Sunday, February 27, 2022


Britt Baker thanks WWE staffer for NOT hiring her:

“I had a tryout, I was fresh out of training. They gave me a tryout solely based on my looks, ‘oh, this is a cute girl.’ I got put in a group after the training was all done, bumps and rolls. We can’t even walk by the end of the tryout. It was me, Lacey Evans, and Bianca were the females, in Orlando. It was all these extras, they were like testing our range of motion. We were like, ‘holy shit, we are getting signed.’ So we are celebrating, and I still talk to those girls all the time. But, Canyon Ceman, at the time, he was like the gatekeeper for independent wrestlers to get into NXT. He pulled me aside at the end of the tryout. And he was like, ‘you know, you’ve just started dental school. As a father, I have a hard time pulling you from a professional degree.’ My heart dropped. But I owe him the world because I would have left dental school in a heartbeat to go to WWE. Because I was young, dumb, and I was like, ‘I’m going to be NXT Women’s Champion,’ like that would have got me far, right? He stayed in touch with me every few months after that. Like, ‘let me know when you finish dental school, send me your matches,’ he always kept up with me.”

Kofi talks Royal Rumble botch:

Talking about botching his annual close call elimination this year...

“Obviously when the Royal Rumble comes around, it’s become something synonymous with something I’m going to do in the match. So, what happened was not supposed to happen. I was trying to kind of land on the barricade. It was something – I walked through it a few times, but it was always going to hurt. It was gonna hurt no matter what, so I couldn’t really practice it like full out. When I did, I think that I jumped too high which has never usually been a problem. I could’ve jumped like further out.”

NXT wedding:

Ivy Nile is engaged to be married.


AAA are said to be deep in talks with a Spanish language network in the US over a TV deal.

Familiar face at Mania:

Corey Graves says a familiar face could be on their way back to WWE at WrestleMania...

“And who knows, if the rumors do in fact prove to be true, we may have another familiar face back in the fold between now and The Showcase of the Immortals. This is one of those ones where: if you know, you know. I’m not going to speak to it any longer. I’m going to feed the rumor mill, that’s what I’m doing, I’m feeding the rumor mill. I’m stoking the flames and I am pouring gas on the fire. If the rumors are true, I couldn’t be more thrilled.”

Heyman talks Undertaker:

“Not enough credit goes to The Undertaker for his presence in the locker room, for guiding that locker room through a very tough navigation and a trajectory into the future. This was not only the standard-bearer in terms of big men working, this was the standard-bearer in terms of a modern-day work ethic. And he, it’s very humbling when you realize the enormity of his contributions to this industry and the fact that he so graciously is willing to pass it on to the next generation. He is a man whose means and methods and the manner in which he presents himself is something we should all aspire to. Magic. Leadership. A giant, a giant who could move like a cruiserweight, but understood not to unless necessary. Unless the situation called for it. Intelligence. Checked every box. Just, you know, it’s funny, I get a lot of credit from a lot of people. From the talent themselves, whether it’s The Undertaker, whether it’s Steve Austin — ‘Oh, before anybody noticed me, Paul Heyman noticed me.’ And I don’t think there was ever a lot of credit for that. I think it’s an indictment of other people that didn’t see it. I don’t know how you could be in a room with Mark, with The Undertaker and not understand this guy is very, very special. I don’t understand how you could walk into a room with Steve Austin and not say to yourself, ‘woah, there’s something very different about this athlete.’ Same way with Brock Lesnar, same way with Roman Reigns. These are extraordinary human beings with the, ‘it factor,’ that everybody always talks about.

War Zone:

Kane has tweeted his thoughts on the Russia / Ukraine war... and has upset many with his take...

“If you on the Left and are shocked by Putin’s aggression, wake up, Sunshine. Historically in the real world, might makes right. Weakness (which is really what the Left is all about) is not a virtue. It’s a fatal character flaw. (And, no, the US should still not get involved).”

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