Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Today's News

Feud resolved:

Michelle Beadle attended a WWE show for the first time since attacking WWE and Triple H for their support of Floyd Mayweather last night. Triple H said they have buried the hatchet, and have exciting projects together in the pipeline.

She was not the only celeb at the show. Actor Gerard Butler was in the front row, as was rocker M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold.

WWE - YouTube:

WWE sent an array of their talent to YouTubers Smosh gaming's HQ today, for a collab video.

New champion:

Kevin Owens regained the Intercontinental Championship from Dean Ambrose on Raw last night.


Edge & Christian have been announced for Fastlane this Sunday. Also at the show, new IC champ Kevin Owens will put his gold up vs Dolph Ziggler, and the US title bout has been dropped onto the pre show.

Vince McMahon Sr:

WWE have announced a new award in the name of the founder of WWE Vince McMahon Sr. The recipient will be named next week, and will be recognised for their legacy of excellence.

Big Show:

Big Show told Stone Cold Steve Austin that he will retire from the ring in two years, on his podcast last night.

GFW belt for sale:

Christina Von Eerie is selling the GFW Women's title on Ebay, there are currently no bids for the strap. Jeff Jarrett is reportedly having a new belt made up, so the original is no longer needed.

NXT old girl at Raw:

Kendall Skye was backstage last night. She had worked with WWE for just over a year, before leaving in mid 2014.

DX vs NWO:

X-Pac says DX was better than NWO, because...

"I made five times more money in DX. I don't want to discount the nWo stuff because that was huge and I'm so grateful to be a part of it. And I'm grateful that Eric Bischoff gave me that opportunity. And I had a ton of fun there. But it was nothing compared to the fun and creative satisfaction and just to be part of something amazing that I got from that whole DX experience."

Bryan and Brie Danielson:

The Danielson's were interviewed today. Daniel says he plans on spending his future working on concussion awareness in sport, and Brie says she will announce her retirement in the summer.

Cesaro takes shot:

Cesaro has gone against the grain and refused to name Brock Lesnar as a dream opponent, and WWE may not be happy with the reason he gave...

"I have not done a singles with Brock. It is definitely not my ambition, to face him as I'd rather stand in the ring against someone is with WWE the whole time."

Ronda Rousey:

Ronda Rousey says she considered committing suicide after her first loss in UFC. She told TV hostess Ellen...

"Honestly, my thought I was like, in the medical room and I was down in the corner. I was sitting in the corner like, What am I anymore if I'm not this? And I was literally sitting there and thinking about killing myself and that exact second. I'm like I'm nothing, what do I do anymore and no one gives a sh*t about me anymore without this."

Injury scuppers retirement?:

Mark Henry's dream of retiring at WrestleMania this year may have taken a blow, he suffered rib injuries on Raw last night.

Jerry Lawler:

Jerry Lawler says he is looking into opening a restaurant in Memphis.

Finn vs Joe:

WWE are torn on who to call up first. Finn Balor and Samoa Joe will face each other at NXT Dallas, the loser will be called up post WrestleMania. Plans were for that to be Samoa Joe, leaving Finn to continue as NXT champ, before moving up later in the year, but officials like the idea of giving Joe a run with the gold, and are said to be pushing for Joe to win in Texas, meaning he would need to stay in NXT to represent them as champion. That would leave Finn free to make the step up.

Foley no show:

Mick Foley missed a booking in Florida last night. He is sick to his stomach.

Cruiserweights coming back:

WWE have announced a Network exclusive show for Cruiserweights. The show will be open to anyone under 205lbs, and talent are flying from all over the world to take part in the 10 week series.

King vacating his throne:

Wade Barrett has reportedly told WWE he will not re-sign with them when his deal expires in June. He is frustrated with his lack of progression during his five years with WWE, and has been blighted with injuries, but was highly thought of, and was at one point being groomed as a potential future, and first ever English, WWE World champ.

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