Monday, February 14, 2022

RIP Ivan Reitman, thank you!


Eric Bischoff is having surgery on his hand.

WWE at the SuperBowl:

There was lots of WWE interest at the SuperBowl last night. The Rock, Batista, Alexa Bliss, Nikki Bella and Titus O'Neill to name just some of the talent involved in one way or another.

WWE did cause some offence though, they tweeted a video of John Cena during his Dr. Of Thuganomics phase, during a hip hop performance led by Dr. Dre, and copped a ton of heat, for appropriation of culture. They deleted it quick, sharp.

Alum TM's his names:

William Regal has applied for both the names Lord Steven Regal and William Regal.

Owen Hart tribute:

AEW will kick off a male and female tournament in Owen Hart's Foundation's name this year. They will both start on the May 11 taping.

FTR reveals HOF support:

Dax Harwood has revealed Bret Hart reached out to praise their last match.

Jaxson Ryker recalls heat over Trump tweet:

The tweet, made in 2020, drew the ore of colleagues and fans, but he says he was just supporting his President...

"That was just my tweet to show my support. The funny thing is prior to that, lord I was looking through some history of things, I would tweet or Instagram certain things about Donald Trump. But for some reason that day, I had tweeted about him before, to me there was nothing wrong with that tweet. There was no racial undertone, there was no jabs,” he said. “There was nothing but me saying God Bless America, and thankful for the President Of The United States that we had at the time."


WWE star wants celeb to join WWE:

After recording an advert with singer Rihanna, Bianca Belair said she would love for her to come and be her Tag Team partner, after her pregnancy ends...

“When she’s ready to come back, I would love that! Come tag team with me, we can be tag team champions! I think we would break the internet with that one!''


Samoa Joe has been announced for the HOF of Ring Of Honor today.

Lesnar talks relationship with Vince:

“I met Vince when I was younger. I look at Vince as more of a father figure actually, because I’ve learned a lot of things from him and I was able to carry those things over and handle business with Dana. Vince is a self-made person, so is Dana… you know, he took the company and made it public, and made it big, big.”

AEW star blasts fans:

Thunder Rosa was left furious by fans on the indies over the weekend. Cutting this shoot on them...

“I’m gonna tell everybody that has been talking sh*t about what we do today here, have some respect for the women who are putting their lives in danger here. Anybody that was saying bad stuff about us, you have no right to talk about us like that.  We’re just like one of the boys in the back. If you come to the show – If you come to a show, and you are being disrespectful to the athletes, you have no right to be here.”

Cardona (Ryder) disrespected by NWA:

Matt Cardona says he felt dis-respected by the NWA locker room after he won their title over the weekend...

“They don’t like me. They did not like me when I walked in the first day, they did not like me when I walked into Oak Grove Kentucky. First of all, they should have been thanking me because nobody knows where Oak Grove Kentucky is, and it sold out because of me. Nobody thanked me for the house, which I thought was disrespectful. And then afterward, I am expecting this big standing ovation, a couple of hugs, even some b.s. high-fives, nothing. It was like a ghost town. I was the last person to leave that dressing room.”

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