Friday, December 8, 2017


No release:

Laurel Van Ness will not be released by Impact until she drops the Knockouts title she has just officially won.

WWE star names himself best ring performer in world:

Roman Reigns says he is the best around...

"I'm the best performer, in-ring, in the world right now. You can go to my matches and my pay-per-views over the last three years and you can say I'm an idiot or you can be like, 'man, he has a point.' Do you know what I mean? I didn't come here for any other reason."

He went on to discuss retiring Undertaker...

"Being out there with him was incredible. I'll never forget those things I felt. They didn't teach us that. They didn't tell you how to potentially retire The Undertaker or how to take that emotionally, how to accept that responsibility. Obviously, it was a great responsibility and I'm always up to the task, but it was emotional, man. It was way more than I thought it was going to be, to be honest. It was a rollercoaster of emotions."


Hiroshi Tanahashi has injured his knee and will miss the rest of the NJPW World Tag League. 

Bobby Fish was bust open at an NXT live last night.

Del Rio congratulates fellow Alum:

Alberto Del Rio says Jack Swagger has done well in signing for MMA...

"I think it's a fantastic idea. Jack Swagger is a tough guy, he's a legit wrestler, he's a big, strong guy and I think he has all the tools to go into a fight and win and do something good with Bellator and in the sport of MMA. It's gonna be tough, the transition is gonna be difficult because he's been doing pro-wrestling for so long. He's gonna have to focus on going back to the amateur wrestling gym and training all the other techniques that he doesn't know like jiu-jitsu, striking and all that stuff. But I think he's gonna do well."

Please come back:

WWE have named the 5 stars they want to return in 2018...

  1. Rey Mysterio
  2. Goldberg
  3. Kharma
  4. Joey Mercury
  5. Batista


Chris Jericho says he has allowed ROH full creative control over the wrestling part of his cruise business.

WWE want Impact star:

Changes in how Impact contract their talent next year is expected to cost them 3 top stars, Bobby Lashley, ECIII and Eddie Edwards. WWE have reportedly already expressed an interest in Edwards for their NXT brand. ROH are also looking at his situation.

WWE history:

WWE have signed their first female Arabian wrestler during the current tour of the region.

Indie great gets big job:

Adam Pearce has been given the job of producing 205 Live.

Sting remembers working drunk Hardy:

"Jeff was in a bad way, he was deteriorating as the day went on, by the time our match rolled around it became clear that he couldn't compete so I had to take him down quickly. He has since turned it all around, I love Jeff, I love his work, I hold nothing against him and wish him all the best."

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