Tuesday, December 12, 2017



Paige says some in WWE are not happy that she is being pushed hard after her long time away, but Alicia Fox is not one of them. They have repaired their damaged friendship after a year of having no contact. She has also confirmed the end of her relationship with Alberto Del Rio, saying she needed to get her life back on track, and the rift between he and her family wouldn't allow that. She chose her family over him, but harbours no ill wishes toward ADR.

Mixed reaction:

Fans had a mixed reaction on social media to a VT between Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy on Raw last night. Two promos were cropped together, bouncing from man to man, and some felt it was confused.

Cedric claims Riches:

Cedric Alexander has taken Rich Swann's spot in the number one contender competiton, after Swann was arrested over the weekend.

Porn star makes amends:

The porn star that ripped WWE yesterday has accepted a booking at an indie show, she has now back-tracked on her view of the sport...

"People take things so seriously, I have no hate towards wrestlers, I just love talking s--t."

Roman talks recent illness:

"It was just a strange scenario. I was infected with the mumps and, like, I don't know if we'll be able to use this footage. Like, I wasn't in any serious pain or anything. You have your obvious side effects and gland swelling and stuff like that. The only real pain I felt was like in my jaw and in my ears, but the main thing was the isolation. It's such a rare virus that, hell, half the nurses didn't even know what the mumps were because it's so old school. Exactly, you get your vaccines at one [year old] and everything. I think when we were younger they didn't do boosters at a certain age, so now they do it, and, regardless, my immune system wasn't up to the task! I caught it and I was out for about three weeks. And the crazy part is that I was stuck in the hospital or in the hotel and to be in the hotel sucked, man."

He also confirmed why he left last years Euro tour early. He wanted to be home for the birth of his twins.

SD teaser:

  • Shinsuke Nakamura clashes with Kevin Owens this Tuesday on SmackDown LIVE
  • WWE Champion AJ Styles and Jinder Mahal come face to face tonight on SmackDown LIVE
  • The Riott Squad battle Carmella, Tamina & Lana
  • The Usos take on Rusev & Aiden English
  • Breezango pay tribute to The Ascension in A Very Special Fashion Files

Henry Godwinn talks Kliq vs BSK feud:

"We all got along and I think that everybody else just put us like that and thought we were at each other. But we would have fought for each other and we had in the bar scene if something happened and whether you disagree in the ring about how you work it never carried over to the relationships and those relationships I cherish all of them. Razor, X-Pac, Shawn, especially Taker and Yoko, we'd stay at his house all the time, and Fatu all of these guys were great. Stone Cold, we'd go cook out with him and everybody so was close and it was a close knit between everybody. Brothers fight all the time but they always make up usually. It was very tight back then and nothing like it is now. When I went back in '06-07 up there for a few months it was pretty different then in just that eight or nine years."

Royal Rumble:

A triple threat match is planned for the Universal title, after no result in the number one contender match last night, Brock Lesnar defends vs Kane and Braun Strowman. This way Lesnar can win dominant, to maintain his momentum, Braun doesn't have to lose, to keep the future feud with Brock burning for later in the new year, and Kane will likely be suplex fodder, and take the 'L'.

Flair earns $:

Ric Flair has sold his red robe for $27,000 at a sports auction.

Old boy reveals true story inspired controversial angle:

Al Snow says a story about Mr. Fuji eating his neighbours dog inspired the attitude era spot where Big Boss Man made him eat his dog Pepper.

Impact debut:

Rockstar Spud will be at Raw next week, for his WWE debut.

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