Thursday, February 14, 2019


Old girl evicted:

Former WWE and Impact star Brooke Adams is going to court. She claims she was evicted from her home by her landlord over her adding an emotional support dog to her family. She claims she started ti suffer depression after the birth of her child and death of her father, and the dog was vital to her recovery. She is angry that she was made to chose between the dog and her home, and is seeking damages.

The landlord counter claims that he offered her the chance to pay a penalty price for violating the terms of their agreement, but she instead left the home, racking up over $14,000 of unpaid rent, which he wants from the star. Brooke says she did offer to pay the fee, but was instead presented with tenancy violation notices.

Federal law says landlords must allow for the use of service animals, but tenants must make reasonable efforts to gain acceptance before the addition of the animal to the home. Brooke says she feels it is her right to have the dog.

Shane on TV:

Shane McMahon is waiting for news on when his appearance on TV show 'NCIS' will air.

Bella's quit show:

Brie and Nikki Bella are ''Stepping away'' from 'Total Diva's' to concentrate on their own reality show.

Evil banned:

Evil was not allowed into the US for the NJPW tour this week. The company will be hoping for better luck for their UK debut event, which is now official (Photo).

Rousey fails:

Lana says Ronda Rousey has failed to achieve her promise in WWE, replying to a Ruby Riott tweet...

''I would be thrilled if you took her place ! So overrated she is ! I mean she claims to change the game yet she can’t bring ratings .... soooo ummm''

Joe addresses Ambrose WWE departure:

"Dean's a fantastic performer and there's no doubt about it. Me saying that is like saying the sky is blue. As far as his departure, I think Dean's the type of cat that he wants to do things that he's into and if he's not into what he's doing at a certain time then he'll have no problem stepping away and pursuing other things. If that's the case then cool, more power to him. I think there are so many people who are wrapped up in the needs and wants of wanting to become a WWE superstar that they forget sometimes there other goals they want to achieve. I think Dean is a goal-oriented person and when he gets a goal in mind he's going to try and accomplish it, more power to him. He will be missed."

Cena on TV:

John Cena will host ''Are you smarter than'' on Nickelodeon.

WWE star arrested:

Jimmy Uso has been arrested in Detroit. He was in a car with his wife Naomi, when the diva, who was driving, went the wrong way diwn a one way street. Police pulled them over to deal with the issue and were met by Uso storming out of the car, stripping off his shirt, and squaring up to the officers demanding a fight from the cops. Cops pulled a taser and Uso settled, but was arrested for disorderly conduct.

This is the third time he has been arrested whilst under WWE's employ. The last time saw him banned from making his major PPV debut at Royal Rumble 2012, he instead had to walk his twin to the ring for an appearance in the 2012 Rumble match. WWE have distanced themselves from Uso, with a press statement that he is responsible for his own actions.

Taker to AEW:

Undertaker has signed on for an appearance at a legends event during AEW's debut PPV.

Match dropped:

As is becoming standard, the Cruiserweight title match has been removed from this weekends PPV and dropped to the pre show.

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