Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Dusty Rhodes trophy:

The Creed Brothers are the 2022 winners of the Dusty Tag Classic.

Match scratched in:

Stone Cold Steve Austin is on the working match card for Mania, his planned opponent... Kevin Owens.

They also have another, equally important, surprise planned, but are holding their cards closer to their chest on that one.

Vince is personally working on a plan for Cody Rhodes return bout for the show.

Jake recalls heat with Bret:

Jake The Snake has recalled being a guest in the Hart dungeon, during one of Stu's more aggressive classes, with Bret, so much so, he stepped in to end it, earning the ire of Bret...

“Bret was laying on the floor. Stu just malled him like an old bear. ‘This is the first one.’ Latched it on and I don’t know how he put his arms and sh-t, but man, Bret’s legs were f-cking flying. He’s slapping the floor. You know, out he goes. Stu gets up to one knee and says ‘this next one, you watch how I apply this. Wake up son.’ He slaps him and as Bret starts coming to, out again. About the fourth one, because I’m with my leg. I’m injured, he ain’t stupid. But now I’ve realized this is bad. This is real bad because Bret is bleeding out of his nose, his ears, and the corners of his eyes. And then Stu says ‘f-cking Bret, he’s so limber, this one I tried to put on him, he just won’t go out. So what I do, I cup his mouth.’ Smothered him, put him out again. I had to distract Stu so Bret could crawl out of the room and get away from him. But, Bret held that against me for a long time.”

AEW branching out:

AEW will host their first live music event in March, a part of their new Music Live venture.

Bella's coming back?:

Nikki Bella says despite the joy she and Brie felt with their Rumble returns, and a harbouring ambition to win the Tag gold, we should not expect to ever see them back full time...

“I really missed it, but I’m in mom mode and things are different now. I was sore for a few days. I can’t lie. The show made me think about how we can come back and do more of a story. Unfortunately, where we are at in our lives Brie and I can never be back full-time. We hope there is something soon or in the future that we can come back and do something. Just getting the taste in the ring made us want more.”

Brock details anxiety battles:

“I have a total crash after being in front of audiences. Like, I go hibernate in Saskatchewan. Like, my downers – like, the anxiety from that – like, takes me a few days to recover. Forever, yeah it’s been that way. Like, I used to be on – have big wrestling matches in high school and – like, to come down from big arenas it’s like, I get nervous around people and I’m awkward as f*ck. Yeah, but I’m putting on a show. Like I’ve got to go through all this thing, and that’s just who I am. And I like to go and just get away from the people. And it’s not that I dislike people. I mean, it’s not been that way, but some people, yeah, I don’t like. I just like to be left the f*ck alone, and because I’m like – like, I’m in front of an audience then it just exhausts me. And so I’ve got to go and like, recharge up.”

Alum AEW bound:

Buddy Murphy's AEW debut is said to be imminent.

Ric Flair hot with WWE:

Ric Flair says not a single person from WWE reached out to offer support in the wake of his recent divorce...

“Everybody wants to just be negative. She still runs my business affairs, handles my personal life, there’s nothing wrong with our relationship. I’m really difficult to live with because I want to travel, I sign autographs and she did that for nine straight years and she just got tired of it and I get it. What killed me, of all the people, Charles Barkley, Darius Rucker, Kid Rock can call me and say ‘Is everything cool?’ which they have and I go ‘yeah, everything’s great and life changes and we go in different directions,’” Flair said. “Not one person from the WWE, not one. The most insensitive people in the world. People that I have given my life to and they have given me a lot of theirs. When you’re not there they don’t care. I don’t resent them for it, I know who reached out to me and who reached out to her and who didn’t. If you’re that insensitive, shame on you. Executives but I’m talking about my wrestling friends. It’s life, it’s wrestling and the lesson that should be learned is that when you’re so ramped up in your life as I was, now I look back on my career and say yanno what, I don’t feel so bad, because I wasn’t around either. It’s a full-time job being a wrestler.”

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