Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today's News

WWE signs new deal:

WWE have signed a multi year TV deal to air their programming on a next day basis through online streaming site Hulu, the two companies released this statement...

STAMFORD, Conn., September 24, 2012 – WWE (NYSE: WWE) today announced an exclusive, multi-year agreement that will bring WWE programming to Hulu Plus. Starting today, Hulu Plus will offer WWE fans unlimited instant streaming access, additional content and programming on-the-go, as it becomes the exclusive home for next-day access to all WWE TV programming. Hulu Plus subscribers can also go to Hulu Latino to see WWE’s popular digital show, WWE En EspaƱol, the Spanish-language magazine program that recaps WWE’s most exciting moments each week.

Hulu Plus delivers one more way for WWE fans to access content and experience the WWE, offering the chance to relive or catch up on all of the action from WWE’s weekly television programs the next day. Subscribers can access content across mobile phones, tablets, PCs, internet-connected TVs, set-top boxes and gaming consoles. In addition, the Hulu Plus subscription service offers hit TV shows and award-winning movies anytime in HD when available for $7.99/month.

WWE say this is not a replacement for their own network.

Macho Man Trainers:

A launch announcement was made last night for a pair of trainers dedicated to the Macho Man Randy Savage, unfortunately it later turned out to be a hoax.

Triple H on Lawler:

Triple H addressed the Lawler heart scare prior to Raw going live last night...

“How many times in life are you sitting five feet from your doctor… when something like that happens? I think that in any other place at any other time, Jerry Lawler was no longer with us. Dr. Samson, our doctor, [is] to me a hero, a life saver.

To see the remarkable recovery that Jerry has made, to see him home and to see him walking around like nothing happened to him, is mind-boggling to me because it is not what I was witnessing that night… Somehow, for some reason, Jerry Lawler is still with us, and that to me is nothing short of a miracle because I don’t think anybody that was there that night — that was backstage or that was privy to what was going on — would have never, never imagined this outcome.”

Jerry did an interview on last nights Raw (Link).

Character Change:

DH Smith has announced he will change his ring name to Davey Boy Smith Jr, starting in Japan on October 8, because he wants people to draw the Father and son’s lineage together.

The Ultimate Warrior criticised:

A promotions company complained because he refused to sign fan brought DVD's to a convention. That is not the full story, he only refused to sign copies of one DVD in particular, The Self Destruction Of The Ultimate Warrior, which is perfectly understandable IMO.

Move named:

Wade Barrett's elbow smash is named ''The Souvenir''.

Beth Phoenix:

It looks from Raw last night, that Beth may be turning face for her final month as a WWE star.

She has also started her exit story on her Twitter, saying she feels betrayed by the Women's locker room after Eve and Kaitlyn said she was the attacker from NOC, and Alicia Fox said she was jealous and bitter in a WWE.Com interview.

Fans invasion:

Two fans jumped the crowd railing on Raw last night, ring announcer Justin Roberts took one down, but the other got into the ring during The Miz vs Ryback match (Pic to follow). He was escorted to the back by security and was removed from the arena.

TNA vs WrestleMania:

TNA have booked two house shows in New York over the WrestleMania 29 weekend... Good Luck With That...

Randy Orton:

Will fly back to the USA to face Big Show on SmackDown tonight.

Team named:

The tag champs Daniel Bryan and Kane are to be named Team Hell No!, after a vote on Raw last night.

Hell In A Cell main event:

WWE still want John Cena to be in the match, but are keeping Ryback as a possible opponent if he can't, they will tease tensions between the two in the coming weeks to build a storyline reason for the match.

TNA star to WWE:

Jesse Neal wants to work the annual WWE tribute to the troops, to pay tribute to friends he lost during his 4 year spell in the military.

CM Punk interview:

He says he has been working on his current story with Paul Heyman for about a year...

“I have worked with him extensively behind the camera. I think a lot of people are in for a treat.”

Punk also dismissed people who feel he shouldn’t have a mouthpiece.

“Rick Rude didn’t need anyone to talk for him, and Paul Heyman was his manager. Bobby Heenan didn’t need to talk for Ric Flair. Those are two examples of great duos,” said Punk.

“You’ll just have to wait to see what happens.”

He praised Bret Hart and John Cena for working post Raw addressing questions on Lawler's illness...

And said of Bret...

“It was an honour to share a ring with Bret Hart.”

He shared his views on Jerry Lawler's illness...

“A couple of people tweeted me to say that I’m a despicable person because I haven’t mentioned anything about Jerry.

“The man had a heart attack on live television. I’ve been texting with him. This is a serious situation and I don’t need to publically say anything.

“Jerry, I can’t stress enough, is a fighter. Trust me, I know. I have a huge scar on the top of my head with nine staples in it. He is already on his way to making an amazing recovery.”

And when asked who he wanted to face from Austin, Rock and Brock, he instead chose Tyson Kidd.

Sophia Cortez:

Has done her first interview since her WWE departure, she was asked how she felt about her release...

“Definitely a shock to me, and a shock to many, many — not just fans. It was very hard for me, especially throughout the clause of the contract. My whole career basically for eight years or so, pouring [my] heart and soul into something, and everything’s going great and the direction you put all the effort to — and all of a sudden it’s gone. It’s really hard. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through other than the thing with Tough Enough, because I’ve given my all. I was still in high school and after that I gave up scholarships to just struggle to do what I wanted to do with wrestling. I came here to the States from Puerto Rico with nothing and just started from the ground up, and thankfully I was blessed to be able to get noticed with WWE. I’m a hundred times grateful for the opportunities while there. It’s just unfortunate, you know?”

She also said she was disappointed with the way WWE handled the Cameron situation so differently, saying it ''Kinda Sucks''.

D'Von Dudley to TNA:

D'Von is expected to return to TNA TV for a one shot deal to drop the TV title, and to say goodbye to the TNA fans.

Post Raw reactions:

Michael Cole...

“Wow what a night! Wonderful to see @JerryLawler looking so good! An honor to interview him. #LongLiveTheKing A privilege to call #Raw with hof @jrsbbq it was so much fun. Thanks boomer sooner!”

Jim Ross... 

''I had a blast''.

Wade Barrett...

“Don’t know what I enjoyed more tonight… wrestling @KiddWWE or observing @WWEArmstrong’s intruder takedown technique. #HardBodyRef”


''I will return to WWE one day''.

Ricardo Rodriguez:

WWE are to get ADR's Mic man in the ring more often, starting with a 6 man tag on Raw last night.


50 youngsters will attempt to earn a WWE career at the next WWE try out camp, which will run from September 28 to October 1.

New Outsiders:

Kevin Nash said he intends to start working with Cody (Son of Scott) Hall, because Scott has a bad hip from carrying him for years.

AJ and Punk:

AJ says that she is going to reveal some of Punk's secrets, starting with... #someonesacuddler”

Derrick Bateman:

New Gimmick Vignette 4...

Vince vs NFL:

The WWE boss is angry with NFL, feeling their issues are hurting WWE's ratings.

New show:

WWE Main Event will debt on October 3, matches will be taped before Raw, especially for the show.


Has started his latest mountain climb.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio unmasked Sin Cara during a 6 man tag on Raw last night, (pic to follow), it was at the time thought to have been an accident, but his behaviour after made officials believe he did it to humiliate Cara (The two have a real life deep dislike for each other), he is facing huge heat tonight and is expected to be made to answer for his behaviour at the SmackDown tapings.

Kofi Kingston:

WWE were so impressed with Kofi's match vs Dolph Ziggler last night that they are planning on making him a championship rival for Ziggler after Dolph wins the World or WWE title.

Tyler Reks:

Says he still believes his wrestling career is over, but also that Triple H called recently him to invite him to return whenever he wants...

“Triple H called me for the first time since I left the other day and we had a great conversation and he told me the door will always be open for me to come backstage and say hi to all of the guys when they come into town.”

He also recalled his interactions with Vince McMahon...

“I never really had any dealings with Vince on a daily basis, I had a conversation with him in his office when I was debuting on ECW where he told me what he expected and he asked a bunch of questions about me and my family and if I had any questions for him, it was about five to ten minutes in his office and I was a little timid.

A year later when I went over to SmackDown as the new Reks, the same thing happened and I was little bit more comfortable. If I saw him walking down the halls, I would stick my hand out and get a handshake and just ask him how he was but that would be about it, that’s basically most people’s interaction with him throughout their entire course in the WWE unless they’re are a top guy. Vince is a very busy guy.”

Mick Foley:

Word from the back says that High level officials feel Foley gave his best performance since his WWE return last night, the appearance was booked with only a couple of days notice.


Mickie James is working hurt...

“Walking into the Docs to finally get my ribs X-rayed… Been working through the pain 2 weeks too long! Lucky I’m T… U… Triple F… =O”

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