Saturday, July 13, 2019

Braun makes friend, Wedding, Injury, WWE star arrested, and more...

Braun's new friend:

Braun Strowman has posted a photo with his new friend, former US President, George Bush.

JR recalls police incident with Vince:

He says he and Vince were trying to prove who was the better driver by weaving through police cones on a highway in the middle of the night, and neither were doing very at missing them...

"So, we're hitting all these damn things, boom - boom - boom, so finally, inevitably, here come the lights, police, the State Police. This guy pulls us over. Remember the days when we wore those RAW jackets, RAW Is War, Vince had a black one, all black and it had this RAW logo, and I had one that was black with red sleeves, and I wore those Michael Jordan tennis shoes, black and red shoes. I don't know... my late wife, God bless her, thought they would look good. So, in any event, it was what it was. So, we're still in our gear... me and my little hat, at the time a cheap hat. So, Vince says, 'Get your hat on.' So he rolls the window down, 'Hello officer, I'm Vince McMahon, WWE. We were just in Columbus filming our national TV show, Monday Night RAWand RAW Is War. This is Good 'Ol JR.' The cops looking at me like, 'Is this son of a b---h for real?' I ain't saying nothing yet, which is hard to believe, too. So he says, 'What's the problem officer?' And, 'Well Mr. McMahon, you were going 82mph in a 55, and you were knocking over cones. That's public property you're destroying.' Vince, 'Wait a minute... well, we were in a hurry. Did I tell you we were in Columbus, producing our Monday night television show, Monday Night RAW and RAW Is War. You know this is Good 'Ol JR, right?' So the guy finally says, 'Well, alright, I kinda see what's happening here. So I guess that must make me The Big Boss Man. He wrote the ticket, there it was. Vince looked at the ticket, 'Thank you officer, thanks for your service.' He took the ticket, threw it over his head to the back seat. We drove just as fast leaving as we did getting stopped. He goes, 'God damn it, I got good hand and eye coordination, and depth perception.'"


Shelley Martinez says WWE and AEW are in ''Cahoots''...

"I think AEW is in cahoots with WWE. It's all politics. If it's not happening now, it will happen. What I do know that is fact from behind the scenes: Not everything is what it seems…"


Impact champ Brian Cage married Melissa Santos this weekend.

Match stopped to stop fight:

MVP and La Parka stopped fighting with each other to break up a fight between some fans at Alberto Del Rio's promotions show this weekend.


Tamina Snuka may have a concussion after being hit with a stray knee by Naomi on the lives this weekend.

WWE star arrested:

Jeff Hardy was arrested for public intoxication in Myrtle Beach, but has been released after posting a $200 bond.

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