Wednesday, February 20, 2019


New star:

Humberto Carrillo has been added to the official WWE roster.


Uso's vs Shane & Miz for the blue Tag gold is the first confirmed match for the next WWE PPV event. Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston is also confirmed for the WWE.

NXT invasion continues:

The 4 NXT stars that appeared on Raw this week also invaded SmackDown last night, with similar success. The angle has caused some tension backstage however. Vince made the call for the talent to fly out to the TV's this week, but neglected to tell HHH, the father of NXT, what he was doing with Hunter's roster.

Let me go:

Tye Dillinger has asked WWE to release him from his contract.

Actor holds grudge:

Ken Jeong still harbours bad will toward John Cena from an appearance he made on Raw once...

"I hosted WWE RAW with John Cena years ago. And WWE asked me to host it. They were like, 'do you want to do this?' I'm like, 'yeah, I'm an actor - acting is fake; wrestling is fake; what could go wrong, right?' And on the day of, John Cena lifts me up for a bodyslam, throws me over the top rope, and the five motherf--kers who were supposed to catch me didn't! Wrestling is f--king real! He throws me over the top rope, I hit the concrete, my head hits the wooden plank. You can hear the sound of my head hitting the plank. I had to call Tran after RAW went off the air to assure her that I was okay. My whole point is John Cena absolutely sucks. He really does. I'm just saying." 

Henry takes charge:

Mark Henry has grown tired of bad behaviour in the WWE locker room and says he will be at evry show going forward to deal with the lack of respect that is prevailing. He cited a recent incident of an unnamed young member of the roster that refused to tidy up the locker room at the end of a show, telling the official that made the request that is ''Was not there job''...

"That s**t is going to come to an abrupt stop because I will be at all TV's and all pay-per-views now. This is really new, like within the last two weeks. Every pay-per-view, there is going to be issues within the locker room. We are going to reestablish the leadership chain of command. I am taking a behind the scenes role to keep everyone in balance. I don't want the business to suffer because of one or two people and not respecting it. I am going to definitely try and empower some people."

Heat on Taker:

Vince McMahon is unhappy with Undertaker appearing at the next AEW legends event.

Indie star blasts WWE evacuees:

Joey Ryan is not happy with WWE talent quitting their jobs...

''When I started wrestling, WWE roster guys were told “these indie guys are coming for your jobs” so as extra talent, we got treated like dirt. Now these WWE roster guys are quitting their jobs and coming for our indie money.''

Rollins fails:

Seth Rollins failed to get medical clearance for a physical confrontation on Raw this week.

Hulk Hogan movie:

Actor Chris Hemsworth has signed on to play Hulk Hogan in a Netflix produced biopic of the HOF'er's life.

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