Saturday, February 16, 2019


Booker sues game:

Booker T is suing Call Of Duty for using his GI Bro gimmick as a character on their Black Ops 4 game.

Champs want old belts back:

The Revival are campaigning to bring back the old WWF Tag title belts which ran from 86 - 02.

Hendry quits Impact:

Joe Hendry has ended his relationship with Impact wrestling.


Bradshaw is helping set up a rugby sports facility in Africa.

Royal Rumble:

Minute Maid Park in Houston will host Royal Rumble 2020.

WWE buy TM:

WWE have bought the trademark for War Games from MLW.

The company have also TM'ed the Ultimate Warrior's face paint design for use in toy lines.


Matt Riddle says NXT is better than the child like WWE main product, which is watered down...

"I think we're just different, and I know that's easy to say. We're different, we're new, we're fresh, and we're not the same, watered down child's product that WWE is kind of turned into a lot. When people watch us—even though it's scripted a lot of the time, but it's more real. It's more believable."

Paige calmed Nia:

Paige says she had to calm an emotional Nia Jax after she injured Becky Lynch...

"I had to calm Nia down from that because she was like, 'I feel like everyone is mad!. And I said, 'You know what? This elevated Becky so much too. And you're about to turn heel anyways — so who cares?'"

Bagwell claims Bischoff wanted him dead:

Buff Bagwell says he wanted him to fake his death in a plane crash during the dying days of WCW...

"100% true. MGM Grand was the Halloween Havoc we did - the last one, if not the last Havoc, and Bischoff wanted me to die in a plane crash. I said, 'Eric, I couldn't get you to get the cameras in the hospital to see. Are you kidding me?' And so, he was gonna do it. I already called my parents and said, 'Hey, you know, get ready for this so that I won't scare you guys, and all that.' I called them few and my wife, and all them to let them know, and they switched it finally to some kind of run in as, I think president Clinton with a mask or something. At the same time, he wanted me to come down like a ghost on wires after the plane crash, too. That was out of his mouth to me."

Graves outed as love rat:

Corey Graves wife has claimed he is having an affair with Carmella. She also says he has alcohol addiction and is often suicidal.

Graves responded to the post that she should take it down, because WWE were going to sue her.

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