Friday, February 26, 2016

Today's News

Nakamura wants dream re-match:

Shinsuke Nakamura says he hopes to get back in the ring with Brock Lesnar, now that he has followed his old foe to the WWE.

First win for 12 years:

D'Von Dudley secured his first singles match victory on WWE TV since 2004's win over Rob Van Dam, when he beat a Uso on SmackDown this week.

Major live:

AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens, and a very rare house show match for Triple H will be included on March's MSG special live card.

HHH and Steph were in MSG last night, for an Ozzy Osbourne gig.

RVD in movie:

Rob Van Dam has appeared in a kids film set for release this summer. ''Time Toys'' follows a group of young losers that find a box of toys sent from the future, which they must use to save their town from a corporate mad man, and learn some important life lessons as they go through their adventure.

Think I'll stick with Monster Squad TBH...

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho suffered a facial injury on SmackDown this week.


Lana has been doing wedding dress shopping today, as she prepares to wed Rusev.

WWE come out to downplay Shane's future:

Speculation that Shane McMahon will return to the WWE office after his on screen feud with 'Taker comes to an end, is rife. Talk of his business struggling in China, and his distancing of himself from them, and his business acumen, and wide spread popularity among staff and talent, should see him welcomed back with open arms, but, there is still real life tensions over Shane quitting the company in the past, highlighted by Stephanie's un-scripted shot at Shane on Raw this week, and a Shane return to the office may threaten Hunter and Stephanie's positions of power. It seems WWE would not welcome Shane back, as the promotion released this statement about the rumours...

''Shane is just playing a character on a TV show.''

TE injury:

Chelsea of Tough Enough has broken her collarbone whilst on tour in India. She actually shared a helicopter with Great Khali, who was injured at the same show.

TNA star benched for year:

Davey Richards has had serious knee surgery, and will be out for as much as 9 months. He had to have reconstructive surgery on the knee last week, after tearing his ACL.

Christopher Daniels talks career regrets:

"If WWE had softened their perception of the independent scene five years earlier than they did, maybe that would have been me. When I got to TNA in 2010, their attitude seemed to be very set against that idea. At the same time, too, I feel like at the time when I might have been most appealing to the WWE in terms of character and in terms of connection I had made with the fans, I was under contract with TNA. So, to me the bad thing about it was just timing. There's nothing you can do to change that. For me to dwell on that would just be a useless exercise in futility. I'm bummed out about it, but at the same time, I'm content where I'm at."

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