Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Title vacant:

Daniel Bryan officially announced the US title is vacant last night. He says he has been trying to contact Dolph Ziggler to find out what was going on with him, but had received no response, so had to presume he no longer wanted to be the champion. A tournament will decide the next owner of the gold.

Royal Rumble:

Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura have put their names forward for the male, and Natalya and Ruby Riott the female, Royal Rumble matches.

Injury confirmed:

Brian Kendrick suffered a broken nose and orbital bone on Raw this week.

Matt Hardy:

Matt Hardy entered a live at MSG to his old Impact piano theme music last night.

WWE star talked to Impact:

Karl Anderson says he was talking to TNA when WWE called offering them a deal last year...

"I remember when Gallows came and the way we clicked over there, and I said, 'man, we really, we've got to get into America somehow.' Do you know what I mean? We almost went to TNA. Thank goodness WWE called in the same exact month, but I mean, we knew we had to do something. I wanted to get over here. WWE is the place to be. It's the place we wanted to be. I wanted that exposure finally."

Taker return:

After a purported leak of next years HOF class speculation on Undertaker wrestling at Mania has grown. Had he retired this year, he would surely be the headline inductee next, but, he was not listed. Kid Rock, however, was. A theory has sprung up online, and is gaining traction, that Undertaker will wrestle, but not as dead man. He will resume his American bad ass biker gimmick, sung to the ring by the celeb HOF'er Kid Rock.

Quick sprinkle of realism though, Vince hated the biker gimmick, and is unlikely to go for it.

Kenny Omega slates Nakamura:

"I'm happy for the response that he's getting, of course, and all of us in New Japan knew when he left that he was going to get over with his charisma. But when I see Nakamura in WWE, it's hard for me to say he's done anything compelling in-ring since he's been there, which is a shame. It will just take the one right story and the one right moment and then people will be captivated by everything that he does. Right now, he hasn't had that."

Move banned? / wrestler gone?:

After breaking Brian Kendrick's face this week, Hideo Itami did not use his GTS finish at the live last night. He instead used Neville's submission finisher, something he would be unlikely to do if Neville was coming back.

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