Friday, February 5, 2016

Today's News

ECW original dies:

Axl Rotten was found dead outside of a Baltimore branch of McDonalds last night. He was booked into a hotel across the street from the restaurant. Police are reportedly of the belief drugs were involved in the death, but no substances or paraphernalia were discovered at the scene, so are waiting on the results of a post mortem for conformation of his cause of death.

TNA inury:

Davey Richards knee injury is much worse than first thought, and he has been told to expect a long lay off.

WWE injury:

The Miz suffered a broken tooth in his SmackDown match against AJ Styles this week.

Sunny vs Chyna:

Sunny has laid claim to be the top wrestling porn star...

"Without a doubt she can kick my ass in the wrestling ring, but I really don't think she stands a chance against me where it matters most. In the bedroom."

Goldberg to WWE:

Goldberg says he hears he will be on the 2K17 WWE video game.

WWE sign announcer:

WWE have signed Cathy Kelley from Afterbuzz, and Hollywood Championship Wrestling fame.

NXT releases:

WWE have today dropped Bull Dempsey from their roster. Marcus Louis and Sylvester LeFort have also been deleted from the WWE roster page, so are probably gone too. Magno and Peter Howard have also left the PC, neither of those men had made it to TV, or the official roster.

Austin talks injuries:

Steve Austin has discussed his opinion on why so many WWE stars get injured in the modern day world of the promotion...

"I just think that, when you look at the game of professional football it's sped up so much more than it used to be. The guys are bigger, faster, stronger, and I think the same kind of goes with WWE. I think the guys and the gals are working harder and faster, and are more athletic than they ever were. So the athletic sequences are so risky."

JR no show:

Jim Ross says he will not be attending this years WrestleMania.

TNA release:

Awesome Kong has been fired by TNA, after her locker room altercation with Reby Sky in the UK.

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