Friday, February 15, 2019


New boy documents first day:

AEW newcomer Sammy Guevara has released a vlog of his first day as an AEW star...

Tazz defends WWE burying Ambrose as he leaves the company:

"I'm sitting there reading some this stuff and I'm like, 'are these f--king people crazy?' Really, are you out of your frickin' mind? Do you expect the WWE to have Dean Ambrose look good on the way out the door? That's called doing the honors. That's the business. That's what the business was built on. When you leave, and you go someplace else, or you just give your notice, and you're leaving on your terms, you do the frickin' job on the way out the door. It's business. It's the right way to do business. Anybody who says that doesn't know the business. They don't! You can read all the dirt sheets, all the f--king bulls--t online, and all the social media accounts. If you're b---hing that a guy is going to be leaving, and he gave notice, if you're b---hing about the way he's going to be treated as he walks out the door, then you truly don't know about the wrestling business. Nothing. That's the right way to do business by WWE and the right way by Dean Ambrose."

Mr. Kennedy reveals why he has never returned to WWE:

"I don't really know. I think part of it had to do with my attitude, probably. I was very – I was like bitter for a couple of years after I left WWE, and said some things I probably shouldn't have said. In hindsight, I can say if I could point to any one reason, I would point to myself."

Sexist Alum:

Disco Inferno has drawn heat and accusations of sexism after saying he does not believe in women's wrestling...

"I am not a big fan of women's wrestling. To me women's wrestling is kind of like the WNBA. They're the best female basketball players in the world, but they're not as good as the guys. I'm not saying that there's not a lot of talented women's wrestlers. But the formula has shown in the past that regardless of your in-ring work, the more attractive you are determines how over you are. I am a fan of the women's wrestlers that can combine good looks with good work. If there's a girl out there whose work isn't as good but she's hotter and has sex appeal, I'm a fan of that. But collectively, I'm not a big fan of women's wrestling. They had that Mae Young Classic – I can't watch that. Pro wrestling to me is based around grown men that want to fight each other….That's just what I'm a fan of."

WWE star lands acting gig:

Lio Rush is voicing a series of children's books.

Shane on TV:

Shane McMahon will be on 'NCIS' on March 31.

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