Monday, February 28, 2022


Injury delay:

Kota Ibushi's planned return to the ring has been shelved. His doctors say March 1st is too soon.

Hall Of Fame:

WWE considered Bubba Dudley's idea of inducting Undertaker into the HOF alone this year, but have decided against it. More names will be announced over the next couple of weeks, the next one expected this week.

Ref recalls Cena injuring opponent:

Mike Chioda says John Cena legit choked Umaga into unconsciousness when they fought over the World title in a Last Man Standing bout in 2007...

“John Cena had a rope around his neck and he was actually choking Umaga out, and Umaga passed out. I’m sitting there going ‘Eckie, Eckie,’ at first I’m like ‘What do you say Umaga, what do you say? Do you want to give it up, do you want to quit?’ I remember Umaga passed out and I was like ‘Eckie, Eckie, can you hear me?’ And then I was like ‘John, let go, let go’ and yeah, he choked him out and Umaga passed out. Umaga passed out, he couldn’t answer anything, he was out like a light. That’s why I got so worried about Eckie man, my god, I was thinking was he concussed? But no, the rope got him and choked him out, and he passed out. I didn’t even know Eckie was passed out, I was pissed. He was shoot passed out, shoot passed out. He was totally out of it.”

He said Umaga later told him he was desperately trying to tell him the rope was too tight, but he could not get any strength to his voice to make himself heard. This left him blaming himself, as Ref's need to be on top of situations, to keep the guys and girls safe, but said this later gave way to anger at Cena, whose attitude to the incident ''Pissed him off''.


There is said to be 0% chance of Triple H being involved as a wrestler at WrestleMania, despite some rumours over the past few days. His heart condition has been surgically remedied, and he is said to be fine, but will likely never wrestle again.

Gargano ready to go:

Johnny Gargano says he is ready to take bookings, after his WWE departure and birth of his new child.

Becky no show:

Becky Lynch failed to attend a booking this weekend, without any explanation from promotion or star.


Kevin Owens says Vince McMahon personally dealt with his recent contract talks.


Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan has confirmed he has divorced his wife since 2010, and found a new love.

The Hall Of Famer was challenged to a match on social media over the weekend, by Shane McMahon.

Drew talks scary spot:

Drew McIntyre has shared his side of the Madcap Moss botch from Elimination Chamber...

''“I didn’t realize how bad it was, but I saw the clip back. I understand that, let’s just say, he zigged when he should have zagged. The move didn’t go the way it’s supposed to go. I was aware of that, but I did not realize how bad it was. And the fact that you know, he was okay. I did double-check that. I could see it in his eyes he was good. He was double-checking to make sure he could finish the match and after the fact, the necessary precautions were taken, and thankfully now he’s all good.”

WrestleMania card:

Night 1:

  • Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey (Red Women's)
  • Becky Lynch vs Bianca BelAir (Blue Women's)
  • The Miz & Logan Paul vs The Mysterio's

Night 2:

  • Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns (Unification match)
  • Edge vs TBA.

To be confirmed:

  • Sami Zayn vs Johnny Knoxville (IC)
  • Carmella & Zelina vs Sasah Banks & Naomi (Women's Tag)
  • Vince McMahon vs Pat MacAfee
  • Drew McIntyre vs Happy Corbin
  • Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kevin Owens.

Sunday, February 27, 2022


Britt Baker thanks WWE staffer for NOT hiring her:

“I had a tryout, I was fresh out of training. They gave me a tryout solely based on my looks, ‘oh, this is a cute girl.’ I got put in a group after the training was all done, bumps and rolls. We can’t even walk by the end of the tryout. It was me, Lacey Evans, and Bianca were the females, in Orlando. It was all these extras, they were like testing our range of motion. We were like, ‘holy shit, we are getting signed.’ So we are celebrating, and I still talk to those girls all the time. But, Canyon Ceman, at the time, he was like the gatekeeper for independent wrestlers to get into NXT. He pulled me aside at the end of the tryout. And he was like, ‘you know, you’ve just started dental school. As a father, I have a hard time pulling you from a professional degree.’ My heart dropped. But I owe him the world because I would have left dental school in a heartbeat to go to WWE. Because I was young, dumb, and I was like, ‘I’m going to be NXT Women’s Champion,’ like that would have got me far, right? He stayed in touch with me every few months after that. Like, ‘let me know when you finish dental school, send me your matches,’ he always kept up with me.”

Kofi talks Royal Rumble botch:

Talking about botching his annual close call elimination this year...

“Obviously when the Royal Rumble comes around, it’s become something synonymous with something I’m going to do in the match. So, what happened was not supposed to happen. I was trying to kind of land on the barricade. It was something – I walked through it a few times, but it was always going to hurt. It was gonna hurt no matter what, so I couldn’t really practice it like full out. When I did, I think that I jumped too high which has never usually been a problem. I could’ve jumped like further out.”

NXT wedding:

Ivy Nile is engaged to be married.


AAA are said to be deep in talks with a Spanish language network in the US over a TV deal.

Familiar face at Mania:

Corey Graves says a familiar face could be on their way back to WWE at WrestleMania...

“And who knows, if the rumors do in fact prove to be true, we may have another familiar face back in the fold between now and The Showcase of the Immortals. This is one of those ones where: if you know, you know. I’m not going to speak to it any longer. I’m going to feed the rumor mill, that’s what I’m doing, I’m feeding the rumor mill. I’m stoking the flames and I am pouring gas on the fire. If the rumors are true, I couldn’t be more thrilled.”

Heyman talks Undertaker:

“Not enough credit goes to The Undertaker for his presence in the locker room, for guiding that locker room through a very tough navigation and a trajectory into the future. This was not only the standard-bearer in terms of big men working, this was the standard-bearer in terms of a modern-day work ethic. And he, it’s very humbling when you realize the enormity of his contributions to this industry and the fact that he so graciously is willing to pass it on to the next generation. He is a man whose means and methods and the manner in which he presents himself is something we should all aspire to. Magic. Leadership. A giant, a giant who could move like a cruiserweight, but understood not to unless necessary. Unless the situation called for it. Intelligence. Checked every box. Just, you know, it’s funny, I get a lot of credit from a lot of people. From the talent themselves, whether it’s The Undertaker, whether it’s Steve Austin — ‘Oh, before anybody noticed me, Paul Heyman noticed me.’ And I don’t think there was ever a lot of credit for that. I think it’s an indictment of other people that didn’t see it. I don’t know how you could be in a room with Mark, with The Undertaker and not understand this guy is very, very special. I don’t understand how you could walk into a room with Steve Austin and not say to yourself, ‘woah, there’s something very different about this athlete.’ Same way with Brock Lesnar, same way with Roman Reigns. These are extraordinary human beings with the, ‘it factor,’ that everybody always talks about.

War Zone:

Kane has tweeted his thoughts on the Russia / Ukraine war... and has upset many with his take...

“If you on the Left and are shocked by Putin’s aggression, wake up, Sunshine. Historically in the real world, might makes right. Weakness (which is really what the Left is all about) is not a virtue. It’s a fatal character flaw. (And, no, the US should still not get involved).”

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Test, Test... This is a Test...


Belts to be unified:

The World and Universal Championships will be unified at WrestleMania. This has led to speculation that the brand split will be dropped post WrestleMania, and the fear from the roster that that could lead to another round of roster cuts.

Celeb wants gold:

Jackass star Jonny Knoxville has asked for a shot at Sami Zayn's IC title, the match is expected to be at WrestleMania.

Fan invasion:

Mia Yim has asked fans not to turn up at the home she shares with new husband Keith Lee, asking them to respect their privacy and boundaries.

Vince to wrestle at Mania?:

Rumous are swirling of Vince McMahon considering stepping between the ropes one more time at this years Mania. The plan is to start a feud with Pat MacAfee when he appears on his podcast this week , which will ultimately culminate with a match at the grandaddy of them all. He is now 76, and has not wrestled in over a decade.

Sunny arrested:

Sunny has been arrested in Kentucky for a series of crimes, mainly linked to driving offences.

Austin pulls out of Mania?:

WWE have started a Tag Title story for Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens, for WrestleMania. This is interesting as Kevin Owens was the man set aside for a ring return for Stone Cold at the event. This could mean SCSA has, as he has done several times in the past, rejected the opportunity for a comeback.

AEW star back home:

Hikaru Shida is back in Japan. She is taking a hiatus from AEW, and will return to her home nation's scene in mid March.

Barry Horriblewitz is back:

Barry Horowitz is coming back to the ring. He will wrestle for the first time in almost a decade vs Joey Janela, for WrestlePro.

Impact  on the Indies:

Moose is going to defend his Impact Championship for Revolver, vs Mike Bailey, the promotion have announced.

Friday, February 25, 2022



WWE are still on good terms with Cesaro, and a deal sits on the table, should he choose to sign it. He is expected to look at any external offers to come his way first.

Why we quit:

Lince Dorado has outlined why he left WWE...

“When we asked for our release in September or October, I think it was September, I went into it with two things. I was like ‘man, I don’t really have a plan, but I know I’ve been poor, I’ve been homeless, I’ve been broke. I’ll be fine, I’ve always been fine. I look forward to all the challenges in my life. So this new adventure of leaving something that I was so comfortable in needed to be done for me personally. I needed to leave. I was looking forward to it. I was looking forward to a lot of things, I was looking forward to being my own boss, being creative, saying things how I wanted to say it, be how I wanted to be, dress how I wanted to dress, represent lucha libre how I wanted to represent it. Not how, and again I’m not saying they did, but I wanted to put my flavor on it. I didn’t want to write it off as somebody’s idea, I wanted to fail on my own. And that’s why I had asked for my release. I just felt like I was complacent, I felt like I was just floating. I wasn’t progressing creatively, I didn’t like my position. I just needed a change, and as much as it’s scary and as much money I left on the table and how much time I had left on my contract, it wasn’t worth it to me. I needed that peace of mind of being free and being creatively free.”

AEW injury update:

Angelico says rumours his career is in jeopardy are not true, and he is recovering well from a knee injury.

Lesnar off script incident explained:

Brock Lesnar going off script at Elimination Chamber was a miscue. He knew Bobby Lashley was not going to be competing, so when the buzzer went off for his pod he, not knowing, it is claimed, that WWE planned to do an empty pod opening to sell Lashley's absence, took the opportunity to jump into the bout himself.

Owww have a TM:

Mick Foley has applied to TM 'Dude Love' (I am going to be controversial, and say) his best ring gimmick during the attitude era.

Graves confirms ring return:

Corey Graves has confirmed he is cleared to return to wrestling...

“It’s crossed my mind. I went and spent some time with, with doctors over the past. Actually, in the middle of the last year, I kind of got the itch and I think this is one of the first times I’m saying this publicly. Yeah, I have been medically cleared to compete. It’s not an immediate goal of mine, it was just something that I, I needed to know that I needed to know for my own sanity. My journey in the ring got cut short and it’s kind of eaten at me for years. Always wondering, ‘what if? What if there’s a chance? What if there’s an opportunity?’ And so I went and did the necessary steps. And turns out that I am a little more okay than I thought I was. But you never say never. It’s not an immediate goal, but I mean, you can’t ever take the wrestler out of my heart. So I’d be remiss if I didn’t have any interest.”

Rare merch:

AEW have released their first official Owen Hart T-shirt.

Mania 38:

Paul Heyman has confirmed Brock vs Roman will headline night 2 of WrestleMania 38. Flair vs Rousey will have the honour on night 1.

Keith Lee reveals issue WWE had with him:

“Listen, it’s something that Mark (Henry) and I talked about years ago, maybe I think I was still in NXT at the time. He knows I am open to that. Especially since in that particular place most people had an issue with the way that I speak and my demeanor in how I speak, and my cadence. I don’t know what it is about. Maybe my voice or maybe its vocal tone, whatever it may be, was a bit of an issue there. If it ever becomes an issue, I am sure that Mark could take the reins. The guy is very versatile with his microphone skills.”

Cardona commits cardinal sin:

Matt Cardona (FKA Zack Ryder) set an action figure alight during a vignette to promote an upcoming match, strange enough, given his love of toys... I mean adult collectibles... but this figure was an MOC green card Hasbro 1,2,3,Kid, the most sought after figure in the wrestling collectors community, which sells on Ebay for upwards of $750. He caught some heat on social media for the stunt.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Bullied or bully?:

A former WWE writer has hit back at FTR after Dax claimed he was bullied by Shawn Michaels. He says he and his tag team partner, were not the most pleasant people in the locker room, either...

''Writers are, without a doubt, second class citizens in wrestling. But nobody deserves to be in a hostile or uncooperative work environment, regardless of what they do on the show. They ducked me all night, when they could have helped me make the promo better. We barely got the pre-tape on the air that night.

Austin Aries:

Austin Aries has signed for Braun Strowman's Control Your Narrative promotion.


Buddy Murphy debuted for AEW last night.

WWE deal:

WWE have signed a deal with On Location to offer premium packages to their fans for their live and PPV tour. The special deals, which are on sale now, will cover the traditional major events, as well as premier live events.

Daniel Bryan talks last ambition:

Daniel Bryan says his goals in wrestling are almost totally done, bar competing in G1 for New Japan.

Jeff Hardy defends refusing WWE rehab offer:

Jeff Hardy hopes we have not seen the last of him in a WWE ring, but added that he felt no remorse for refusing WWE's demand he go to rehab to save his job, which led to his release...

“They released me and tried to make me go to rehab but I’m just so over it. My dream match was with Roman Reigns, I’ve talked about that many times but then I said, ‘so you want me to go away for like 28 days just to save my job?’ No. You know what’s important to me? Family. My two daughters, my wife, they believe in me. F*ck WWE man. It’s like a private, personal thing. I’m not going to f*cking go to rehab. If they believe in me, that’s all that matters, my wife and my two girls.”

He added that he will be heading to AEW as soon as he is able.


Goldberg says he had Covid-19 when WWE booked him to face Roman Reigns in Saudi Arabia, leaving him almost no time to get ready for the match.

Impact signing

Deaner has re-signed.

Alum recalls hellish battle with Covid-19

Mojo Rawley says he feared he was going to lose his life while fighting Covid-19...

“Probably the scariest part for a little bit of this was when the breathing was bad, it was scary to go to sleep because I was worried that I might not wake up. You know, I might suffocate myself in my sleep. Especially with how tired I was getting at points because I literally wasn’t sleeping. You know, I worried I was just going to pass out and that might be it, you know? So there was that fear for a little bit. It was just kind of like the on and off kind of spotty body fever kind of thing. Like the chills and whatnot, I think most people get it. And then, I’m not sure what happened from there. Myself, the doctors, we have a couple of hunches, but things kind of spun out of control, my fever spiked to 104°. I was overheating, it was so crazy. I remember taking an ice-cold shower trying to get my body temp down and like, the freezing cold water would touch the top of my head, and by the time it got down to my neck it was like, boiling hot. I was like, that’s crazy that this, just this amount of distance was causing water, freezing water to boil. So I went into the hospital. They checked me out, they took my temperature. They really didn’t have anything for me to do but sit in a cold room by myself to bring my fever down. But after that, I just started developing this cough and these breathing issues. I was coughing so bad that the blood vessels in my eyes burst. So like, my eyes were bloodshot, looked insane.”

He said to top this off he heard about the swingeing roster cuts his employer at the time were making, adding to his distress, with fear for his job, as well as his life.


Impact champion Moose is working with a torn labrum, he says he is beat up, but will fulfil his title reign, before taking an extended break to recover.


Cena heat:

John Cena is getting mainstream media heat for a tweet, using the awful conflict in Ukraine, as fuel for promoting his new movie.


Cesaro has reportedly ended his more than a decade long career with the WWE. He and WWE had been in contract negotiations until as recently as last week, when he decided that he had had enough of the impasse in talks. He chose not to attend a booked appearance at SmackDown, and when contacted to ask his whereabouts, he is said to have informed WWE he was no longer employed by the company. He is under no contractual obligation to WWE and is free to sign and start working elsewhere whenever he wants.

Brian Cage:

Brian Cage says he expects to be offered, and will accept a one year contract extension with AEW.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake has recalled deliberately injuring another wrestler in the ring...

“I had an incident where a guy was giving me a clothesline every night and it was freaking ripping my head off, and I was recovering from having neck surgery. And in wrestling, you can make it look like you tore the guy’s head off or you can tear the guy’s head off. And of course, making it look like it is much better because then the guy can sell it properly. When you tear somebody’s head off, there’s no selling it, man. You get what you got. And I went to the guy and called him out, you know, ‘hey dude, you’re killing me. What the hell?’ And he looked at me and said, ‘well maybe it’s time you get out of the ring’. So the next time we wrestled, he clotheslined me and I did a little maneuver and snapped his bicep in half with intent. And when he went down, he was grabbing his arm, the bicep rolled up on his shoulder, it looked pretty awesome. “And he’s screaming to ring the bell and I jumped on top of him and grabbed bicep and just started squeezing, and I was pissed. And I told him maybe it was time for him to get out of the d-mn ring. Not proud of it. I do need to apologize to him, face him, I’m not gonna call his name out. We all know him. But he did what he did, and I did what I did, and he had six months off. A real man would’ve said, ‘if you do that again, I’m gonna do this to you’. I didn’t do that. So, I felt bad about it because as a wrestler, each time you get into that ring, it’s a life or death situation and you trust your opponent with your life. So I took advantage of that and I feel, I’ve always felt bad about that. I do need to apologize to the guy about it. I’m kind of scared to because he’ll probably kick my a–, and I can’t take that anymore.”

Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt is working on a horror film with the creator of the Firefly FunHouse vignettes.

WWE games:

Machine Gun Kelly is compiling the soundtrack for this years WWE game.

Jack's back:

Mick Foley has applied for the TM of 'Cactus Jack' his iconic character.

Big Show:

Big Show has secured himself a spot on a new space themed alien battling NFT show.

Daniel Bryan reveals AEW worry:

“The fast pace. The action. There’s more and more daredevil moves. I was actually watching one thing that really demoralized me and made me think like ‘oh I’m not gonna go to AEW’. Cody wrestled Penta, right? All of a sudden Cody, who I traveled with in WWE, he’s doing a top rope Frankensteiner where they’re both standing on the top rope. I was like ‘oh my gosh. Am I gonna have to do that?’ I don’t think I can. I’m 40. It was one of those things where it scared me a little bit but also excited me. There’s something so appealing about that, about living your life on the boundaries of what you think you can do and what you know you can do.”


Swerve is reportedly going to AEW when his WWE no compete ends, in early March.

Road Dogg names favourite wrestler:

“I’ll tell you what my favorite character is, Santino Marella. He’s my favorite wrestler in the history of wrestling, ever. When he would go to do the dive and then he would like, change his mind or he would climb to the top, up to the top turnbuckle, and then climb back down. Like that’s entertainment, man.”

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


New champion:

Dana Brooke is the new 24/7 champion.


Edge has thrown out an open challenge for WrestleMania. It is expected AJ Styles will be the one to answer it. Although Finn Balor, Damien Priest and Cody Rhodes are said to be other possibilities.

HOF class should be stopped now:

Bubba Dudley says this years WWE Hall class should be completed now, and Undertaker should be inducted alone...

“This year’s entire Hall of Fame induction should be about The Undertaker. I think several people should come up and help induct him. I think they can make it a very entertaining show. Taker can talk forever. I think it sells out the American Airlines Arena on its own. That’s how big of a deal The Undertaker being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame is. It’s like, how do you pick just one person to induct him? There are so many people that can do a phenomenal job of inducting him. Why not bring in everybody up there? I am a fan of the Hall of Fame induction behind the night after SmackDown. As a fan, you’re getting a lot of value, you’re getting value for your buck.”

Standing O:

Bianca BelAir and Doudrop (I hate that name!) received a standing ovation from their peers after they returned to the locker room after their Raw match.

WWE live tour:

Trish Stratus is scheduled to host two lives in Canada next month.

The promotion have also announced they have re-named their Sunday live shows, they will now be called, Sunday Stunner's.

DDP names 3 stars he neglected to thank:

DDP says he was furious with himself for forgetting 3 people during his HOF speech...

“There’s only one thing I’m thinking about it — this is going to be my greatest moment in professional wrestling. I’m going to blow everyone away,” he said. “I’m gonna make them laugh. I’m gonna make them cry. I’m gonna inspire them. That’s the only voice in my brain, and when I went out there, it was the best thing I’ve ever done. I got to thank all my brothers who help me along the way and paid tribute to them. The only person I forgot was Big Show, and Medusa, I was so pissed, and Tony Schiavone. Those were the three people I forgot and I called each one of them afterward. I said, ‘I’m so sorry I forgot’. They’re like, ‘dude, don’t worry about it’. But I was like, ‘no, you guys were part of the story. A big part of the story’. And I wanted to thank them, so at Positively Unstoppable, I thanked them in the acknowledgments because I forgot you there. Because I always give credit to the people who helped me get there. You know, it’s so important.”

WWE return:

Drave Maverick re-signed with WWE last month and is now working with the creative team as a writer and producer.

Backstage bullying:

Dax Harwood has recalled Shawn Michaels using the details of a private conversation as fuel to abuse him backstage at Raw 25 in 2018...

“I told him, ‘Man this happened, tore my bicep, went through a really dark period and thought I was going to quit but thankfully I have the greatest wife in the world and she has supported me and brought me out of this funk and out of this dark place and I’m here now, I’m super happy.’ He said ‘I was the same way, I was in this very dark spot that my wife, she’s beautiful, she pulled me out of this dark spot too. You and your partner are way too talented to be doing what you’re doing tonight, you are way too talented to stay at this point. Just keep your nose to the ground and keep grinding and you’ll get over.’ I said ‘oh Shawn, thank you so much.’ We had this bonding moment, and then we got in front of his friends X-Pac, Hunter, Billy, Road Dogg, Scott, and as soon as we got in front of his friends, he started making fun of me and making fun of my situation and what happened with my bicep. I was like man I just poured my heart out to you and as soon as we get in front of your friends, cause we’re going over that they’re going to beat the s--t out of us, you decide to take all of that stuff and make fun of me about it?”

AJ Styles re-signs:

AJ Styles has re-signed for WWE. A new deal reportedly worth $3 million per year + bus travel reimbursements, extends the deal that was scheduled to end in late spring / early summer of this year.

Monday, February 21, 2022


Team split:

Tegan Nox says she found out she was being split from Shotzi on WWE TV via a Twitter post.

4 Horsewomen Mania main nixed:

WWE planned to have had the 4 Horsewomen of WWE, Bayley, Becky, Charlotte and Sasha, main event night 1 of WrestleMania this year, but it was dropped. It is speculated the real world tensions, which spilled onto screen, between Charlotte and Becky played a part in it's nixing, but there was also a big push to showcase Bianca BelAir, and this won out. Bayley's injury will likely also have played a role in the change.

JBL wants to manage:

Bradshaw says he would love to manage Baron Corbin in WWE.

Lesnar talks motivation:

“I don’t have to do this. Okay? I’ve been really wise and I’m not here, I’m doing it because I want to. And I’m not gloating, I just, I’ve been really good with money. Yeah, so it hasn’t always been that way though. I learned from a lot of people. I was almost bankrupt my first run, you know?”

Pillman moving:

Brian Pillman Jr. has clarified that he is moving house, not on, from AEW, after a confusion from a social media post. He is returning to Cincinatti, from Jacksonville.


CM Punk is going into the ROH Hall Of Fame.

New Japan Cup:

NJPW have released the bracket for their 2022 hosting of the New Japan cup...

XFL coming back:

The XFL, now owned by The Rock, has signed a partnership deal with NFL and will return in 2023.

Angle names toughest move to take:

“Without a doubt The Last Ride. You want to make sure you don’t have to go to the bathroom when you take it. It will knock the s--t out of you, the air out of you, the piss, everything. You’ll go to the bathroom in your pants with that move alone. Empty everything before.”

Dusty Rhodes Classic:

This is the official match bracket for this years Dusty Rhodes tag tourney...

Sunday, February 20, 2022



Goldberg is now a free agent.


WWE have kayfabed Bobby Lashley out of the stories because he needs a legitimate shoulder surgery. He faces a minimum of 4 months on the bench.

JoMo to AAA:

John Morrison debuted in AAA this weekend.

Hall Of Fame:

Doink The Clown and Shane McMahon are reportedly on the shortlist for this years HOF class.

Tony Khan talks AEW inclusivity:

“I think in the LGBTQ community, we have great representation. We have Nyla Rose, a former Woman’s World Champion, the first transgender World Champion in wrestling ever. Of course, diversifying the roster is very important and we saw that… as we added great free agents this week including Keith Lee and AQA. 

And I plan to continue to diversify and expand the roster, and I’m very excited about what we’re doing. Also, Jake Atlas. He was another great debut who really serves, you know, the community and he’s a great person. I was sorry he had that injury on Rampage against Adam Cole, but I’m really excited about him and we’re going to take care of him while he’s out. I’m a big fan of Jake Atlas too.”

Brock went off script:

Brock Lesnar reportedly went off script at Elimination Chamber. The spot where he kicked his way through his pod was not scripted into the match, and the pod was not gimmicked to allow him to get out, he had to legit kick his way through.


Undertaker made a surprise appearance at a Bad Bunny concert last night.

Heel Turns:

Eddie Edwards and Jay White turned heel on the factions at Impact last night.

Omega offers injury update:

“I was perhaps a little too optimistic. I was hoping to be back by February, and it’s not looking that way anymore. And that’s not to say that there was a huge snag or that you know there’s something that is terribly wrong. It’s not that. It’s just when you’re trying to get appointments and things fixed, you have it in your brain that oh yeah, I can just call a number, and I’ll get in the next day. I’m still feeling a little bit better as time goes by and that’s without even having to do a lot of the major procedures that need to be done. That’s just myself working with trainers and doing the proper rehab. I was leaning too heavily into my strengths as a performer and as an athlete. I guess over the years there were either just natural strengths that I had or things that I had overdeveloped and I was relying too much on those things. Now that the knees are gone, the neck’s going, a lot of stuff was going on.”


September 3rd or 4th is the likeliest date for a major UK stadium show. WWE have been working on coming across the pond for a PPV level special for over a year, with Drew McIntyre being a driving force to get a deal done.

Mania 38 card... so far:

  1. Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns (Title for Title) *
  2. Becky Lynch vs Bianca BelAir (Red Women's) *
  3. Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey (Blue Women's) *
  4. Stone Cold STeve Austin vs Kevin Owens
  5. Sami Zayn vs Johnny Knoxville (IC)
  6. The Miz & Logan Paul vs The Mysterio's
  7. Drew McIntyre vs Happy Corbin
Confirmed matches indicated with a star.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Carlos Cabrera's replacement:

Jerry Soto is back with WWE to fill the seat vacated by Carlos Cabrera. He was released in November, but is now back.

Undertaker comments on HOF:

''Received an overwhelming response to the news. Thank you to everyone who reached out but for now, I’ll say this… it’s been a wild ride … headed to the #WWEHOF!''

New Day-Tona 500:

Big E. will be driving the pace car at the Daytona 500.

WWE games:

WWE have announced the arenas and titles you can play in and for, on the next video game...


  1. WCW Monday Nitro
  2. WCW Starrcade 1996
  3. WWE 205 Live
  4. WWE Clash of Champions 2020
  5. WWE Elimination Chamber 2021
  6. WWE Fastlane 2021
  7. WWE Hell in a Cell 2020
  8. WWE Horror Show at Extreme Rules
  9. WWE Main Event
  10. WWE Mixed Match Challenge
  11. WWE Money in the Bank 2021
  12. WWE NXT
  13. WWE NXT TakeOver 31
  14. WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House
  15. WWE NXT TakeOver XXX
  16. WWE NXT TakeOver: Stand and Deliver
  17. WWE NXT Vengeance Day
  18. WWE Payback 2020
  19. WWE Raw ThunderDome
  20. WWE Raw 2020
  21. WWE Raw 2021
  22. WWE Royal Rumble 2021
  23. WWE SmackDown ThunderDome
  24. WWE SmackDown 2020
  25. WWE SmackDown 2021
  26. WWE SummerSlam 1988
  27. WWE SummerSlam 2020
  28. WWE Survivor Series 2020
  29. WWE TLC 2020
  30. WWE WrestleMania 37
  31. WWE WrestleMania Backlash


  1. ECW Championship (Original ECW, WWE ECW, Final WWE ECW)
  2. ECW Television Championship
  3. LeftRightLeftRight Championship
  4. Million Dollar Championship
  5. NXT Championship (Classic and Current)
  6. NXT Cruiserweight Championship
  7. NXT North American Championship
  8. NXT Women’s Championship (Classic and Current)
  9. NXT UK Championship
  10. NXT UK Women’s Championship
  11. UpUpDownDown Championship
  12. WCW Hardcore Championship
  13. WCW United States Championship
  14. WCW World Championship (1993 Version, nWo, Big Gold)
  15. World Wide Wrestling Federation Championship (The first world title Hulk Hogan wins)
  16. WWE Championship (Brahma Bull, Smoking Skull, Big eagle, Winged Eagle, Undisputed Current, Current but with scratch logo)
  17. WWE Cruiserweight Championship (2001-2007)
  18. WWE Divas Championship
  19. WWE European Championship
  20. WWE Intercontinental Championship (90, 94, 2011-2019, Current)
  21. WWE Light Heavyweight Championship
  22. WWE Raw Women’s Championship
  23. WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship
  24. WWE United Kingdom Championship
  25. WWE United States Championship (John Cena variant, classic WWE design, current design)
  26. WWE Universal Championship
  27. WWE Women’s Championship


Sammy Guevara has a scratched cornea.

YouTuber to wrestle:

Logan Paul is set to work a programme with The Miz and The Mysterio's.

Announcement nixed:

WWE killed a guest appearance, planned to announce The Undertaker for this years HOF, at Elimination Chamber.

Mania main confirmed:

Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns is now official for Mania 38.

Becky Lynch vs Bianca BelAir is also booked.

Flair accused:

Lacey Evans made, but later deleted, a post accusing Ric Flair of making sexually inappropriate comments to her during a WWE taping, just before she went off to have her baby. She says he compared her to a Hooters girl.


Brock Lesnar is once again WWE Champion. He took the gold from Bobby Lashley in Saudi Arabia, after Lashley was unable to compete due to a kayfabe concussion injury suffered during an elimination chamber match.

Friday, February 18, 2022


Stromwan launches indie:

ECIII and Braun Stroman have announced they are launching a new promotion together. They are already in talks about a TV deal.

WWE show returns:

WWE have announced they are bringing back Saturday Night's Main Event.

Lio Rush:

Lio Rush has left AEW to return to MLW.

Career over:

D'Von Dudley was told he can never wrestle again, after undergoing back surgery this week.

Kairi Sane:

Kairi Sane is back in action in Japan, she has signed for Stardom.

Carlos Cabrera:

Carlos Cabrera was released by WWE because of his age. They want a younger face to represent the company to their Spanish language market.

Free to be:

The November cull of WWE talent are now free to resume their careers.

New baby:

Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae have given birth to a baby son. They named him Quill.

Hall Of Fame:

The Undertaker has been named for the Hall Of Famer 2022.

Rachel Ellering:

Rachel Ellering has reportedly cut her ties with Impact.

Corey cleared:

Corey Graves brother, Sam Adonis, says his brother has been cleared to return to wrestling after a 7 year injury lay off longer than any one knew it was even a possibility, and has been training with him., he thought for a Royal Rumble surprise appearance.

WWE support controversial doc:

WWE are supporting the Peacock Teddy Hart documentary, despite claiming otherwise when the story first broke.

Massive week:

Tony Khan is hoping to complete a deal on something massive within the next week.

Injury delay:

Ray Fenix has another month to wait for his AEW return, after an arm injury.

WrestleMania main event SPOILER!!!:

Brock Lesnar is scheduled to win the title back in Saudi Arabia this weekend, and then go on to face Roman Reigns in a title for title main event.

Thursday, February 17, 2022


Rhodes return:

Cody Rhodes is reportedly scheduled to return to WWE this weekend at the PC for some taping. His wife Brandi is not expected to return with him.


Jake Atlas has had ACL surgery.

Billy Gunn wants character over high spots:

Billy Gunn has urged AEW talent to consider building their gimmicks over their next high spot...

“I think one of the things is they’re not letting the people get emotionally invested in them and letting them absorb what their personalities are. Because they just go, go, go, go, go, and the hardest thing for people to teach is don’t do anything and get the most out of it, and then selling. It’s just go, go, go and the people never have time to catch up. They think just because the people are making noise, they’re over. That’s it, ‘I am it. Did you hear the people?’ Yeah but, they don’t know you, they’re just popping on the move stuff because they can’t do it. It’s just a reaction to something you’re doing and it’s forgotten about the next time somebody walks out of the tunnel. So I think a lot of it is not letting people into what their character, or who they are.”

Loony Toon:

John Cena is to star in the new Wil. E. Coyote movie.

WWE release:

Carlos Cabrera, WWE's long time Spanish mic man, has been dropped, ending a 30 year association with the company.

Match on?:

AJ Styles says he and Edge have talked about working a match at Mania.

WWE deal:

WWE have signed a deal to make Filterman Sports Group their official autograph partner. They will take over running and booking sessions, and collating exclusive signed merch.

New show:

WWE have announced a new reality show, following the real life relationship of Corey Graves and Carmella.

Jake names match Vince ruined:

Jake The Snake says Vince McMahon forever ruined the cage match...

“Vince McMahon, for all the good he did in wrestling, he ruined the cage match. When he made the cage match, the finish, you had to escape the cage. That was the whole reason you had the cage. You had the cage to keep that chickensh-t in the ring with you so you could get even with him and so you could keep other people out. And Vince ruined the whole d-mn thing. He said first one that escapes this cage is the winner. Are you serious? That blows off all of the heat.”

Retirement run:

The Hardyz are working on what they are billing to be their final run together as a team. They will start on March 12 and have 4 dates booked so far. One of those matches will be against Ryder & Hawkins.

JR considering retirement?:

“My contracts up soon and I’m not looking to go anywhere. But nonetheless, I’m 70, I’ve got to be realistic at some point my crazy a** life cause I haven’t been. If my late wife were here she’d say amen to that because he’s a character. I’m loving what I’m doing, still fun for me guys. As long as you keep that element in your place of work, you’re alright, you’re doing good. I can damn sure call a wrestling match because that’s what I love to do. At my age, I’m a widower, my life is occupied by only a small handful of things. One of them is broadcasting a pro wrestling match, as crazy as that sounds. It’s a great little company to be with, we’re growing exponentially, Tony Khan is a genius.”

Zack Ryder recalls creating Edge Heads:

“I have pitched literally hundreds of ideas, but I will say some of them have gone through and some of the ones that have changed my career. For instance, like the Edgehead story was our idea, where we would be Edge’s Edgeheads. So two guys that looked like Edge and we would be hidden under the ring,” he said. “And we’d hide there and then Undertaker thinks he is beating up Edge, but it’s this other Edge. Then Batista thinks he is beating up Edge, but it’s another Edge. Then the real Edge comes out and f**ks them both and wins the belt. That was our pitch. The problem was Adam was out with an injury, and we didn’t know him. We debuted and he was still out, so we had to ask for his email address and then email him. Because we needed his approval, and he was super cool. He could have said, ‘f**king no,’ because we were nobody’s, he didn’t need us because he was already a top guy. But if he didn’t take a chance on us, we were doing the Major Brothers thing, we would probably have gotten fired in six months because we were doing nothing. Sitting in catering every day and then Edge took us under his wing, and the next day we were going on this six-month run beating up The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels or Batista. But if Edge didn’t say yes, it wouldn’t have happened.”

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Dusty Rhodes trophy:

The Creed Brothers are the 2022 winners of the Dusty Tag Classic.

Match scratched in:

Stone Cold Steve Austin is on the working match card for Mania, his planned opponent... Kevin Owens.

They also have another, equally important, surprise planned, but are holding their cards closer to their chest on that one.

Vince is personally working on a plan for Cody Rhodes return bout for the show.

Jake recalls heat with Bret:

Jake The Snake has recalled being a guest in the Hart dungeon, during one of Stu's more aggressive classes, with Bret, so much so, he stepped in to end it, earning the ire of Bret...

“Bret was laying on the floor. Stu just malled him like an old bear. ‘This is the first one.’ Latched it on and I don’t know how he put his arms and sh-t, but man, Bret’s legs were f-cking flying. He’s slapping the floor. You know, out he goes. Stu gets up to one knee and says ‘this next one, you watch how I apply this. Wake up son.’ He slaps him and as Bret starts coming to, out again. About the fourth one, because I’m with my leg. I’m injured, he ain’t stupid. But now I’ve realized this is bad. This is real bad because Bret is bleeding out of his nose, his ears, and the corners of his eyes. And then Stu says ‘f-cking Bret, he’s so limber, this one I tried to put on him, he just won’t go out. So what I do, I cup his mouth.’ Smothered him, put him out again. I had to distract Stu so Bret could crawl out of the room and get away from him. But, Bret held that against me for a long time.”

AEW branching out:

AEW will host their first live music event in March, a part of their new Music Live venture.

Bella's coming back?:

Nikki Bella says despite the joy she and Brie felt with their Rumble returns, and a harbouring ambition to win the Tag gold, we should not expect to ever see them back full time...

“I really missed it, but I’m in mom mode and things are different now. I was sore for a few days. I can’t lie. The show made me think about how we can come back and do more of a story. Unfortunately, where we are at in our lives Brie and I can never be back full-time. We hope there is something soon or in the future that we can come back and do something. Just getting the taste in the ring made us want more.”

Brock details anxiety battles:

“I have a total crash after being in front of audiences. Like, I go hibernate in Saskatchewan. Like, my downers – like, the anxiety from that – like, takes me a few days to recover. Forever, yeah it’s been that way. Like, I used to be on – have big wrestling matches in high school and – like, to come down from big arenas it’s like, I get nervous around people and I’m awkward as f*ck. Yeah, but I’m putting on a show. Like I’ve got to go through all this thing, and that’s just who I am. And I like to go and just get away from the people. And it’s not that I dislike people. I mean, it’s not been that way, but some people, yeah, I don’t like. I just like to be left the f*ck alone, and because I’m like – like, I’m in front of an audience then it just exhausts me. And so I’ve got to go and like, recharge up.”

Alum AEW bound:

Buddy Murphy's AEW debut is said to be imminent.

Ric Flair hot with WWE:

Ric Flair says not a single person from WWE reached out to offer support in the wake of his recent divorce...

“Everybody wants to just be negative. She still runs my business affairs, handles my personal life, there’s nothing wrong with our relationship. I’m really difficult to live with because I want to travel, I sign autographs and she did that for nine straight years and she just got tired of it and I get it. What killed me, of all the people, Charles Barkley, Darius Rucker, Kid Rock can call me and say ‘Is everything cool?’ which they have and I go ‘yeah, everything’s great and life changes and we go in different directions,’” Flair said. “Not one person from the WWE, not one. The most insensitive people in the world. People that I have given my life to and they have given me a lot of theirs. When you’re not there they don’t care. I don’t resent them for it, I know who reached out to me and who reached out to her and who didn’t. If you’re that insensitive, shame on you. Executives but I’m talking about my wrestling friends. It’s life, it’s wrestling and the lesson that should be learned is that when you’re so ramped up in your life as I was, now I look back on my career and say yanno what, I don’t feel so bad, because I wasn’t around either. It’s a full-time job being a wrestler.”

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Impact lose top star:

Josh Alexander is free of Impact, and is free to work in the US after securing a new work visa.

Alexa is back:

Alexa Bliss has ditched her Bray Wyatt gimmick and will be back in the ring this weekend, at Elimination Chamber.

WWE want Austin back in the ring:

WWE have pitched an idea for a ring return for Steve Austin, after almost 20 years away. The angle would culminate with a prominent match at Mania 38. Austin may have bitten, he had a ring built at his ranch last summer and has been taking bumps. He has though, not as yet, made any commitment to any kind of physical involvement in the event.

Alum provides gear:

Lita says Renee Young loaned her the outfit she wore on her Raw return recently...

“These are her clothes because that is how little time I had to prepare. They’re like, ‘Can you come?’ So yeah, after St. Louis, I was supposed to go home. And on Sunday I drove to Cincinnati and swung by Renee’s house and I’m like, ‘Girl, what can I wear?’''

Does Brock want HOF?:

“I don’t care or give a sh-t. I’m serious. Like I don’t give a f-ck if I’m in the Hall of Fame or not. I’ve done what I did. I don’t care. I don’t care if I’m leaving a legacy behind. What I do care about is, you know, I’m a good person, a good dad, and all that stuff. That’s important to me. A Mount Rushmore of wrestling? Yeah, there’s a lot of guys. This is a business about making money okay? Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be doing a podcast if you weren’t making money. The world turns, the NFL, everything, you know is about just turning dollar bills, yo.”

Rhodes departures:

Cody and Brandi Rhodes have left AEW and are said to be in advanced talks with WWE. Cody reportedly asked for a big money deal as late as last Friday, but AEW did not front up an acceptable offer, so he has left the house he helped to build. He would be free to sign with WWE at his leisure, as his AEW deal had no post departure compete embargo clause in it.

Ref dies:

WWE and WCW Referee Mickie Jay Henson has passed away, aged 59. He died of Pneumonia relating to Covid-19.

Rock tease:

Rock says he made a WWE return tease during SuperBowl appearance, responding to a tweet...

''Brother that was a little “Easter egg” for you and the MILLIONS… Don’t worry…the MILLIONS with a pause is coming soon….''

WWE programming:

NXT Level Up is set to begin soon and 205 Live is ending. Execs made the call to cull the cruiserweights only show, earlier this week.

Monday, February 14, 2022

RIP Ivan Reitman, thank you!


Eric Bischoff is having surgery on his hand.

WWE at the SuperBowl:

There was lots of WWE interest at the SuperBowl last night. The Rock, Batista, Alexa Bliss, Nikki Bella and Titus O'Neill to name just some of the talent involved in one way or another.

WWE did cause some offence though, they tweeted a video of John Cena during his Dr. Of Thuganomics phase, during a hip hop performance led by Dr. Dre, and copped a ton of heat, for appropriation of culture. They deleted it quick, sharp.

Alum TM's his names:

William Regal has applied for both the names Lord Steven Regal and William Regal.

Owen Hart tribute:

AEW will kick off a male and female tournament in Owen Hart's Foundation's name this year. They will both start on the May 11 taping.

FTR reveals HOF support:

Dax Harwood has revealed Bret Hart reached out to praise their last match.

Jaxson Ryker recalls heat over Trump tweet:

The tweet, made in 2020, drew the ore of colleagues and fans, but he says he was just supporting his President...

"That was just my tweet to show my support. The funny thing is prior to that, lord I was looking through some history of things, I would tweet or Instagram certain things about Donald Trump. But for some reason that day, I had tweeted about him before, to me there was nothing wrong with that tweet. There was no racial undertone, there was no jabs,” he said. “There was nothing but me saying God Bless America, and thankful for the President Of The United States that we had at the time."


WWE star wants celeb to join WWE:

After recording an advert with singer Rihanna, Bianca Belair said she would love for her to come and be her Tag Team partner, after her pregnancy ends...

“When she’s ready to come back, I would love that! Come tag team with me, we can be tag team champions! I think we would break the internet with that one!''


Samoa Joe has been announced for the HOF of Ring Of Honor today.

Lesnar talks relationship with Vince:

“I met Vince when I was younger. I look at Vince as more of a father figure actually, because I’ve learned a lot of things from him and I was able to carry those things over and handle business with Dana. Vince is a self-made person, so is Dana… you know, he took the company and made it public, and made it big, big.”

AEW star blasts fans:

Thunder Rosa was left furious by fans on the indies over the weekend. Cutting this shoot on them...

“I’m gonna tell everybody that has been talking sh*t about what we do today here, have some respect for the women who are putting their lives in danger here. Anybody that was saying bad stuff about us, you have no right to talk about us like that.  We’re just like one of the boys in the back. If you come to the show – If you come to a show, and you are being disrespectful to the athletes, you have no right to be here.”

Cardona (Ryder) disrespected by NWA:

Matt Cardona says he felt dis-respected by the NWA locker room after he won their title over the weekend...

“They don’t like me. They did not like me when I walked in the first day, they did not like me when I walked into Oak Grove Kentucky. First of all, they should have been thanking me because nobody knows where Oak Grove Kentucky is, and it sold out because of me. Nobody thanked me for the house, which I thought was disrespectful. And then afterward, I am expecting this big standing ovation, a couple of hugs, even some b.s. high-fives, nothing. It was like a ghost town. I was the last person to leave that dressing room.”

Sunday, February 13, 2022


Impact wedding:

Deonna Purrazzo and Steve Maclin have announced their engagement.


Matt (FKA Zack Ryder) Cardona is the new NWA World Champion. He beat WWE old boy Trever Murdoch.

AEW visit indies to offer deal:

Darby Allin offered Nick Wayne an AEW contract after his match for DEFY this weekend.

HOF'er health worries:

Nikki Bella has discussed the health battle of her former Strictly Come Dancing, and real life, partner, Artem. He had to withdraw from the last US version of the show due to contracting pneumonia. He is still suffering the disease...

“He still has pneumonia. Monday or Tuesday, we’ll get update. He gets his lungs rescanned and we’ll find out if they’re better. The swellings gone down so, fingers crossed. We’re praying really hard that we get good news.”

Alum back in the ring:

Ember Moon is now Athena, on the indies, after her WWE no compete expired.

Mia Yim explains delayed return to ring:

Mia Yim says she decided to prioritise her wedding this month, and will return to accept bookings from the beginning of March.


WWE editing SmackDown:

WWE are taking advantage of a pre-taped SmackDown for next week, to edit a poor spot between Ronda ROusey and Charlotte Flair. During a contract signing, Ronda was supposed to slam Charlotte onto a table, but Flair resisted, and instead sandbagged, and the pair dropped to the mat, making the spot look awful.

Script changed:

Stephen DeAngelis has recalled the planned end to ECW ONe Night Stand in 2005, but says the planned outro was pulled during the live event...

“The original script for ECW One Night Stand actually ended, in the script, they didn’t do it that way, they changed it. Was Paul and Vince backstage, and Vince saying, ‘gee Paul, maybe ECW’s not dead after all.’ As you know, they didn’t end it that way. But that was my first hint that maybe there would be something else, moving on. It took a year later for them to do it. But there was like a hint of maybe promise of something. Or maybe they were just going to bring some ECW guys in and they wanted to acknowledge it on some level. But that was in the script.”

Bray snaps at WWE:

Bray Wyatt has tweeted...

“Take my name off that s--t”

In reference to being named as one of Roman Reigns ''Victims'' in a WWE article. He could have a point, while he was the man who lost the title to Roman, he was not the loser of the fall.


WWE have applied for 'NXT 2.0'.

AEW release:

Aramis has reportedly left AEW due to his contract running down, and the company having no plans to use him.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


No day:

Vince McMahon has demanded no mention of New Day be made when Big E. and Kofi Kingston are together on screen.

WWE ads:

WWE will run ads during the lucrative Superbowl, to promote this years WrestleMania.


Sami Zayn is the new Intercontinental Champion. The title change was taped last night, and will air next week.

Double J:

Jeff Jarrett is returning to work for NWA.

New TM:

WWE have applied for the term 'Superstar Axxess'.

WWE chase AEW champion:

WWE are said to be openly interested in getting AEW champion Jade Cargill to make the switch. Her recent move to TV has only furthered their hunger  for her.

They have moved on former ROH champion Rok-C. Offering a contract, after her tryout in December.

Khan defends AEW open door:

Tony Khan has responded to a critical comment about how they ''Continually'' bring in outside talent...

“So I think you’ll see a great mix of the veterans, and the young wrestlers, and the free agents, and the forbidden door. It’s a great recipe and the best thing about it is it’s all because of the fans and listening to you and the fans, and what you want to see.”

He went on to open the door to a call from Shane McMahon, should he want to talk...

“I’d certainly take the call. I’m sure he’d be an interesting person to talk to about wrestling. I’m not sure exactly if he would be a fit. I have not heard from him, and I don’t expect to hear from him, but in this business, you never know.”

Alum hitched:

Mojo Rawley was engaged to be married this week.

Hogan's GOAT's:

Hulk Hogan has named the top 3 wrestlers... ever...

“Well, let me tell you something brother! I want everybody in here, on the one, two, three, to give me a ‘Wooo!’ for the greatest wrestler of all time. One! Two! Three! Wooo! Hey, thank you guys for coming out. This is the greatest wrestler of all time, Ric Flair. In honor of the third greatest wrestler ever, ’cause he’s #1, I’m #2. In honor of the third greatest wrestler of all time, that no good Rattlesnake, Steve Austin. Somebody give me a hell yeah!”

Booker T throws support behind Hardyz:

Booker T says he agrees with Jeff Hardy, on his stance regarding HOF induction from WWE...

“You know what, I get it, I totally understand. Those guys worked in that company together for years, and they started there together. They’re originals as far as WWF goes, those guys are originals. I think the Hardys, I really think they want to finish it the way they started it, together. There’s nothing wrong with that. I give them all the props in the world for wanting to do it like that. I wish me and my brother could have finished it like that. Honestly, the way I started it. And I wanted to finish it the way I started it, and that was with my brother. That didn’t get a chance to come to fruition. But these guys still have time to make something like that happen.”

Also on Jeff, Matt has revealed his non compete carries him up until Match 9th, he is then a free agent.

Contract prisoner:

Mustafa Ali has intimated that WWE continue to be steadfast in their refusal to accept his release request, writing on Twitter today...

“I’ll see ya all in like 2 1/2 years,”

This is thought to be his remaining WWE contract, with a potential + of 90 days.


Kylie Rae us benched with a concussion.