Saturday, February 6, 2016

Today's News

WCW star returns:

Crowbar has put his serious knee injuries aside, and is back competing on the indie scene.

School take on WWE:

Baylor University in Waco, Texas have filed an objection to the WWE TradeMark ''Balor Club''. The school use the term for their own students, and are not happy at the prospect of having to cease to do so.

Bret Hart:

Bret Hart was at last nights WWE live in Calgary. David Benoit was also at the show.

TE NXT debut:

Patrick of Tough Enough made his NXT debut last night in Florida.


Finn Balor injured his ankle at last nights NXT live, during his NXT title retention vs Samoa Joe. He was aided away from the arena with his leg strapped up, and using crutches.

The Miz:

The Miz has had dental surgery to repair his injured money maker today. He is now on his way to the Playboy mansion for an awards event.

WWE - SuperBowl:

Titus O'Neil and Scott Armstrong will represent WWE at the SuperBowl this weekend.

GFW to UK:

GFW have announced a three night UK tour. They will be coming over in March, and will visit Exeter, London and Coventry.

Old boy calls on WWE to pay royalties:

Kevin Thorn says WWE should pay their old talent for repeating past events on their Network...

"I can only assume guys are wondering where it is that this Network is coming to be lucrative for everyone and it doesn't have to be millions of dollars. Money here and there is for sure definitely worth it. Especially if from what I understand since I don't own the Network you can punch in my name and bring up anything I've ever done. Now granted, they paid me well when I was there but that's the point of royalties. Mr T still gets paid off the A-Team, Hannibal is still getting his cheddar and so is Murdoch. Something needs to be held accounted for or said for that."


Jim Ross says he does not expect Sunny to be removed from the Hall Of Fame, after making her porn debut...

"My take would be no but that's new ground for me to even think about. Allowing someone into the Hall that is perceived to have a dubious past is one thing but banishing an existing member from the Hall is another matter all together. "

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