Sunday, February 7, 2016

Today's News

Del Rio working hurt:

Alberto Del Rio is still suffering from his back injury, but says he will be good to go.

WWE vs Superbowl:

Vince McMahon has challenged the SuperBowl to live up to last years WrestleMania, which was held in the same arena as this weekends match.

WWE go to school:

Tyler Breeze and Luke Harper visited Lance Storm's wrestling school during the WWE weekend trip to Canada.

Vince's pet project:

Vince McMahon has taken personal responsibility for the career of Braun Strowman. He is micro-managing his every move, including telling him to make errors in the ring, so fans don't realise how good he is before Mania. Speaking of Mania, Vince is furious that the IWC picked up on his plan to have Braun face Taker at the supershow, and the match, and long term angles leading to Summerslam, where he was to face Brock Lesnar, may have been nixed.

A-Ry on WWE frustrations:

Alex Riley says he does not regret giving up a high paying job to join WWE, even though his career has not worked out as he would have hoped...

"Never. I am a wrestler. That's what I came here to be, and that's what I will leave as. I had plenty of very high-paying jobs thrown at me out of college, some in the field of broadcasting, and I left all of them. I took a $150,000-a-year pay cut, packed up my Jeep and, with no experience, headed south to become a wrestler. I challenge you to find one man on the roster that had earned himself a nearly $200,000-a-year job at 26 years old selling medical devices, who would leave all the money and security for the rest of his life to roll the dice in WWE. I don't think one exists in the locker room. I have had my passion, my work ethic, and my love for this business questioned in the past and it infuriated me. I am not one to usually brag or boast, but that is the honest story of what Kevin Kiley gave up for just a chance to maybe one day be Alex Riley. As challenging as it has been for me to carve out a career here, I have no regrets."

David Otunga, who did the same, echoed his feelings.

CM Punk:

CM Punk will finally get into the cage as a UFC star against Mickey Gall, later in 2016.

Finn Balor:

Finn Balor slightly sprained his ankle over the weekend, and missed last nights live. He was at the event, but was struggling. He fell over during an in ring promo.

WCW star to Hall Of Fame:

Kevin Greene has been named as an inductee into the pro football Hall Of Fame for the class of 2016.


Sin Cara returned from injury last night.

Fan incident:

A fan was kicked out of a live this weekend. He became offended by Stardust, and got into a shouting fit. Stardust apparently verbally lit him up, before security pulled him out of the arena. He then got into it with police outside the venue. He was said to have been drunk.

It's gone:

Daniel Bryan has shaved his iconic beard. A friend posted this picture (Photo).


Sami Zayn spent time with the Young Bucks and the Briscoes this weekend.

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