Friday, July 5, 2019

Michaels confesses concern over Jannetty:

Shawn Michaels says he is worried about his former tag partner...

"I no longer have a contact number for him. There are times I see him, he is great, he seems great. Other times it's less so. It heartbreaking to me, just as it is to everyone else. I don't know what any of us can do in that aspect. He has made a decision on how he wants to live his life. Truth be told, it's not my place or anyone else's to tell him how. All we can do is care about him when it's not going well, care for him."

Reigns calls AEW comparisons ''Foolish'':

"I'll just say this. It's all so new and it was what it was with Ambrose leaving and popping up over there... Competition? No, there's no competition. WWE, we know exactly what we're doing. We have the best talent in the world. There's no comparing, I say that with firm confidence, all the way from the top to the very bottom. .. We are world class all the way through. I'm never against optimism but I think you have foolish thoughts if you really think there's a comparison or actual competition. Just an option, which isn't a bad thing".

Booker withdraws:

Booker T has pulled out of the AEW legends event because he does not want to get in the middle of the AEW vs WWE war.

Ali mocks fake news story:

A report about Ali having surgery drew a mocking response from the man himself today, he tweeted that he had been to the dentist for a root canal.

Connor's Cure:

WWE have teamed up with a pizza chain for a fundraiser in memory of the first Warrior Award winner, Connor Michalek.

Ambrose vs WWE:

Dean Ambrose continues to rail against WWE, this time talking to ESPN...

"In WWE, it's almost like Vince is in the ring with you, the producer is in the ring with you. It's like you have two little bubbles on your shoulder, like three heads in the ring. All of a sudden when I got in the ring in New Japan], five minutes into the match I was like, there's no chatter. There was no producer-ref-Vince chatter. It was like silence. And I didn't expect that. I was like, 'Whoa, I'm alone again. It's just me in the ring.' And then I just started beating the crap out of Juice and I was like, 'Oh yeah, this is what I used to do.'"


Major League have announced they will host their first PPV later this summer.

HHH making speech:

Triple H will make a speech at VidCon, a gathering of top YouTube creators, to celebrate WWE's success on the platform, and the innovations they are making at the PC.

Impact moving:

Impact are said to be in advanced talks with AXS for a new TV deal. They want to step up from their current home on Pursuit.

Jerry Lawler:

The King has revealed why his podcast has been off air. His co-host has been accused of scamming fans out of thousands of dollars, by promising to get Jerry to create unique one off pieces of art for them, but never giving Jerry the commission. Jerry says he is bringing the show back with a new partner, and will make everything right by the fans that were duped.

Ryder's regret:

Zack Ryder says he has corrected the biggest regret of his WWE career...

"One of my biggest regrets in my career was, not anymore, after I won the Intercontinental Title I didn't take a picture with Edge and Christian backstage. But I think I was meant to not take that picture, so we got it all together [this year]."

MVP on board:

MVP says he will be performing on the Chris Jericho cruise, although not wrestling. He will be doing his one man show.

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