Wednesday, February 9, 2022


HOF'er talks suicide attempts:

Jake The Snake recalls past suicide attempts...

“Nothing funny about suicide man. You know I’ve been there in the past and I’ve considered that. Even attempted it a couple of times and I failed. I would’ve shot myself. I took handfuls of pills. Wasted drugs is not a good thing.”

Rousey rouse rumbled:

Ronda Rousey's regular followers did not fall for her attempt to cover her Rumble appearance. She had pre-taped a live stream video to coincide with the event but her fans quickly noticed.

She was scanned for the video game at the Rumble.

Record Raw:

Raw scored it's lowest viewing figures this week, just 1.3 million.

Legend wants Sasha:

Melina says she dreams about sharing the ring with Sasha Banks.

Moose MMA:

ROH star Moose is looking at trying out MMA this year.

Covid found at Rumble:

Actor Steve-O was found to have Covid during routine testing at the Royal Rumble. He was asked to leave the event as soon as the test came back, which he did.

Name TM:

Chris Jericho has filed for the term 'The Influencer'.

Ronda's ambition:

Ronda Rousey says she wants to win the tag gold with her 4 horsewomen of MMA colleague Shayna Baszler, during this run.

“I’m struggling to put into words how I feel about this distressing footage. Truly disgusting actions from Kurt Zouma who is meant to be a role model. No helpless animal should ever be subject to abuse like this. I would like to know how WestHam plan to punish these actions?''

Actor reveals shitty moment during WWE career:

Freddie Prinze Jr. has recalled an incident during his WWE career, where someone took a crap on Vince McMahon's plane, leading to a backstage investigation...

''Freebird calls me into his office, Michael Hayes. He says, ‘Freddie, I gotta ask you a question,’ and he looks concerned. I go ‘what’s up man?’ And he goes, ‘You didn’t, er, you didn’t take a poop on Vince’s plane did you?’ I said, ‘what are you talking about?’ He says, ‘there’s no poops on the plane.’ I said ‘of course, I didn’t, what are you talking about man, I didn’t even use the restroom.’ He goes, ‘well someone did, and I have to find out who.’ He’s not laughing when he says it, he’s p*ssed off. What kind of a job assignment is that? I’ve gotta find out who took a s**t on my boss’s plane. The freakin best agent in the company who comes up with the greatest finishes, at least when I was there, the fans favorite finishes were either Freedbird’s or Triple H’s, and usually it was a combination of both and it wasn’t anyone else’s, and he’s having to find out who took a poop on the plane.”

Suicidal Strowman:

Braun Strowman says his WWE release left him in a dark place, and he considered taking his life. He also discussed what turned him around...

“Because I see through social media interactions the power that I have to influence people’s lives. The videos of children riding to the hospital to have surgeries done, listening to my theme music. Pictures showing the kids holding my action figure being put under for anesthesia. The kids at the Special Olympics playing my music to come out and lift weights to. Things like that. Knowing that me giving up on myself, I am giving up on all those people that depend on me to help them get through the hardships in life, and that’s just selfish. I am just so thankful that I never did. I got really close at once, not even just quitting wrestling, quitting life altogether. And I realized that the world is so important, and the world wants everybody here. The world’s going to keep turning and it wants you here because this place is amazing. I am so thankful with everything that I was able to overcome and where I am now, and that I have peace in myself.”

AEW missing factor:

Booker T says the lack of females and children in their fan base is holding them back from making the next big step up...

''They’ve got a long way to go, alright. AEW definitely has got something, they’ve got a good feel. The fans definitely seem like they’re off into it. But when you look in the audience, you don’t see any kids at all, okay, that’s one thing you don’t see. And you don’t see a whole lot of women. Just look at the audience. So, they’ve got a lot of building that they’re going to have to do in order to stretch that audience out in order to cater to everybody, not just the ones who want to watch a thumbtack match or something like that. They’re definitely going to have to widen their appeal to not just that, I wouldn’t call it hardcore audience, but you know, somewhat.”

Hardy on WWE / NJPW:

Matt Hardy says WWE had opened talks for a partnership with NJPW, at Daniel Bryan's request, when they were fighting to keep him in their employ, but they made it hard to get a deal done...

“They were willing to actually work with New Japan for a little bit for Bryan Danielson when they were trying to re-sign him. That was one of his conditions, he wanted to be able to go to work with New Japan and whatnot. You know the whole scenario. I don’t know. They’re open to doing it. The thing is with those guys, I think it’s pretty much their way or no way. So sometimes it’s tricky working with WWE.”


Candi Devine has passed. The former AWA champion has been decimated by illness in recent years after a number of seizures and falls, left her with liver and brain damage. She was 63.

In ring action:

WWE had a camera man recording in the ring during last nights NXT taping. They were trialing a new production technique.

Big signing:

Tony Khan says a big name is debuting on AEW this week, He says he has kept the name secret to all but a handful of people. The star(s) involved may have spoilt it though, Killer Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux may have made a telling slip on a radio show earlier this week, before attempting to row back.

HOF returns nixed:

WWE asked Kurt Angle to make a brief return to WWE in the build up to the Royal Rumble, the angle, with the Tag title rivalry, was nixed without notice, but he was still asked to attend the Royal Rumble for filming and further discussions about how he could be used.

RVD contacted WWE to make himself available for the Royal Rumble match, and had a new singlet made up, but WWE never made the call to book him.

WWE release:

NXT UK's Candy Floss blames a mental health crisis following the death of her mother, of cancer, in 2019, for her release from NXT in December...

''Unfortunately, my dream career with WWE got put on hold when, during the pandemic, I was diagnosed with severe PTSD and anxiety because of the trauma I experienced witnessing my favorite person, my mum, fight for her life. I decided I needed to put my mental health first and WWE couldn’t have been more supportive. In December 2021 my contract with WWE expired. It is very sad for me as I wish my journey with WWE didn’t have to end like this as I’ve worked so hard to get signed. I just want to say thank you to WWE for dealing with me so well as I know it’s not an easy situation. I’m grateful for it all.''

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