 14, but WWE have today removed her from all of her advertised dates, signings and appearances.

Punk vs Rock:

CM Punk has again criticised The Rock for coming back to WWE...

“It’s been a frustrating year. Not just for me but a lot of other Superstars. The Rock waltzes in and he wrestles two days a year. Rock says this place is family, well, I hang out with my family as often as I can.”

The Rock responded...

“I strip away all the BS that can be fostered in the locker room with some of the guys. Strip away all that, because I don’t hear all that, it’s all noise, and it’s all bullsh*t to me.”

Rey vs Cara:

WWE are said to be torn on who should turn heel for their proposed feud, favourite is Rey, but the boss (Don't know if they mean Vince or Hunter) is apparently on the side of Cara turning, because Rey is money as face.

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