Monday, February 8, 2016

Today's News


Sheamus of WWE and Dario Cueto of LU appeared in ads during the SuperBowl game last night.

WWE sent the winning team a WWE Championship belt as congratulations, and Titus O'Neill was presented with a winners ring, by a former SuperBowl winning team.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan will be on Raw tonight, where he will announce the end of his in ring career. He says he must stop wrestling for medical reasons, but a reported backstage fallout may be the true reason for him taking this step. As reported a few weeks back he asked for, but was refused, his release from WWE, after growing tired of waiting to be cleared to return from injury. He had even approached ROH and NJPW to sound out their interest in his services, but Vince McMahon personally blocked the resignation, and went on to enforce the controversial rule they previously used with Rey Mysterio. They added his injury time to the length of his remaining WWE contract, so he could not even see his deal out before quietly leaving at the end of it. Bryan was reportedly not happy about this, and feels this is his only way out of his WWE career.

It has been strongly stressed by multiple sources that this is not an angle, is legit, and was Daniel's decision. WWE are also telling their talent to post about D-Bry on social media.

TE gimmicked:

Tanner of the last series of Tough Enough has claimed that the show was scripted completely, from the interviews, talent testimonials, in house footage, and that the final result of Josh winning was known throughout the run of the show.

Raw tease:

  • Will Dean Ambrose get his pound of flesh from The Beast?
  • Expect Chris Jericho to pay very close attention to whatever awaits AJ Styles
  • Will Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch's uneasy union pay off?
  • Will The Wyatt Family cut The Big Guy down to size?
  • Will Goldust find success in getting R-Truth to be his partner this week?

Chikara to WWE:

Mike Quakenbush, owner of Chikara, is working as a guest coach at the WWE PC this week.

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