Sunday, December 17, 2017


Tyrus reveals why he left Impact:

"When Jeff Jarrett came along — because him and I have an uncomfortable history — I just wasn't comfortable with the management. ... Unless Jarrett and I were going to have a sit down - which just wasn't going to happen - I knew this was not going to be a spot for me. I just wasn't comfortable with it."

Melina raped:

Melina has discussed being raped on social media...

''Been raped, been grabbed, been cornered and told things that a guy wants to do to me even though I told him to stop. All unwanted. All made me feel helpless, uncomfortable & scared of what's going to happen next. Different levels but ALL WRONG regardless.''

Worst draw ever:

Impact scored their worst ever viewing figures this week.

Aldo apology:

Justin Credible has admitted to falling off the wagon last night and apologised to the promotion, roster and fans for having a ''Bad night.'' He says he will ask DDP for help.

WWE sign off:

SD will host the last PPV of the year tonight, Clash Of Champions.

Cena talks transition from ring to screen:

"Originally my film career was a direction from upper management in WWE—like, 'Hey, go do movies.' Originally what I wanted my film career to be was an extension of the WWE business model. I understood. WWE studios opened in 2003/2004, they began to film movies, and the model of the business was, 'If we can make our stars bigger stars, they will come to see WWE'. Well, that's what I wanted, but I didn't want to go do movies. The process of making a movie is so different. It takes a long time, it takes a lot of people, and there's nobody cheering you on. As a younger man I really was drawn, and still am, to the dynamic of a live audience, and the live experience of 'Just out there and see what happens'. But 15 years of telling stories in the WWE ring, the constant passion, loving my job every day, I began to ask why. As a young man, I didn't have the perspective. It was, 'Oh, because I want to be champion, and I want to do this or that!' Now, after all these years, it's like, why do I still love this? I love telling stories, man. I love telling stories. That's something that I didn't enjoy on multiple platforms in 2005-2006. Now you can see I enjoy helping with morning shows, doing tonight show bits, hosting, doing R-rated comedies, doing family movies, still doing WWE, being on reality TV. I think I'm just drawn to the creative process. Now with more experience and a more comfortable feeling in my own right in WWE, I'm confident enough to use those skills elsewhere."

Old boy dies:

Tom Zenk, known to some as Z man has died. He passed last week at the age of 59, no cause has yet been released. His career highlight was at WrestleMania 3, teaming with Rick Martel in the opener of what was the record attended event at the time. He also had success in WCW and Japan.

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