Sunday, July 7, 2019

Heat for staying, Why Batista no-showed Mania, Sasha scouting in Japan, Alum returning, and more...

Heat on Maria:

Maria Kanellis is fielding a torrent of heat from wrestling fans on social media, critical of her and her husband's decisions to re-sign with WWE, despite their lack of use on TV and her constant complaints about their status.

Batista says he refused Mania 32 role:

"Then there was another time where they had Stone Cold, Mick Foley, and Shawn Michaels and they did something with the New Day, I was supposed to play the part of Mick and I said that was something I didn't want. Hunter was there and I said, 'When are we going to start talking about Hunter at Mania?' They just never really showed any interest in it."

Kevin Owens reveals the legend that made him want to wrestle:

"The first wrestler that I saw that grabbed me was Davey Boy Smith. He was a super-jacked guy who was doing all these incredible things and I thought that this guy was really cool and as the show went on I appreciated everything I watched and then Shawn Michaels---because at the time I was really scrawny and pretty small. People thought I was 7 or 8 even though I was 11 so when Shawn Michaels, the smallest guy on the show came out, who ended up being the best wrestler on the shows, so I thought if he can do it I can too."


After their US tour this past weekend, New Japan have announced a second trip stateside this year, the next is set for September.

Sasha on tour:

Sasha Banks may be on a scouting trip for a future employer. She is visiting wrestling companies, whilst on a trip to Japan.

Alum returning:

Damien Sandow is back in the ring after a two year break. He is calling himself the Millennial Slayer on the indies.

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