Saturday, July 6, 2019

New champs, Big money deals for top team, Lacey makes plea, Injuries, and more...

Page news:

Hello, remember me?

It has been a minute since I last did this, feels good to be back!

So yeah... what happened you may be asking... Well I was sitting writing the news, as I always do, on the 12th of June when me laptop made a very loud and ominous CLUNK!... everything froze... nothing would bring it back to life, so I turned it off, and back on again... that always works, right? erm, no, not this time! After switching it back on I got another CLUNK! followed, after a long period of blackness, by the dreaded blue screen of death. I couldn't save it myself, so that weekend I took it to a repair shop. They had it for two weeks, and gave it a real good go at saving it for me, but, no luck. So I needed a new one. I was going to buy it at the end of last month, payday, but since we last spoke I have had a big promotion at work, with the same company, but a different role, well, someone in finance messed up, and instead of simply updating my role and pay, they removed me from the system, so I have had to wait an extra week for my money. Got it today though, and was straight out to buy a new lappy, and here we are, back where we belong.

I will do updates for every day I missed, it might take a while to catch up, but I will. I know it will be old news by now, but I really felt I was letting people down during the past month and want to put it right.

OK, enough of that, let's get back at it...

New champs:

The North won the Impact Tag gold last night.


Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows have signed 5 year, big money, WWE deals, to stay with the promotion.

Legend's kid signs:

MLW have signed Georgia, daughter of Davey Boy, Smith for their broadcast team.

Heat over suplex:

Ember Moon and Dana Brooke have had a spat online over Dana performing a suplex that Ember feels is a copy of her tornado suplex.

Lacey makes plea:

Lacey Evans is marking the fourth anniversary of her fathers death, and she hopes to use her fame to support others to get help...

"Four years ago today my dad took his last breath. Overdose. He left seven kids and a wife crushed with holes to this day we try and fill. He was broken, addicted and depressed but had so much life left to live. He lost. He let it win. A battle so many fight but don't want to talk about Until the kids are left crying, wives lonely and parents heart broken. If you or someone you know are dealing with addiction or depression get help. Don't ignore the issue no matter how small it may seem. Work on it. Get the help and wake up every day knowing people love you. Life is short and it will get better. The sun will shine again, those good days will return and you are worth it. Dont let it win. Don't lose. Don't give up. #BreakTheCycle #Depression #Addiction #GetHelp"

Injury return:

WWE say Rey Mysterio will be back on Raw on Monday after an injury.

Cage still going:

Despite Impact airing an injury angle with Brian Cage, sources say he is still good to go for Slammiversary.

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