Saturday, February 12, 2022


No day:

Vince McMahon has demanded no mention of New Day be made when Big E. and Kofi Kingston are together on screen.

WWE ads:

WWE will run ads during the lucrative Superbowl, to promote this years WrestleMania.


Sami Zayn is the new Intercontinental Champion. The title change was taped last night, and will air next week.

Double J:

Jeff Jarrett is returning to work for NWA.

New TM:

WWE have applied for the term 'Superstar Axxess'.

WWE chase AEW champion:

WWE are said to be openly interested in getting AEW champion Jade Cargill to make the switch. Her recent move to TV has only furthered their hunger  for her.

They have moved on former ROH champion Rok-C. Offering a contract, after her tryout in December.

Khan defends AEW open door:

Tony Khan has responded to a critical comment about how they ''Continually'' bring in outside talent...

“So I think you’ll see a great mix of the veterans, and the young wrestlers, and the free agents, and the forbidden door. It’s a great recipe and the best thing about it is it’s all because of the fans and listening to you and the fans, and what you want to see.”

He went on to open the door to a call from Shane McMahon, should he want to talk...

“I’d certainly take the call. I’m sure he’d be an interesting person to talk to about wrestling. I’m not sure exactly if he would be a fit. I have not heard from him, and I don’t expect to hear from him, but in this business, you never know.”

Alum hitched:

Mojo Rawley was engaged to be married this week.

Hogan's GOAT's:

Hulk Hogan has named the top 3 wrestlers... ever...

“Well, let me tell you something brother! I want everybody in here, on the one, two, three, to give me a ‘Wooo!’ for the greatest wrestler of all time. One! Two! Three! Wooo! Hey, thank you guys for coming out. This is the greatest wrestler of all time, Ric Flair. In honor of the third greatest wrestler ever, ’cause he’s #1, I’m #2. In honor of the third greatest wrestler of all time, that no good Rattlesnake, Steve Austin. Somebody give me a hell yeah!”

Booker T throws support behind Hardyz:

Booker T says he agrees with Jeff Hardy, on his stance regarding HOF induction from WWE...

“You know what, I get it, I totally understand. Those guys worked in that company together for years, and they started there together. They’re originals as far as WWF goes, those guys are originals. I think the Hardys, I really think they want to finish it the way they started it, together. There’s nothing wrong with that. I give them all the props in the world for wanting to do it like that. I wish me and my brother could have finished it like that. Honestly, the way I started it. And I wanted to finish it the way I started it, and that was with my brother. That didn’t get a chance to come to fruition. But these guys still have time to make something like that happen.”

Also on Jeff, Matt has revealed his non compete carries him up until Match 9th, he is then a free agent.

Contract prisoner:

Mustafa Ali has intimated that WWE continue to be steadfast in their refusal to accept his release request, writing on Twitter today...

“I’ll see ya all in like 2 1/2 years,”

This is thought to be his remaining WWE contract, with a potential + of 90 days.


Kylie Rae us benched with a concussion.

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