Thursday, February 10, 2022


Flair vs Lynch:

Ric Flair and Becky Lynch are in a war of words, Ric Flair's latest shot...

“Once again, she’s not Ronny, she’s Ronda Rousey, okay. Anybody stupid enough to call her Ronny and make a joke of her presence and what she brings to the company is out of their mind. As an example, what is her name now? Big Time Becks? ‘Hey Ronny, welcome back.’ Wow, that’s exciting. Hey, how about: thank you Ronda for showing up because I’m not The Man anymore, I’m generic… who am I? Big Time Becks? The Lasskicker? Who am I?”

Drew this response from the Man...

“Work so hard your heroes become your rivals. Then, become so good, Ric Flair loses his mind every time you breathe”

NJPW surprises AEW:

Jay White made an appearance with AEW this week, in a spot with Adam Cole.

Shane back at work:

Shane McMahon was reportedly back on WWE duty last night for a meeting to arrange a partnership deal with South Africa's Sharks rugby team. His first task since his reported Royal Rumble walk out.


Chris Jericho has discussed his position in AEW, likening his role to that of The Undertaker in WWE...

“Not that there’s any comparison, but I think I’m kind of taking on like The Undertaker role in the WWE for his last few years there. Where every time he does something, it’s impactful; it means something. He’s a benefit to have in the locker room. He’s a leader. He’s very experienced. He can tell guys and girls what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong. And it’s just a good person to have around your roster.”

WWE sign legend:

Former Tag Team Champion, Samu, of the Headshrinkers, has signed a WWE legends deal.

Seth names AEW star as one of the GOAT's:

Seth Rollins has named his Mount Rushmore of wrestling. Listing Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero as his first 3, he the selected...

“Number four, controversial pick because he’s still active, Bryan Danielson. I actually think in-ring he’s one of the greatest of all time. And I think when it’s all said and done, he’ll be up there with the guys.”

Christopher Daniels talks lingering injury:

“When I talked to the doctor about it and he said that this, it can happen on occasion, that hemorrhages sort of doesn’t drain or heal. And you know, it doesn’t have anything to do with the iris itself. “It’s just the white of the eye that’s sort of discolored. So yeah, I mean, it’s could be like this, it could dry up in like a week or it could be like this for a while, I have no idea. This is the first time it’s ever stuck with me. I’ve had this injury before. Not this eye, but I mean, I’ve had hemorrhages before. Black eyes and things like that. But for some reason, this thing is just sticking.”

Big signing:

Keith Lee made his AEW debut last night, after leaving WWE as part of the severe. roster cuts  last year

Why I quit:

Kyle O'Reilly has revealed why he jumped ship from NXT to AEW...

“When NXT got its TV deal, there was something Hunter said that I loved when he compared NXT to the main roster. He said ‘NXT was like the broadway show. It’s where the real performers get out there. They’ve got the chops, they can act, they can sing, they can dance, they can do it all and there are no special effects. There’s no big-budget blockbuster movie special effects that are hiding it all like RAW and Smackdown would be.’ I just thought that was such a great analogy, and it really rang true. When we were renegotiating, the powers that be were like ‘listen, this doesn’t typically happen. Usually we re-sign guys six months out,'. But talent relations at the time, I guess let things slip or weren’t into re-upping NXT guys contracts is the only explanation I can give. I really don’t know. But I thought I had at least six months to a year left. It was a real surprise to me knowing it was coming up in December, (but) a pleasant surprise, just with the landscape and everything. It was really kind of a blessing that I was given the opportunity to make my own decision. I could stay, I could go; it wasn’t made up for me. I feel for people who get released and everything, and that’s happened way more than it should. It’s awful. I was just grateful that I was in a position where I could kind of look at the landscape and see what opportunities were out there. And luckily for me, AEW was the place and I were able to jump ship as it were. We don’t want pro rasslers’ was something I heard. And it was like ‘alright but I am a pro wrestler. And I want to be a pro wrestler still. So I want to go where I can be a pro wrestler.’ And I know that the things are the same, sports entertainment, wrestling, it’s all the same. But I don’t know if everyone looks at it that way.”


The former World Champion Great Khali has joined Indian Prime Minster, Nerendra Modi's political party.

Tony Khan has shot down rumours he is looking at a political career in America.

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