Thursday, February 11, 2016

Today's News

WWE blasted as racist:

WWE have been hit with the race card by some mainstream media outlets in the wake of the suspension of Titus O'Neil yesterday. WWE angrily denied the claim...

"The suspension of Titus O'Neil had nothing to do with race and everything to do with unprofessional conduct. Titus "acknowledged the gravity of his mistake" in a text message, writing...

"I feel like s--t now so if you have to let me go, I understand. Stupid mistake."

Batista has publicly and privately advised his friend to quit the promotion in protest of the suspension.

WWE have softened slightly, dropping his ban to 60 days, he will still miss Mania though.

Vince McMahon reportedly decided to take the action because he wants to send the roster a message. He feels standards have been slipping, people are cruising, and are too comfortable. All of this is diminishing the professionalism of the promotion, in his eyes.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has had a minor surgery on his back and will be benched for 4-6 weeks. This will delay his UFC debut, but only by one event. The fight should be on July's UFC 200 card.

WWE star robbed:

Scott Armstrong's car was broken into during a live in Portland last night. His bags were stolen.

John Cena:

John Cena has revealed his Fox TV show ''American Grit'' will go to air in April.

Mania change:

Undertaker vs Braun Strowman is now reportedly dead. Strowman will instead win the Andre The Giant battle royal. He will still feud with Brock Lesnar in the summer, and will have a run at the WWE gold before the year is out.

No word on who Taker will face instead, but it won't be Kevin Owens. His request to be considered was rejected.

Stephanie McMahon:

WWE have hired a PR firm to portray Stephanie McMahon as a friendly, positive face of the company.


A ''Top'' but un-named WWE star is reportedly in talks to switch from the ring to the cage, as his WWE deal will end this year, and he has decided to seek a new challenge

ROH sack randy ref:

Kevin Keenan was fired over the weekend for making sexual advances toward the female roster.

Ryback punks CM:

Ryback tweeted an apology for hurting CM Punk, and said he was ''Dumb as f*ck'' in response to news of CM's back surgery. This is because of CM's accusations that Ryback took 20 years off his life, and repeatedly damaged his body. Punk also claimed that Ryback used the dumb as.... quote during a backstage row they once had.

TNA star assaulted in ring:

New TNA star Raquel says she was told that her opponent at a live in Florida over the past weekend was going to hurt her, because of her TNA deal. Raquel did not take the threat seriously, but suffered broken teeth, a fractured jaw, and multiple bruises. She has refused to report the incident to police, and said she will grow stronger as a result.

Donald Trump:

Steve Austin is the second WWE HOF'er to come out in support of Donald Trump's presidential bid, although more tentatively...

"I think Trump's awful reactionary, as far as would he make a great president or not. I like a lot of the things that he says, but that being said, I don't know how I'd react, we still have a long way to go."


WWE proudly celebrate their record breaking 2015.

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