Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Honky talks HOF:

"After all these times of being such a bad guy, I was cheered like I had never been cheered before. After being booed out of all these buildings for so long, they loved me and it was great seeing that. It was exhilarating and fun and I carry that with me. Someone asked me not too long ago what I missed most about WWE, and I said, 'Everything.' There is nothing like having that championship and going out and doing radio and TV talking about it. And I was a good bad guy. Some of these kids who are now 40 said they were watching when they were 8 and they thought they could beat me. People wanted me to lose and they didn't care who I lost to.  WWE is the place to be. For me, it's the only place I have ever wanted to be. It's the place that if I'm ready to finish up, that's where I want to be. It's home for me because I have so many fond memories of everything that has been accomplished by WWE and from what I've accomplished myself. It wasn't me alone, it was a huge team effort. That is what's amazing and what is so great about being part of the WWE. The door is open to you and it's up to you if you want to walk through it. I look back on everything and for some unknown reason, everything has a meaning. The timing, everything about this year in the 2019 Hall of Fame, everything was lining up perfectly. I never dreamed it was going to happen and would tell people that it's something I don't think about every day of my life. But to be able to be part of this, it's hard to explain."

Here is his HOF VT...


Kevin Owens was brought back to TV by Vince McMahon last night. Which was bad news for Kofi Kingston, who was stripped of his World title shot in favour of the Canadian. He was not the only returnee. Matt Hardy has reunited with his brother on the blue show.


WWE have invoked a roll over clause in the Hradyz contracts, keeping them on the roster for an extra year, on top of the two years they signed for after their Mania 33 return.


Asuka vs Mandy Rose for the blue Women's is booked.

Backstage incident:

Jack Swagger says his first World title win was soured by Chris Jericho and Edge accosting him in a hallway and telling him not to f*** up the angle.

Sami Zayn:

The Meltzer claims Sami Zayn is cleared and ready to come back to WWE TV.

WOS champ signs:

Bea Priestley has officially signed for AEW.


While Bea Priestley has gone to AEW, the woman she beat for the WOS gold, Kay Lee Ray, has officially joined NXT UK, along with Jazzy Gabert, Ilja Rukober, Oliver Sauter and Jay Melrose.

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