Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake has recalled deliberately injuring another wrestler in the ring...

“I had an incident where a guy was giving me a clothesline every night and it was freaking ripping my head off, and I was recovering from having neck surgery. And in wrestling, you can make it look like you tore the guy’s head off or you can tear the guy’s head off. And of course, making it look like it is much better because then the guy can sell it properly. When you tear somebody’s head off, there’s no selling it, man. You get what you got. And I went to the guy and called him out, you know, ‘hey dude, you’re killing me. What the hell?’ And he looked at me and said, ‘well maybe it’s time you get out of the ring’. So the next time we wrestled, he clotheslined me and I did a little maneuver and snapped his bicep in half with intent. And when he went down, he was grabbing his arm, the bicep rolled up on his shoulder, it looked pretty awesome. “And he’s screaming to ring the bell and I jumped on top of him and grabbed bicep and just started squeezing, and I was pissed. And I told him maybe it was time for him to get out of the d-mn ring. Not proud of it. I do need to apologize to him, face him, I’m not gonna call his name out. We all know him. But he did what he did, and I did what I did, and he had six months off. A real man would’ve said, ‘if you do that again, I’m gonna do this to you’. I didn’t do that. So, I felt bad about it because as a wrestler, each time you get into that ring, it’s a life or death situation and you trust your opponent with your life. So I took advantage of that and I feel, I’ve always felt bad about that. I do need to apologize to the guy about it. I’m kind of scared to because he’ll probably kick my a–, and I can’t take that anymore.”

Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt is working on a horror film with the creator of the Firefly FunHouse vignettes.

WWE games:

Machine Gun Kelly is compiling the soundtrack for this years WWE game.

Jack's back:

Mick Foley has applied for the TM of 'Cactus Jack' his iconic character.

Big Show:

Big Show has secured himself a spot on a new space themed alien battling NFT show.

Daniel Bryan reveals AEW worry:

“The fast pace. The action. There’s more and more daredevil moves. I was actually watching one thing that really demoralized me and made me think like ‘oh I’m not gonna go to AEW’. Cody wrestled Penta, right? All of a sudden Cody, who I traveled with in WWE, he’s doing a top rope Frankensteiner where they’re both standing on the top rope. I was like ‘oh my gosh. Am I gonna have to do that?’ I don’t think I can. I’m 40. It was one of those things where it scared me a little bit but also excited me. There’s something so appealing about that, about living your life on the boundaries of what you think you can do and what you know you can do.”


Swerve is reportedly going to AEW when his WWE no compete ends, in early March.

Road Dogg names favourite wrestler:

“I’ll tell you what my favorite character is, Santino Marella. He’s my favorite wrestler in the history of wrestling, ever. When he would go to do the dive and then he would like, change his mind or he would climb to the top, up to the top turnbuckle, and then climb back down. Like that’s entertainment, man.”

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