Wednesday, December 13, 2017


WWE return:

Former WWE star Colin Delaney made an inauspicious return to WWE TV last night. He was one of the victims of a squash by the Bludgeon Bros.


Daniel Bryan will referee the career threatenig tag match along with Shane McMahon, Zack Ryder says he wants to wrestle his former partner Mojo Rawley, who has accepted and Bludgeon Bro's vs Breezango is also now official.

Kenta's coming:

Hideo Itami will debut on 205 next week.

WWE star needs surgery:

Noam Dar is waiting for surgery on a damaged knee.

WWE on FB:

WWE have announced a new post SmackDown show will air right after the live broadcast via Facebook live. Mixed Match will be a 20 minute show where fans can directly interact with the talent, book matches, select stipulations and more as it happens. Both red and blue talent will participate on the new show. 205 Live's start time will be pushed back to accommodate.

New couple?:

Finn Balor was spotted with Cathy Kelly at MSG last night.

Rock star:

The Rock is getting his star on the Hollywood walk of fame today.

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