Monday, February 1, 2016

Today's News


A title changed hands at last night's TNA taping in Birmingham, England.

Steph on TV:

Stephanie McMahon taped an interview with Good Morning America yesterday. The interview was due to air today, but was bumped.

TNA injuries:

Davey Richards injured his knee last night in Birmingham, England, and Kurt Angle suffered concussion like symptoms during a match vs Drew Galloway, but went on to continue his final night as a TNA man, with two more matches taped.

Torrie Wilson:

TMZ caught up with former WWE diva Torrie Wilson to ask if she would consider following Sunny into the world of pornography, she simply replied... ''No.''

My tat:

Kevin Owens has revealed what the four letters tattooed on his knuckles mean. He says both of his grandfathers died shortly before he signed for WWE, and the four letters are the initials of the two men (Melvin Steen and Pierre Benoit).

Shinsuke Nakamura:

Shinsuke Nakamura has worked his last match for NJPW over the past weekend, he is now on his way to the States.

Orton teaming up with Foley:

Randy Orton's brother Nate is on the undercard for Mick Foley's next comedy show.

Iconic ref talks staying relevant:

Charles Robinson says he plans to stay with WWE for 10-15 more years, despite the pressure he feels from younger men, hoping to take his spot...

"I fly in the day before. I go into the arena early. I unload the truck, help build the ring, lights go up, put up the barricade and padding around the ring, set up backstage monitors in dressing rooms, do the show, tear it all down, load the truck. If it's a house show, we normally have a bus to take us to the next town. But if it's TV, we have to drive ourselves."

Charlotte talks dead brother angle:

"I think they needed heat. I think they needed heat because, I mean, in my eyes, I look at Paige, looking at her as a fan, not a talent, I'm like, 'yeah, she's freaking cool! She's a badass! I can relate to her. She's one of us!' And I knew, I mean, I think the Reid storyline came because they needed heat and they needed to get me some kind of sympathy."

She went on to say she was surprised by the fan backlash that followed the storyline.

Raw tease:

  • No matter who crosses his path, Brock Lesnar is bringing the pain to Raw.
  • Will tensions rise between Ambrose and Reigns?.
  • When will Alberto Del Rio attempt to reclaim the U.S. Title?.
  • Will Goldust and R-Truth finally partner up?.
  • How will Sasha Banks prove that she deserves to be next in line for Charlotte's prize?.

Chyna wants to atone:

Chyna says she is desperate to atone and apologise for her past troubles with WWE, and wants to get back into the WWE family.

WWE alum to porn:

RVD attended a porn convention over the weekend.

Hall Of Famer ill:

Bret Hart has revealed he is battling prostate cancer. This news comes days after his brother Smith revealed he too is having a similar battle with the disease.

TE debut:

Gabi of Tough Enough made her in ring debut at an indie show over the weekend.

Rusev fights back:

Rusev is tired of Dave Meltzer reporting about his woman Lana, and has shot down all of his claims of her being in heat with the WWE office, repeatedly mocking the reporter of what he called ''Fake news.''

Triple H talks Mania debut:

"A lot of people bring it up to me as if it was a sore spot in my career. It's not. It's actually something I'm really proud of. Who can say that, in their first WrestleMania ever, they got to step in the ring with one of the biggest icons in the business?"


''Watch This'' by Will Roush is the official theme song of Fastlane.

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