Sunday, September 2, 2012

Today's News

WWE's stupidity amazes me:

JR tweeted...

“Find it amazing that some fans cannot separate a fictitious, pro wrestling villain w/ real, every day life bullying. @WWE=entertainment, FYI.”

This was re-tweeted by several stars including Vickie Guerrero.

The Be-A-Star campaign was created to show kids it is not cool to bully and abuse other children, Children do not differentiate between real and pretend, it is utterly ridiculous that they go into schools telling kids not to bully, then go onto TV and do exactly the opposite. And for one of their ambassadors to make a statement like this baffles me.

It is 2012 Abuse, fat, gay, race jokes etc is not entertaining FYI!!!

Shame on you JR...

Kofi Kingston:

Admitted to being a bully during an event in Sydney...

“I’m not going to lie, I used to be a bully, when I was your age, I wanted to fit in and be in with the cool crowd. I would come home crying to my mom every day because she named me Kofi and people were making fun of my name and I wanted to be called Joey. Don’t ever let anybody make you feel bad because you’re different- being different is great.”


Was sent home from the Australian tour, still no word on her future, but it is looking worse by the day for her.

I am going to sound grouchy today, but I will have to kick WWE again. The DUI happened before the Australia tour, why fly her half way around the world just to have her sit out all but the first night, then send her home separately from the rest of the roster???. I am sure she wasn't DUI at the shows, they could have let her work the tour and made a decision on her future when they got back to the states. Bad WWE!!!.

CM Punk:

The Raw roster are on their way home now, for the show in Chicago, a big angle is being teased for home town boy CM Punk.

Hulk Hogan:

In an interview promoting his Beach Shop, Hulk Hogan was asked what he would improve about the city of Tampa...

"Aside from renaming Tampa after me, there is really nothing."


Alberto Del Rio:

Says his best friend in WWE is Drew McIntyre, That he initially turned WWE down because he wanted more money, he thinks he and Ricardo Rodriguez should split and that WWE need to relax their PG ethos because he struggles to get enough heat as a baddie.

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