Friday, February 19, 2016

Today's News

DeMott talks WWE:

Bill DeMott says he would certainly consider a return to WWE...

"Sure, I'm not the guy who says I have one more match in me. I don't think I'd ever be that guy. I don't think I'd turn it down if someone said 'Hey we got the gimmick Battle Royal, do you wanna do it?' Yes, because it'd be fun but I'm not the guy who says I have another run in me. I am the guy who would love to be in the ring. I love to be around young talent. I love to be around talent that's looking for another way to fix things or try things and I love training. I absolutely love wrestling and I take advantage of every opportunity from seminars to tryout camps and things like that and, if the opportunity ever comes again, you never say you're not gonna do it because I'd be a liar but if it ever came up it'd be a serious conversation with my wife."

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho has agreed to some post WrestleMania 32 dates.

The Rock:

The Rock has been announced for a sequel to his disaster film San Andreas. He will also co-host the MTV movie awards this year.

HOF'er cries for Bryan:

Steve Austin has admitted becoming teary eyed when he saw Daniel Bryan announce the end of his ring career on Raw recently.

NXT faux pas:

Apollo Crews says he accidentally swore during his entrance on an NXT TV recently...

"People still make fun of me about it. I had rehearsed my entrance backstage, but I remember coming out and the first thing I did was cuss."

WWE PC visit:

Tatanka was on hand at the WWE PC today.


Miami have officially submitted bids for WrestleMania 33 and 34.

ESPN play the race card:

A presenter at ESPN has criticised Steve Austin's take on the Titus O'Neil ban, in particular his use of the term ''Shucking and jiving.'' He called Steve's ''Poor'' choice of words ''Unfortunate''.

WWE easter egg:

A wrestling fan has noticed a trick on Google translate. If you translate Sami Zayn from English to Arabic, it comes up with an interesting response.


Paige has lost all her gear in transit. Her bags were delayed by her airline, as she travelled to a fan convention.

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