Saturday, December 9, 2017


HOF'er names best match:

Tito Santana told ESPN his stand out match was...

"It was probably when I wrestled Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine in Baltimore. I had been chasing him for the Intercontinental Championship, and finally I beat him in a cage match and there were maybe only 18,000 people at capacity, but it was sold out. The 'pop' that we got when I won the match was just unbelievable."

Indian super match:

Triple H beat Jinder Mahal in the much hyped match in India last night. Many have questioned the logic of the result, as the bout was set up for a big name win for the home nation hero, to make up for his earlier than planned dropping of the WWE gold. They then danced together in the ring.

Worst Impact ever:

Impact scored their worst viewing figures, bar holiday or technical issued episodes this week.

Alexa reveals inspiration for gimmick:

"So I was at the airport and this little kid would not go through security and just threw a fit in the middle of the floor and did the whole thing with shaking his legs and arms. His parents were just standing there looking like, 'We don't know what to do!' They were annoyed, and I was like, 'Man, that's a really bratty thing to do and I'm going to do it.'"

Wrestler arrested for murder:

Jasper Davis, an indie star from Texas, allegedly murdered his girlfriend at a party after accusing her of flirting with another woman. He pulled a gun, and claimed it went off after a struggle between the two. He dumped her body in a creek but when he returned to his car found he had gotten bogged down in mud, so called a friend for help. The friend saw what was going on and called the cops while the wrestler called his dad to pick him and his car up. Police went to the home he shared with the deceased lady and found a 7 month old child unattended in the property, and evidence of the house being the crime scene.

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