Friday, July 19, 2019

Why WWE are hated, Holy crossover, Retirements end, Network special, and more...

Seth talks why fans hate WWE:

"We're the New York Yankees. It's easy to hate the New England Patriots. We're those teams, we're the dynasty. It's easy to hate us, but we're still the most popular company in the world at what we do. We're so far beyond being a wrestling company that it's very easy to point the finger and hate on us. That's the cool thing to do, it makes perfect sense to me, it's how it's always been in sports and entertainment, you always hate the big guy. It's fine, I'm not upset about it at all. I just want people to understand and appreciate the things we go through and the fact that we're always trying to do our best. Nobody is taking it easy, nobody is just getting by. Everybody from top to bottom, every department in the entire company is putting in as much work as they possibly can to make this the best."

Holy crossover:

WWE have unveiled a new line of Ghostbusters inspired action figures (Photo).

Alum's end retirement:

Santino Marella and Damien Sandow competed at Santino's promotion in Canada this week. Santino dedicated his match to his brother, who died last year.

HHH sends belt:

Triple H has sent a WWE title to the UK, for the recent cricket world champion winners, England.

Network special:

WWE have announced a Network exclusive PPV for July 27, called Smackville.

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