Friday, December 22, 2017



WWE have named AJ Styles vs John Cena at Royal Rumble as their match of 2017.


Vince McMahon has sold $100 million of his WWE stocks to fund the XFL relaunch. He has used the money to set up a new company to act as the parent company of the American football off-shoot.

Loads o' legends:

Sasha Banks has reeled off a list of the stars of the past she wants to compete in next months Royal Rumble...

"I would love to hear Trish Stratus' music. Of course Lita, Molly Holly, Jazz, Jacqueline, man even Victoria. It would be an honor to be in the ring with any of those girls. Beth Phoenix. Of course I want to win it, but at the same time, I would just want her to pick me up and throw me over the top. I would mark out, but I would land on my hands and go back into the ring like Kofi Kingston. Any of those girls would be incredible, but of course I would love to see girls from NXT get the opportunity, but of course they wouldn't win it because I would be the last person standing."


Batista has received a black eye from Jack Swagger. He is training the recently released WWE star for his MMA debut next year.

Fan assault:

Kalisto received stitches to a facial cut and a possible fracture after having a water bottle thrown at him by a fan this week.

Big names open door to WWE:

James Storm says he would consider any offers from WWE NXT...

"People always say, 'main roster or bust type of guy,' but if you look at NXT, it's one of the hottest things going right now no matter what people say. And it's one of those things where anybody would be proud to be signed to NXT and have a good run there. I mean, it's plain and simple. They are doing as much as the people on the main roster is on the road and stuff like that right now. So, I mean, I'd definitely go and work with those guys and help them out as best I can."

Rey Mysterio too, would consider a return...

"I would definitely love to go back and finish up. Whether it's one year or whatever the case might be. Whether it's a farewell. I owe a lot to that company. That company gave me such an amazing opportunity, and I took advantage of every single moment I was with WWE to the fullest. I wouldn't want to just be remembered as 'Oh, man, he never re-signed and he never came back.' I would definitely love to come back and do a last run and say goodbye to my WWE fans. Tell them goodbye in a proper way. I don't think I can go back to a full-time schedule. There's just no way. I can't go back to that schedule. It would be common sense for them as well. That was my main motive for stepping away. I wanted to be able to have some free time. I'm still working really hard right now on the independent scene, but I control my schedule. I might get booked three days -- Friday, Saturday, Sunday, come home Monday, and the following weekend I don't have to work. That right there gives me a peaceful state of mind like you have no idea."

Holiday trip:

Miz and Alicia Fox are going to represent WWE on a trip to visit troops over the holiday season.

Dean Ambrose:

Dean Ambrose is benched for 2-3 months.

JJ home for Christmas:

Jeff Jarrett has been released from rehab, which was paid for by WWE.

Mauro's mum takes ill:

Mauro Ranallo went home to spend the holidays with his parents last night. Just two hours after getting to their house his mum took ill and had to be rushed to hospital.

Titus on TV:

Titus O'Neil co-hosted the local daytime show in his home city of Tampa, Florida today.

Movie finished:

The WWE produced film of Paige's family is finished, and may be debuted during WrestleMania weekend.

Unhappy D-Bry:

Daniel Bryan says he does not enjoy his current role...

"I love wrestling, but I don't love all of it, right? The hard part of wrestling is the travel and going here and there and being away from your family. The part that I love is being in the ring and wrestling. Yeah, being in there and doing it. So now, I've got the job that's the part of wrestling that I don't like. I am very appreciative of WWE giving me this something to do, but I think some people still think, 'oh, you're in wrestling still and you're getting a pay check - you should be happy.'"

He then laid down a challenge to WWE...

"If you look at some of the people who perform now, and so, this is one of my things too. And so I also need to say this because it comes across as 'argh, WWE!', but that is not the case at all. WWE is trying to protect me, right? And they're also trying to protect their company, but I don't know how many people on the roster, just in total, if you had them do all the brain testing that I've done that their tests would be as good as mine."

Before confirming he will quit the promotion at the end of his deal if they don't let him wrestle...

"If I get a bad test somewhere along the line, I won't wrestle. But I also, will probably, when my contract is up, I'd probably, if I'm still General Manager at that point, I'd probably step away from that part of it because just being around it, I love it a little too much and I need to transition. I need to get this focused because I'm very good at focusing on one thing, right? But then, I need to switch that laser focus to something else like saving the starving polar bears. So yeah, assuming everything continues as it has been going, when my contract is up I would wrestle elsewhere if WWE would not clear me."

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