Sunday, February 24, 2019



NJPW star David, son of Fit, Finlay has dislocated his shoulder.

Indie offer:

Scott D'Amore jumped in the ring after an indie match to offer a wrestler called Josh Alexander a three year deal with Impact.

JR tells AEW how to avoid becoming another WCW:

"Well, they've got to continue to create stars. They've got to continue to provide something new and exciting and talented to the fanbase. They've got to have a great television clearance as they start their weekly run this fall, I am told or as I read. So I think that's important. They've struck a chord with many on social media, their footprint, thanks to their social media expertise, is serving them well. But the main thing is they've got to cultivate a talented roster. They can't get stale or predictable and continue to produce great episodic, hard-hitting, no eye-rolling content every week. It's a hell of a big job and it ain't going to be easy."

NXT UK star quits job for WWE:

Amir Jordan says he had to quit his job in banking to sign for WWE, much to the disappointment of his family...

"It was difficult but it was something that after the first training session I knew I wanted to do it again and again. There was quite a lot of disappointment from my parents."

Why stars are gone:

Dave Meltzer says a number of falling outs between Arn Anderson and Vince McMahon led to his firing from WWE, with the final straw being Vince not liking how Arn handled an incident at a live show last week. Arn took full responsibility for the incident, and was fired on the spot. AA is said to be a strong defender of talent fighting for their spots and criticising creative, which irked the office greatly.

TJP was allowed to go because of mounting disciplinary issues, such as recently revealing creative stole an idea from him and gave it to Buddy Murphy.

Orton pops for WWE star:

Randy Orton told Zack Ryder he was an elite talent on social media today...

''I am sure someone will recognize your talents one day. Always considered you to be a very elite worker."

Promotion confirmed:

Aleister Black cut an in ring promo on the NXT live circuit this weekend, saying goodbye to the fans before he moved to the full roster.

Rikishi plans to urge sons to quit WWE:

"Jonathan and Joshua Fatu, they are pretty much well secured there in WWE. I taught my kids everything they need to know in the industry, but I think they have nothing else to prove in WWE. My thing is, I'm always concerned about my kids and their bodies holding up in the industry. We don't have time off. They run 365 days a year and gone all the time and performing every night. I'm kind of leaning for them to go to Hollywood. I kind of see a Samoan dynasty reality show for CBS, I think, somewhere down the line. Right now, their contracts are coming up in April. During that time is around WrestleMania. We'll see where they go from there. Wherever the boys decide to go, I know I'll support their decision. I also know the fans of the Usos and the dynasty will support them as well. I really don't think they have anything else to prove in professional wrestling but to move on to other things. I want them to try other things and go into acting. I think these boys are naturals in front of the camera. You see how much they've grown in their promos. Once they gave them the mic, their talent came through."

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