Thursday, February 17, 2022


Rhodes return:

Cody Rhodes is reportedly scheduled to return to WWE this weekend at the PC for some taping. His wife Brandi is not expected to return with him.


Jake Atlas has had ACL surgery.

Billy Gunn wants character over high spots:

Billy Gunn has urged AEW talent to consider building their gimmicks over their next high spot...

“I think one of the things is they’re not letting the people get emotionally invested in them and letting them absorb what their personalities are. Because they just go, go, go, go, go, and the hardest thing for people to teach is don’t do anything and get the most out of it, and then selling. It’s just go, go, go and the people never have time to catch up. They think just because the people are making noise, they’re over. That’s it, ‘I am it. Did you hear the people?’ Yeah but, they don’t know you, they’re just popping on the move stuff because they can’t do it. It’s just a reaction to something you’re doing and it’s forgotten about the next time somebody walks out of the tunnel. So I think a lot of it is not letting people into what their character, or who they are.”

Loony Toon:

John Cena is to star in the new Wil. E. Coyote movie.

WWE release:

Carlos Cabrera, WWE's long time Spanish mic man, has been dropped, ending a 30 year association with the company.

Match on?:

AJ Styles says he and Edge have talked about working a match at Mania.

WWE deal:

WWE have signed a deal to make Filterman Sports Group their official autograph partner. They will take over running and booking sessions, and collating exclusive signed merch.

New show:

WWE have announced a new reality show, following the real life relationship of Corey Graves and Carmella.

Jake names match Vince ruined:

Jake The Snake says Vince McMahon forever ruined the cage match...

“Vince McMahon, for all the good he did in wrestling, he ruined the cage match. When he made the cage match, the finish, you had to escape the cage. That was the whole reason you had the cage. You had the cage to keep that chickensh-t in the ring with you so you could get even with him and so you could keep other people out. And Vince ruined the whole d-mn thing. He said first one that escapes this cage is the winner. Are you serious? That blows off all of the heat.”

Retirement run:

The Hardyz are working on what they are billing to be their final run together as a team. They will start on March 12 and have 4 dates booked so far. One of those matches will be against Ryder & Hawkins.

JR considering retirement?:

“My contracts up soon and I’m not looking to go anywhere. But nonetheless, I’m 70, I’ve got to be realistic at some point my crazy a** life cause I haven’t been. If my late wife were here she’d say amen to that because he’s a character. I’m loving what I’m doing, still fun for me guys. As long as you keep that element in your place of work, you’re alright, you’re doing good. I can damn sure call a wrestling match because that’s what I love to do. At my age, I’m a widower, my life is occupied by only a small handful of things. One of them is broadcasting a pro wrestling match, as crazy as that sounds. It’s a great little company to be with, we’re growing exponentially, Tony Khan is a genius.”

Zack Ryder recalls creating Edge Heads:

“I have pitched literally hundreds of ideas, but I will say some of them have gone through and some of the ones that have changed my career. For instance, like the Edgehead story was our idea, where we would be Edge’s Edgeheads. So two guys that looked like Edge and we would be hidden under the ring,” he said. “And we’d hide there and then Undertaker thinks he is beating up Edge, but it’s this other Edge. Then Batista thinks he is beating up Edge, but it’s another Edge. Then the real Edge comes out and f**ks them both and wins the belt. That was our pitch. The problem was Adam was out with an injury, and we didn’t know him. We debuted and he was still out, so we had to ask for his email address and then email him. Because we needed his approval, and he was super cool. He could have said, ‘f**king no,’ because we were nobody’s, he didn’t need us because he was already a top guy. But if he didn’t take a chance on us, we were doing the Major Brothers thing, we would probably have gotten fired in six months because we were doing nothing. Sitting in catering every day and then Edge took us under his wing, and the next day we were going on this six-month run beating up The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels or Batista. But if Edge didn’t say yes, it wouldn’t have happened.”

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