Thursday, December 7, 2017


Rousey ready:

USA today say Ronda Rousey will sign for WWE ''Imminently''.


Velveteen Dream has missed out on an NXT title shot. He is injured. Johnny Gargano will be in a 4 way match instead.

Scott Dawson will be back in time for Royal Rumble.

Rock record:

Rock's film 'Jumanji' set a record attendance in Paris last night. 3,000 people watched the premiere along with the cast.

Storm vs Impact:

James Storm says he does not care if he has upset the new Impact bosses by leaving...

"Hey, I left - who cares if there's heat? No, it's just one of those things. I just grabbed the microphone because, like, if I'm going out, I'm going out the way that I want to. I'd do the match however they wanted, but at the end of the day, when I grabbed that microphone and said what I had to say, it was from the heart. And being on the road so long, I wanted to say to my wife and my kids, 'hey, I'm coming home for a little while and daddy gets to spend time with you because I'm taking time off, letting my body heal, and then go back at it.' And also, like I said, Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, and Bob Ryder, without those guys, a lot of the guys you know now wouldn't be around and they gave us a platform."

D-Bry back in the ring next year:

WWE are planning a long burn feud between Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon, which, if Bryan can convince WWE doctor Joseph Maroon of his good health, will culminate next Summer at SummerSlam 2018. He will not be a full timer again, but it may not be a one off match.

WWE have made it clear to him that they will only accept the decision of their own doctor, no-one else.

AA snubs Impact:

Austin Aries has rebuffed offers from his old home since leaving WWE.

Ric Flair recalls taking ill:

"I got a really sharp pain in my stomach. I knew the pain. That was very similar to the pain I had the last time. Wendy took me to the hospital and my intestine had broken open and that's the last thing I remember. I don't remember anything else. On Monday they put me in an induced coma. I stayed in that and on life support for 11 days. I don't remember any of it. I just dreamt... I had to learn how to walk again. I couldn't walk. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't twist the top off a Gatorade bottle or open a diet coke I lost forty-three pounds."

Iconic actress revealed as WWE fan:

Carrie Fisher's personal effects are currently being archived for sale at auction, after her death last year. One item from her kitchen is a box of New Day Booty O's cereal. It is being sold along with a number of other retro packaged items for Between $300 and $500.

Historic match:

WWE held their first women's match on a tour of an Islamic country last night. The ladies involved had to alter their usual attire to respect the cultural and religious laws in the region (Photo).

Impact legend recalls WWE snub:

Angelina Love talks the debut that never happened...

"I was literally sitting, planted in the crowd, with my debut segment on SmackDown next, and I got pulled. My segment got completely cut out, and the people I was supposed to work with went straight into a completely different storyline. In 2006, there were talks about doing something with JBL, but that never happened. Then I had gone back up to SmackDown in August of that year, to do something with Matt Hardy. I remember they had me in the front row in the crowd. The first segment was Booker T, when he was King Booker, knighting Finlay and Regal. The next segment was Matt Hardysupposed to go over Psicosis or Super Crazy, he was supposed to go over one of them. I was standing there, so happy and clapping, and he would [come over] and say, 'who's this blonde girl?', and eventually I would end up being his girlfriend. We're like minutes, if not less, of my segment starting, and the guy, the floor manager who planted me, patted me on the shoulder, pulled me over and said 'your segment got cut.' I was told that as soon as the show started, Vince rewrote the whole show."

Former writer reveals drug addiction:

Jimmy Jacobs says he battled depression and was addicted to opium during his time with WWE.

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