Friday, February 1, 2019


Spot banned:

NJPW have stopped Lance Archer from spitting water into the crowd.

Alum reveals who arranged WWE treatment for addiction:

Adam Rose says Bull Dempsey, then on NXT, clued WWE in to his struggles and instigated the company to arrange help...

"One of my good friends, Bull Dempsey, was on the phone with me one night, and he says, 'you gotta get help. You're gonna die.' And he spoke to someone in the WWE, they contacted me, and the WWE actually sent a car to pick me up, take me to Tallahassee, and fly me into treatment. They didn't have to do that. I had left the WWE in ill repute. I had been an embarrassment to the WWE, I'd done damage to their name. They did not have to do what they did. They were so supportive and so helpful. They got me into treatment on their dime, and have ever since then been helping me... the WWE has done nothing but support me through my recovery."

Old boy's new job:

Daniel Puder has signed up as a police officer in Memphis.


There is real heat between Niz Jax and R-Truth after the Rumble spot this past weekend. Jax was said to have launched Truth face first into the guard rail during her stealing his spot in the men's Rumble, leaving Truth furious. Jerry Lalwer said he had to be held back in the locker room when she returned to the back following her elimination.

Controversial back again:

MYC star Priscilla Kelly has performed another controversial spot on the indies. This time she vomited all over her opponent, causing her to vomit too.

Gargano talks debut:

Johnny Gargano has talked about he and his wife sharing their major PPV debuts at the Rumble...

"It was a dream come true, and that's putting it lightly. It's so cool to get to share this with my wife because she is such a huge wrestling fan as well. We both know how big this is. What was also cool was that my mom came in for TakeOver and I got to tell her she had to stick around for the next day. Candice's parents also came and watched her perform. To have our family there and get to share it together, it doesn't feel real at times. It's super awesome."

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