Thursday, February 4, 2016

Today's News

WWE want HOF'er to be ''Major player'' at Mania:

WWE are set to offer Shawn Michaels the main event guest referee role at WrestleMania 32, but only because they feel he will reject the chance to wrestle in front of his home state fans.

Batista turned the gig down earlier this week.

Billy Gunn talks WWE release:

"The first thing I want to make clear is the powerlifting meet that I went to. I wasn't on it to win that powerlifting contest because it was me against me anyway. I popped on their test, because I was over their test limit. Let's face it: I'm 52 years old. I have my prescription from the doctor, but it was the way it all came out is what they had to do. I don't blame them at all, and I'm going to take every single bit of it because it wasn't fair to NXT for what Hunter had done for the company. What he's done with that brand is amazing. WWE had to do what they had to do. They did it, and I'm perfectly fine with it, and hopefully one day they'll hire me back because I feel I was a pretty good coach. It's just the way it all came out. It wasn't anything that WWE did; they had to do what they did, and I feel like I let the NXT kids down. I never, ever wanted to do that. Ever. So I'll take that."


Shinsuke Nakamura has had his WWE medical checks today.

Mania changes:

It is not clear if The Undertaker has turned down the planned match vs Braun Strowman, but word coming out of WWE is the newest Wyatt will now be involved in a multi man match at the show, either in the Andre The Giant tribute battle royal, or a 6 man tag, with Taker, Kane and Big Show vs Luke Harper, Erick Rowan and Strowman.

Rock slowing down:

The Rock's hugely successful ''Fast'' film franchise will end after two final films, lead actor Vin Diesel has announced. Fast 8 will tape soon, and will be followed at two year intervals by two more films, bringing the collection up to a round number of ten movies. The Rock is not as yet confirmed for the final two, but will be in the next one.

LU stand alone:

Lucha Underground have rejected tie ins with both WWE and TNA. Talks, led by Triple H, with WWE in December, regarding a talent agreement, went nowhere, and they have, in the past couple of weeks, turned down a co-pro show with TNA, which TNA wanted to do on WrestleMania weekend.

New school:

WWE old boy Trevor Murdoch is opening a new wrestling school in Kansas.

Lex Luger to HOF:

The National Wrestling Hall Of Fame have announced Luger will be their star inductee at this years ceremony, later this summer.

Austin talks birth of a legend:

Steve Austin has recalled the birth of the iconic Mr. Socko...

"Nobody, I mean nobody, but Mick Foley, could get a thing like a sock over to the degree that he did. I'll never forget when I was about to hit Mr. McMahon in the head with that bedpan, me and Mick Foley were in a bathroom about the size of a shower in the hospital and he was telling me about the sock and he was going to start using it as a finish and we were laughing our asses off in that little, bitty bathroom. They had to knock on the door and say, 'hey, you guys need to keep it quiet - we're trying to film Vince's part of the skit!' So anyway, swig of beer and big respect for Mick Foley. Getting the Mandible Claw over was easy. I mean, that was a great finish. But, then, using the sock [and] calling it Mr. Socko, that's entertainment! That's something that's just credible, and then you throw the showmanship, or the entertainment factor in it by using the sock, and then the sock turns into a character, dude, that's just good stuff. I don't care who you are. That's good stuff!."

Punk storms out:

CM Punk stormed out of an interview today, after growing tired of being asked WWE related questions.

WWE surprised:

WWE officials had no idea AJ Styles would receive the reaction he got at the Royal Rumble, and changed their plans for him during the match. He was going to be dumped out by Dean Ambrose, but it was decided it would mean more if Kevin Owens was the man to eliminate him.

Cena in game:

John Cena has voiced the Incredible Hulk in a new Marvel game:

No Battle Royal for Y2J:

Chris Jericho says there is no chance he will accept a spot in the WrestleMania battle royal.

Rhodes to nowhere:

Stardust has tweeted that Cody Rhodes will 100% never be seen again.


Kevin Nash says should WWE induct the NWO, it should be as a four, not three. He would want Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, himself, and X-Pac.

Sunny sentenced:

Sunny will find out her punishment for her driving offences on March 28. She has been told to expect jail time, but her decision to take responsibility for her crimes may lead to the sentence being commuted to house arrest, rather than a spell in prison.

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