Monday, August 31, 2015

Today's News


WWE have not created a new WWE title belt for Sheamus. He posted a photoshopped picture with shamrock side plates to tease cashing in his Money In The Bank, and some fans thought it was legit.

Barrett starts shooting:

King Barrett has begun taping his WWE movie today in the UK.

Dudleyz still working independently:

Dudley Boyz fulfilled their indie booking in Oklahoma over the weekend, this will not be a regular event, they are exclusive to WWE now, but made arrangements so they did not let the promotion down, with such short notice.

WWE edit match:

WWE have cut Brock Lesnar's use of the middle finger from SummerSlam repeats on the WWE Network.

WWE star begins campaign:

Xavier Woods is asking for support in his bid to get a role in a new Power Rangers movie, which is scheduled for a 2017 release. He says he wants to play the Black Ranger.

Seth Rollins:

Seth Rollins has re-tweeted a picture of the best wrestling tattoo ever.

No disrespect, but I could have drawn that better, it looks like felt tip pen.

Controversy grows around NXT star:

Zahra Schreiber continues to garner negative attention. After sexually explicit images of her and Seth Rollins cheating on their respective partners, and yesterdays Nazi themed social media posts, she is now in the midst of a racial storm. Fans have continued to look through her social media past and found more potentially offensive comments. When talking about a 2009 Disney film she made critical comments about the decision to make the princess black. When asked if the colour of the skin was that important she replied with a wink faced emoticon. She also criticised the fact she married a white prince, saying he must of needed the money, and said Disney only did it to p!ss off the black community, which she apparently found quite funny.

WWE later subsided to the weight of the fan pressure, and announced her release from the company.

PWG Battle Of LA:

A Brit has won the Battle Of Los Angeles. 28 year old Zack Sabre.

Hogan starts rebuild:

Hulk Hogan has taken to TV today to address the racist scandal hanging over him. He told ABC...

"Oh, my gosh. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. I think if you look at the whole picture of who Hulk Hogan is, you can see over all the years that there's not a racist bone in my body. I'm not a racist but I never should have said what I said. It was wrong. I'm embarrassed by it," Hogan said. "People need to realize that you inherit things from your environment. And where I grew up was south Tampa, Port Tampa, and it was a really rough neighborhood, very low income. And all my friends, we greeted each other saying that word."

He went on to discuss the WWE actions...

"I've worked for the WWE for almost 30 years off and on ... and then all of a sudden, everything I've done my whole career and my whole life was like it never happened. I mean, I love this business. I mean, it's been my life. I've given my life to this business. I've destroyed my body because I love doing this so much ... And I knew great things were still coming. And -- it just destroyed me. If everybody at their lowest point was judged on one thing they said and let's just say in high school, you may have said one bad thing and all of a sudden, your whole career was wiped out today because of something you said 10 or 20 years ago, it'd be a sad world. People get better every day. People get better."

He thanked his daughter Brooke...

"She knows me. She's seen me -- kids of every color, nationality... She's seen me interact with these kids through Make A Wish, through just all these different organizations. For me to vent and be so angry at her, she should have been the one -- she should have been the one to throw me out like the trash. But instead, she showed me more love than anybody."

He became emotional at points during the interview. He also did a print interview with People Magazine, highlights...

"I'm a good person. I'm not a racist. I made one horrible mistake."

"When I grew up, it was something that was inherited generation after generation. That was part of my daily environment."

"My anger was directed towards Brooke. It wasn't a racial slur against him. If anyone was going to kick me to the curb or have nothing to do with me, it would be my daughter. She came to me with nothing but love and said, 'Dad, I love you so much.'"

"Behind this dark cloud is going to be this huge shiny blessing and I'm going to get help people with this. I get to explain to them that even in the locker room when you're talking smack, it's not cool. I would love to see it taken out of the dictionary."

"What I have learned is that I've got this huge built in support system with all the people that have known me, watched me and worked with me. They know that just this one instance is not who I am."

Foley faux pas:

Mick Foley has revealed his new false teeth came lose during his SummerSlam segment, causing him to lose the ability to speak clearly, he corrected the problem as Jon Stewart was speaking.

Sarita to WWE:

Sarita is expected to sign with WWE soon, and may wrestle, but at the age of 36 is more likely to be sent to the PC as a coach.

Raw tease:

  • Should Rollins be afraid of Sting?
  • Who will eat a table this week, thanks to The Dudley Boyz?
  • What's next for John Cena?
  • Are Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns outmatched by The Wyatt Family?
  • Will Nikki Bella make Divas Title history?

Time running out for TNA:

TNA may be cut loose by their network hosts at the end of next month. They have no tapings booked for October, and the only moves they have made to secure a block for November have been made outside of the States, in India. Things are reportedly not looking good for their domestic TV status.

Stephanie McMahon:

Stephanie McMahon has revealed the new logo for the WWE charity Connor's Cure.

WWE vs Alum's family:

WWE have scored a victory in a lawsuit filed against them by the wife of Mabel. The case will be heard in Connecticut, and has been added to the concussion suits they are also fighting. Cassandra Frazier wanted the case to be heard separately, in Tennessee.


Another group of stars have been named, here is the new list...

  • Aiden English
  • Batista
  • Chris Jericho
  • Curtis Axel
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Edge
  • Erick Rowan
  • Fandango
  • JBL
  • Luke Harper
  • Randy Savage
  • Natalya
  • Rick Rude
  • R-Truth
  • Ryback
  • Santino Marella
  • Sgt. Slaughter
  • Simon Gotch
  • The Undertaker
  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Alicia Fox
  • Cesaro
  • Tyson Kidd
  • Cameron
  • Big Show
  • Bam Bam Bigelow
  • Darren Young
  • Dolph Ziggler
  • Finlay
  • Layla
  • Kevin Nash
  • Lex Luger
  • The Miz
  • Naomi
  • Randy Orton
  • Sheamus
  • Titus O'Neil
  • Adam Rose
  • Neville
  • Bo Dallas
  • Brie Bella
  • Brock Lesnar
  • Goldust
  • Heath Slater
  • Hideo Itami
  • Jack Swagger
  • Kevin Owens
  • Nikki Bella
  • Ric Flair
  • Sami Zayn
  • Roman Reigns
  • Stardust
  • Sting
  • Tyler Breeze
  • The Ultimate Warrior
  • Zack Ryder
  • Booker T
  • Colonel Mustafa
  • Emma
  • Eva Marie
  • General Adnan
  • Kalisto
  • Kane
  • Lord Steven Regal
  • Sin Cara
  • Summer Rae
  • Tamina Snuka
  • Triple H
  • Steve Austin
  • Seth Rollins
  • Daniel Bryan
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Bad News Barrett
  • Paige
  • Finn Balor
  • Alexa Bliss
  • The Rock
  • Andre the Giant

Sonnen threatens to quit:

Chael Sonnen says he will leave GFW unless they secure a US TV deal. He also added that if they can get a TV deal, they will ''Absorb'' TNA.

TNA star arrested, suspended indefinitely:

Bram has been arrested for two counts of domestic battery in Florida. TNA acted quickly, and pulled him from all events. This is not his first brush with the law, he was released by WWE for a number of legal problems, including DUI, and assault on police, during his time with them. He is currently in jail for false imprisonment and a strangulation assault. He was, until earlier this summer, married to Ric Flair's daughter Charlotte. They split a few months ago. She is not thought to have been involved in this incident.

Shooting at WWE PC:

A man was shot outside the WWE Performance Center this afternoon. His condition is currently unknown. WWE released a statement regarding the incident, and revealed a disturbed man had been causing problems at the PC, and had led them to take legal action against him, banning him from WWE property. He returned today, and was armed with a knife. WWE staff called the authorities. The shooting happened during an altercation with the police, an officer shot him once. The area remains closed off.

Police later revealed the man was infatuated with one of the female stars at the PC, and became deranged when he found out she was not in attendance at the facility. They also say they have been working with WWE in relation to the case, as WWE were concerned for their employee's safety.

RIP Wes Craven... Thanks for the nightmares...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Today's News

WWE change TV team:

Rich Brennan will become the new lead announcer on SmackDown, replacing Tom Phillips. Booker T will also be joining the show in two weeks. No word on what this means for Tom Phillips.

Raw goes ahead:

The host venue of next weeks Raw have confirmed the show will go ahead as planned after the threatened tropical storm dissipated over Cuba yesterday. Thunderstorms are expected, and threats of flooding in some areas are still in place, but the WWE show will go on. A SummerSlam rematch between Dolph Ziggler and Rusev will headline.

Fan incident:

A fan reportedly tried to stab Dean Ambrose at this weeks SmackDown TV taping. A man jumped the barrier and rushed toward Ambrose as he was leaving the ring following his match, but was taken down by security before he got to the star. Fans close to the incident claimed he said he was going to stab him, but nothing was seen in his hands during the scuffle.

New star in trouble already:

Zahra, Seth Rollins girlfriend, has just been given her first WWE gimmick. She will play Solomon Crowe's sister. She has offended many of her followers on social media site Instagram however, by posting pictures of a Nazi Swastika. The images are dated back to 2012, but fans have been sending links to the posts to Triple H asking what action he will take against her. One of the offending pieces is a My Little Pony made to look like Adolf Hitler. She has adamantly refused to remove the images and launched into personal attacks on people that challenged her use of them. She also correctly asserted that the icon was used long before the Nazi's appropriated it, by a number of different religions, including Buddhists.

ROH star in medical emergency:

Cliff Domino Compton suffered a seizure in the locker rooms of ROH last night. He was rushed to an emergency room for tests, before being released. He is now resting at his hotel.

WWE fail:

WWE were showing tweets on a screen at a live last night when a picture of TNA stars Velvet Sky and Angelina Love popped up. Some fans thought it was a tease of an announcement, or surprise appearance, but it turned out to be a cheeky joke from a fan in attendance, that managed to get through whatever vetting process WWE had in place.

Team Paige to compete for gold:

The three members of Team Paige will be rewarded for their SummerSlam win by being put into a beat the clock challenge on Raw. The star that scores a win in the quickest time will be the challenger for Nikki Bella's title at Night Of Champions.

Tough Enough:

WWE have a poll asking which eliminated star fans would like to be given a second chance by WWE, Mada is crushing the vote with 72%, his closest rival is Patrick on 9%.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry spent time this week with street children in India. He asked people to support them...

"I have two children, and I will tell them how to be brave in an odd situation. I appeal to all citizens to support street children."

Ruby gets tryout:

Indie star Ruby has been invited to the next WWE tryout camp.

Best celeb:

Stephen Amell is topping a WWE poll of greatest celebrities to work a match for WWE. He has 74%. His closest competition is Snooki on 6%.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Today's News

Raw at risk:

WWE have been warned that this Monday's Raw may have to be cancelled. A tropical storm is expected to hit the area on Monday afternoon, and the Governor of Tampa has declared a state of emergency, due to the severe threat the storm poses. It would be the second time this year if it was shelved, as the post Rumble Raw was cancelled due to a snow storm in Connecticut, back in January.

Steve Austin admits copping a rollocking from Vince McMahon:

For the first time Steve Austin has confessed Vince McMahon did call to reprimand him for his podcast interview with Paul Heyman, where he teased interest in a match vs Brock Lesnar...

"I have Vince listed in my iPhone 6 [as] 'VKM', all capital letters. All of a sudden, 'hmmm... it's Mr. Vince McMahon calling me', so I'm thinking, 'okay, I got to answer the phone - he's either calling to tell me it was a great interview with Paul Heyman, we blew the internet up, or he's going to call and eat my ass out about making a match at WrestleMania 32 with Brock Lesnar', which was not my intention. It was the latter."

Bob Backlund:

After multiple delays Bob Backlund's biog will finally be released next month.

Hulk Hogan starts to rebuild:

Hulk Hogan has taken to the TV studios today, in a bid to begin rehabilitating his damaged reputation following his racist scandal. During his interviews he said he understands and supports WWE's decision to cut him loose, but added he has no hard feelings, as they are his family. The media blitz is very unlikely to have been arranged by WWE, as officials are still far from ready to allow him back in, as yet. 


Sting will be on Raw this week to build his feud with Seth Rollins.

Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie Guerrero attended an NXT show this week, as she celebrates earning her degree in medical administration.

Roman Reigns talks worst injury:

"Anytime a grown man picks you up over his head with the intention of dropping it's going to hurt. But if I had to pick one, it would be the time Big Show, who is over 7 feet, choke-slammed me out of the ring and through some tables. I threw up blood for a couple of days after that one."

NXT promotion:

Greg Hamilton has been promoted to work the WWE main roster live tour, he is an announcer.

Simon Dean:

Simon Dean / Nova has been promoted to the managers role at his bank in Kentucky.

Reigns gets rowdy:

Roman Reigns was taped encouraging fans at SmackDown to chant ''Titty Master'' at Dean Ambrose during this weeks taping. It is relating to an old rumour of rude messages Ambrose apparently likes to write on his wrist tape, he has always denied it.


ROH and its parent channel Sinclair were blacked out briefly on the Dish Network, but the two sides have now sorted out their differences, and service has been resumed.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Today's News

New Horsemen:

Ric Flair has named his line up for a potential modern day reincarnation of the legendary Four Horseman faction...

  • Dolph Ziggler.
  • Seth Rollins.
  • The Miz.
  • Cesaro.

Question Of The Day...

Who would make your dream line up???.


Emma has made an appearance on her niece's YouTube channel. Riley is apparently quite well known on the video sharing site, and Emma accepted her lip sync challenge to perform Run DMC's awesome track ''It's Tricky'' for her channel.

Amell continues to train:

Stephen Amell has confirmed he is still undergoing wrestling training, even though his match is now in the book. Stardust responded to the news with a warning that he will be waiting for him, should he try his hand at the grap game again.

Rollins offends TNA:

Seth Rollins telling Sting he wasted his career in the minor leagues on SmackDown last night has upset and angered many loyal TNA fans, who have attacked his promo on social media since the episode aired.

WWE holiday:

WWE have given some of the roster the weekend off, with stars, such as Ryder and Miz, with his wife Maryse, posting photos of their breaks on social media.

WWE sign Japanese star:

WWE have signed Kana, a female Japanese star. She recently attended the NXT special.

Audio company use WWE gimmick to market product:

An audio company that shares its name with JBL has used his gimmick for a new product (Photo).

Jeff Jarrett talks GFW TV future:

"We are making moves. It's been a real challenge for us to line up a domestic situation as well as international deals. I'm heading over to London in a couple of weeks to further those moves. The first set of tapings were great. We got plenty of one hour episodes and we've got the crowning of the champions in October. With that and the Grand Slam tour as well, it's been no rest for the weary, but it's exciting time in the still the very early days of Global Force Wrestling."

NXT star promoted:

Rich Brennan has impressed WWE officials, and has been given a full time spot on SmackDown.

WWE invite fan backstage:

The fan that took the infamous picture of the 1996 curtain call incident was taken backstage for a photo shoot with the Kliq members after Raw this week.

TNA book ECW legend:

Tommy Dreamer will work the September live loop for TNA.

WWE remember Mania celeb:

Daryl Dawkins, a special referee for the iconic Mania 2 battle royal, died recently, WWE paid tribute on social media.

Taker vs Lesnar:

Vince McMahon came up with the finish of SummerSlam after constant re-writes were rejected. Vince told creative he wanted a Taker win, but didn't want Lesnar to lose, leaving them totally unsure of what to do, until Vince made the call for them.

John Cena:

WWE have announced a new book on John Cena.

Nikki denies story:

Nikki Bella advises fans not to believe everything they read, in relation to the recent story of Cena keeping the title on her, by using his backstage stroke.

Connor Michalek:

SummerSlam host venue the Barclays Center are holding an event to support the WWE charity Connor's cure.

Sasha Banks:

Sasha Banks says she is not injured, and will be back in the ring this weekend.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Today's News

Alex Shelley:

Alex Shelley has thanked ROH for offering to pay for the dental work he needs to fix his shattered front teeth. He also says he is thinking about his families request for him to retire, but added that their views alone will not make his mind up for him, and said he needs time.

WWE racism:

Chris Jericho has shared his opinion on the long alleged racist culture in WWE. He confessed that WWE could be a little lazy and stereotypical with their portrayal of some characters, but praised the company's diversity. He did note that if people wanted to find faults, they probably could, as nowhere is perfect, but urged talent to enjoy and live the time they are there, and not worry about such things.

He did go on to call for more racial sensitivity to Canadians however...

"What about Canadians? What about racial profiling against Canadians? A mountie? We had a mountie. If there's any type of racial comments, everyone's offended except for Canadians. No one ever stands up for the Canadians. Ever! You know why? It's because we're too friendly to worry about it."

AJ Styles to WWE?:

AJ Styles says he is loving his time in Japan, but if rumours of WWE interest in him come to fruition, and they made a reasonable offer, he would find it almost impossible to refuse. He also said he plans to retire in 5 years, and would then move into coaching, and helping the stars of the future, expressing an interest in opening a dojo in Japan.


Dudley Boys have confirmed their school in Florida will remain open, despite their WWE return.

Tazz signs HOF'er:

Tazz has signed Jim Ross to be a correspondent on his radio show.

Dolph Ziggler reveals why he stayed:

"My contract was coming up, and I was weighing a bunch of different option. I had a lot of outside offers to do some other things. Instead I decided to settle on doing the thing I love the most and working for WWE. WWE has given me an out where any days off that I have they allow me to work on outside projects. So it's a win-win for everybody. I don't miss any work. I get to keep doing what I love. Just like when it's SummerSlam week, but I'm going to a comedy club to perform and the next day going to a theater to sneak in a couple of minutes because I don't sleep and want to be the best performer I can."


Konnan is in trouble in Mexico. He has been accused of groping a TV presenter in the country, and when she called him out on it, he told her... ''You're not good looking anyway.'' The incident did not go down well, and is doing the rounds on the celebrity gossip shows.

Got ink?:

WWE have a new show discussing the meaning behind WWE stars tattoo's. The first episode will feature Seth Rollins and all of his two pieces.

Tough Enough:

Josh and Sara Lee have been given a couple of weeks off before they start their WWE careers in mid September. WWE have expressed an interest in signing Amanda, but there is no interest at all in ZZ, officials were very relived when he was beaten on TE this week.


Alberto Del Rio has agreed to call MMA events for the Spanish speaking market, with NBC.


Rey Mysterio is in casual talks with WWE. He is reportedly concerned about the future of LU, and has re-opened lines of communication, although without any real significance as yet, with WWE.

Wyatt Family:

WWE are looking for someone to bring the infamous Sister Abigail character to life.

Sasha Banks:

Sasha Banks almost missed her SummerSlam debut, and may not work any matches for a while after taking a horrible bump at NXT Takeover on Saturday night. Bayley delivered a unique corner rope suplex on her, and she crashed down onto the top of her head. Her problem was further worsened by another awkward bump at SummerSlam.

Jushin Liger:

WWE have reportedly agreed to a number of further dates with the Japanese legend. Speculation is he has signed a similar deal to Samoa Joe, so it does not conflict with his NJPW career.

Sarita to WWE:

Sarita, ex of TNA, has announced she is leaving CMLL. She has worked as a guest trainer for WWE in the past, and speculation is rising that she is on her way to Florida for a role at the PC.

Wade Barrett:

Wade Barrett is still a WWE employee. He has been written out to make a movie. However his decision to change his Twitter handle to his real name has started online speculation about his status. I can find nothing to justify the rumours of tensions with the promotion, and his time away will be spent making a WWE movie, so he is very much still on WWE duty, although on this side of the pond.

What's kayfabe?:

A question I get asked surprisingly often, but maybe no longer. The Oxford English Dictionary have announced the word has made it into the lexicon of the English language, with this statement...

"Probably not familiar to those outside the world of pro wrestling, the term kayfabe refers to 'the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic'. The origin of the word is uncertain, although it is often said to have arisen in American travelling carnivals. The word has been interpreted by some as being an alteration of 'be fake' backwards, while the -ay- element is typical of the way words are formed in Pig Latin."

NXT promotions:

WWE pay the travel and hotel expenses of NXT stars for 90 days after they debut on the main roster. Should they continue on the full tour past that, they would then be responsible for their own arrangements.

Orton winding down?:

Ric Flair says Randy Orton is ready to wind his career down, and has asked WWE to put him on a more relaxed schedule, Flair said he wants a deal similar to Shawn Michaels second run, where he worked for a while, then disappeared for extended breaks.

Benoit movie confirmed:

Some movie gossip sites have confirmed the Chris Benoit biopic is happening, and the director has secured his number one choice to play Benoit, Liev Schreiber (Scream, Phantoms). I have not been able to find official conformation, so this should be taken as rumour for the time being.

Diva's botch Raw:

Charlotte and Becky botched the Miz TV segment. It was scripted that tensions would begin to creep into the group, as WWE want to break them up at some point, so they can go for individual runs vs Diva's champ Nikki, they did not perform the angle as planned, and it had a detrimental effect on the follow up angle on SmackDown, where Becky and Charlotte were left alone for the night by their leader Paige.

Alex Riley:

Alex Riley has been cleared to return from knee surgery.


2016's event will be in either Los Angeles or Las Vegas.


Triple H has announced the December tour will be aired on the Network.

Awesome news for Hayabusa:

Japanese legend Hayabusa, who has been in a wheelchair since 2001, after botching a moonsalt, can walk again. An audience of greats of Japanese wrestling, fans, and the media were invited to an arena earlier this month. He came from behind a curtain in his wheelchair, before struggling out of his seat, and stood up. He was presented with a walking stick to aid his balance, and he then walked the aisle, up some steps, and into a ring. Everyone in the room was visibly moved by the emotional scene.

Lance Storm defends abusive crowd:

Lance Storm says it is WWE's fault their fans are not supporting the women, and the crowd should not be blamed...

"When the crowd on RAW in Brooklyn turned on the women's match it wasn't the fault of the crowd nor the fault of the women, it was the way it was presented. In the promo to set up the match Nikki Bella actually said that wins and losses didn't matter and that these muti-diva matches are pointless. She said the only thing that mattered was the Diva's Title and how she will soon be the longest reigning Diva's Champ of all time. How can anyone be surprised or angry that the crowd gave up on the match that followed when they were flat out told before it started that it didn't matter?."

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Today's News

Chris Jericho reveals shock, and support, for Hulk Hogan:

"[I'm] surprised, absolutely, because Hulk's not like that," Jericho said. "But we all say things in stupid times, in stupid ways. I'm sure you have, I'm sure I have. Whether it be those type of comments or any type of comment that's not correct, that's not right. But I think it's one of those deals where, as a friend, you've got to stick by your friends in good times and bad times. And I don't condone it, and I'm surprised, but a friend is a friend. "I do feel bad for him. I feel bad for everyone involved. I feel bad for people of color or any type of race that are fans of his. You do feel a little bit let down. But I know this: nobody feels more let down than he does. I think he feels really embarrassed and really bad about it."

Wade Barrett gone from WWE:

Wade Barrett has changed his Twitter handle to his own name. His first tweet since the change was ''Heading home. Not a moment too soon.'' He may be coming home to have some time off in England, but he won't be idle for long, he starts making his WWE movie over here in early September, this is the reason he has been written off TV.

Tough Enough:

Grand Final results...

  • Sara Lee 64% bt Amanda 36%.
  • Josh 70% bt ZZ 30%.

Both winners have been given WWE developmental contracts, and will be working at the PC, as they prepare for their ring careers.

Mick Foley fumed at the show, and blasted Amanda, for her shameful and bullying words toward her rival Sara Lee.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • The Ascension vs Dudley Boyz.
  • Kevin Owens vs Neville.
  • Becky Lynch & Charlotte vs The Bella Twins.
  • Big Show & Rusev vs Dolph Ziggler & Ryback.
  • Dean Ambrose vs Sheamus.


The current angle with Sting is being played by ear. WWE only came up with the idea of the feud a day or two before SummerSlam, and it is not fully written and mapped out as yet. Also, to maintain the surprise, WWE had Sting stand on the plinth under the sheet, for the whole show, until time came to go to the ring. During a video on the Tron the lights were blacked out, Sting dressed all in black, walked down the aisle amongst a group of crew men, and went under the ring as the plinth was moved into it, he then climbed into the ring too, and got under the cloth. They also kept Dudleyz hidden until the moment they were needed.


Virgil is weird... here is a recent interview he did...

On his future plans...

"F--k money is that money that you f--k with. Money you wipe your ass with. I want to sleep with every Asian in the world and have their father tuck me into bed for fun. that is f--k money. I live for f--k money. one life to live and one life to f--k."

On his new social media persona...

"I am the greatest black man on the planet. I am the black Steve Jobs. They now know I ain't one to play with. I ain't lonely. I am the hottest ticket out there. I am ready to get my s--t moving and grooving to get my dream of f--k money to be real."

On Hulk Hogan...

"Hulk is a good man. He never did anything to me. I don't condone racism but I know the Hulk I know is a good man that went to hospitals to talk to kids and always had good on his mind."

On his preparations for SummerSlam 1991...

"I had sex with like 10 girls the night before SummerSlam. it got me ready to focus and crush Ted. I made it and I was the million dollar champ. I still am."

On working with WWE in the future...

"Always. I have been on top for eight years-plus now. You can't take that away from me. I am always ready to get paid to help."

New Day remember murdered reporter:

A news reporter and her cameraman were murdered in Virginia today, whilst doing a live on air interview. New Day have paid tribute, and shared an image of their meeting with her last year (Photo).

Big E. spoke for the group, praising the 24 year old's energy and warmth, and said he was shaken by the shocking incident.

Backlash for Young:

Darren Young's handling of his recent backstage incident with a cameraman has led to a backlash from fans, who say he went too far, and did not need to bring the incident into the public domain. He defended himself by saying the incident had put a strain on his relationship...

''It's a shame that some people can't be happy for others. Relationships are hard to maintain so when you see someone committed to their partner, why must you try and destroy something that he worked so hard for? Respect is mutual. You need to give it in order to receive it.''


X-Pac has revealed he put Kane in the hospital three nights in a row during their 1999-2000 feud. They were running an angle during a live loop, where X-Pac used a ring bell shot to score a victory over Kane, forcing Kane to go to get stitches after each of the three nights. Eventually Paul Bearer spoke to him, as Kane had not informed Pac about the hospital visits, and made him aware of the damage to his face.

Steph ribs Vince:

Stephanie McMahon made a rib to her dad on Raw this week, that was not in the script, or approved by Vince, who was celebrating his 70th backstage with his family, bar Shane McMahon, who was reportedly absent.

NXT clearout:

WWE are planning an NXT roster clear out, probably next month, as they have a large intake of new stars set to start in late September / early October.

WWE movie:

WWE have bought the rights to tell the story of a one armed basketball player. They plan on turning a documentary on Kevin Laue into a feature film, which will be named ''Long Shot.''

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Today's News

Raw returns:

Sting and the Dudley Boyz made their WWE returns on Raw last night. Dudleyz will work their first WWE match together since 2005 tonight, on SmackDown. This is not a brief return, they are reportedly locked into multi year deals, and are back on a full time workload, including live events.

Alum's son in typhoon of controversy:

Tugboat's son Berkley was the timekeeper that rang the bell without referee approval at SummerSlam, he has issued an apology for his error, and explained he was worried that Lesnar was going to break Taker's arm.


Actress Liv Tyler was backstage at this weekends event, as was Dusty Rhodes wife Michelle.

WWE have had to cut some of New Day's entrance from repeats of the event. The group sang a version of the song ''New York, New York'', breaching the copyright.

Wyatt Family:

Braun Stowman was unveiled as the new member of the Wyatt Family last night. He was signed in 2013, and worked his first wrestling match in 2014, after coming from the world of Toughman competition.

Night Of Champions:

Seth Rollins vs Sting has been announced as the main event of the next WWE special, the WWE Championship will be on the line.

Major media attention on WWE:

John Cena delivered his finisher to TV host Jon Stewart on Raw last night, as revenge for SummerSlam. The internet, and mainstream media went nuts for the skit.

Diva's fume at Raw crowd:

Paige, Alicia Fox and both members of the Bella Twins have taken to social media, where they blasted the disrespect they were shown by the audience during their match on Raw last night. Paige called them hypocrites for asking for change, then abusing it, Nikki chose to thank the real fans that support the women, while Brie shot from the hip, and told the crowd they could kiss her a$$, Alicia emphatically agreed. The abuse was so bad that WWE added an extra commercial break to later showings of Raw, to cut the loudest reactions out.

Tough Enough:

The winner of Tough Enough will be decided tonight. The remaining contenders are Amanda, Josh, Sara Lee and ZZ. They are today working through their live matches with their coaches and opponents, Cesaro and Alicia Fox. Amanda may be regretting her choice of dance partner, after Lita slapped the stink off her breath during a warm up session this morning.

WWE vs Japan:

Japanese fans took to social media this weekend to blast WWE. They were angry that they could not watch NXT Brooklyn, as the Network is not legally allowed to air in the nation as yet, and they wanted to see Finn Balor vs Kevin Owens.

Taker out until Mania?:

A rubber match between Brock and Undertaker may have been shelved, WWE sources say he is not now expected back until Mania 32 season starts, next year.

Cena saves his girl:

John Cena is reportedly responsible for Nikki's long Diva's title reign. WWE have planned changes on numerous occasions, most recently when Charlotte debuted, but Cena is said to have blocked all such plans from being put into action.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Today's News



  1. Sheamus bt Randy Orton.
  2. Kofi Kingston & Big E. bt Titus O'Neill & Darren Young, Sin Cara & Kalisto and Fernando & Diego, to win the WWE Tag Team Championships.
  3. Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev ended in a double count out draw.
  4. Neville & Stephen Amell bt Stardust & King Barrett.
  5. Ryback bt Big Show and The Miz to retain the Intercontinental Championship.
  6. Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns bt Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper.
  7. Seth Rollins bt John Cena to retain the WWE, and win the United States Championship.
  8. Paige, Becky Lynch & Charlotte bt Alicia Fox, Brie Bella & Nikki Bella and Tamina Snuka, Naomi and Sasha Banks.
  9. Kevin Owens bt Cesaro.
  10. The Undertaker bt Brock Lesnar.


  • Mick Foley made a guest appearance at the start of the show.
  • Stephen Amell took a couple of stiff shots from Barrett during their match, and is a bit scraped and beaten up after his debut.
  • Host Jon Stewart turned heel on John Cena to help Seth Rollins win their match.
  • The main event ended in controversy, the bell rang as the match was ongoing, Taker took advantage, and locked in a submission after a low blow.
  • Paul Heyman took to the mic to announce Lesnar was the true winner of the match. This may have been off script, as WWE have today taken great pains in pointing out Taker is the official winner of the bout.
  • Ryback said he thinks Big Show broke one of his ribs last night.
  • Actress Melissa Joan Hart was backstage, she is a lifetime WWE fan.
  • Hornswoggle was unhappy with a dig at his expense by JBL during commentary. He tweeted a mocking jibe back, referring to the night he was knocked out by Joey Styles.
  • The NXT roster and TE finalists watched the show in a skybox, apart from when the TE cast came down to be shown on camera.
  • Michelle McCool and Big Oscar of MOM were also in attendance, as were NJPW stars Kazuchika Okada, Kushida, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Jushin Liger. Linda McMahon was in the crowd, watching from ringside.
  • Fans were turned away from the event. A fake ticketing scam was uncovered in the hours before the show, and many hundreds of fans were victims of the fraud.
  • A dozen fans were removed for being drunk.

Steve Austin:

Stone Cold has announced his next podcast guests for WWE will be Edge and Christian. He also continues to blast John Cena's use of the springboard stunner, he called it ineffective.

The Undertaker:

The Undertaker collapsed as he was leaving the arena last night. The incident was caught by a fan high up in the gods as he walked around the screen. He had to crawl back to the locker room. Concerns were allayed when he arrived with his wife Michelle McCool at their hotel, but have arisen again today, as WWE have withdrawn him from tonight's Raw. He has gone back to Texas.

WWE Alum lands radio show:

Tazz has been given a radio show on the CBS network.

NXT man un-retires:

After recently announcing his plans to hang up his boots CJ Parker has seemingly had a change of heart. He has signed for NJPW, and will travel to Japan in September to debut.

Warrior day:

Today is WWE Warrior day, and Vince McMahon's birthday.


Another batch of characters have been named, here is the updated list...

  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Alicia Fox
  • Cesaro
  • Tyson Kidd
  • Cameron
  • Big Show
  • Bam Bam Bigelow
  • Darren Young
  • Dolph Ziggler
  • Finlay
  • Layla
  • Kevin Nash
  • Lex Luger
  • The Miz
  • Naomi
  • Randy Orton
  • Sheamus
  • Titus O'Neil
  • Adam Rose
  • Neville
  • Bo Dallas
  • Brie Bella
  • Brock Lesnar
  • Goldust
  • Heath Slater
  • Hideo Itami
  • Jack Swagger
  • Kevin Owens
  • Nikki Bella
  • Ric Flair
  • Sami Zayn
  • Roman Reigns
  • Stardust
  • Sting
  • Tyler Breeze
  • The Ultimate Warrior
  • Zack Ryder
  • Booker T
  • Colonel Mustafa
  • Emma
  • Eva Marie
  • General Adnan
  • Kalisto
  • Kane
  • Lord Steven Regal
  • Sin Cara
  • Summer Rae
  • Tamina Snuka
  • Triple H
  • Steve Austin
  • Seth Rollins
  • Daniel Bryan
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Bad News Barrett
  • Paige
  • Finn Balor
  • Alexa Bliss
  • The Rock
  • Andre the Giant

Raw tease:

  • Did The Undertaker truly beat Brock Lesnar?.
  • Why did Jon Stewart help Seth Rollins?.
  • Can anyone eclipse The New Day?.
  • Will The Divas Revolution derail Nikki Bella's championship run?.
  • What does Stardust have in store for us next?.

Ric Flair is scripted to appear.


Tiger Mask was backstage at Takeover on Saturday.

Lita calls for HOF induction:

Lita is leading a campaign to get Luna Vachon into the WWE Hall Of Fame.


There is apparently a medical reason keeping Lana from wrestling. The actual reason is unreleased, but was first recorded in 2014, and has been aggravated by her recent physical feud with Summer Rae.

Foley blogs on WWE return:

''Yes, it was great to be back in WWE - even for a night. Basically, if you get a text saying that Jon Stewart would like you to be his guest at #Summerslam, you go - especially if you live 90 minutes away. Let me share with you the touching words Vince McMahon and I shared before I made my entrance...

Mick... Thank you for this opportunity, Vince.

Vince... Always good to have you back, Mick. Now take off that fanny-pack!.

What did you like best about SummerSlam? About SummerSlam weekend? What did you like least? I know not everyone cared for the ending of the main event. Let me just leave you with the same words I used following the ending of The Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania in 2013, think of the Heyman promos!".

Twitter feud:

Virgil angered Xavier Woods last night. He tweeted congratulations, and used the words ''My son.'' Xavier furiously shot back that he was not his son, and recalled an incident when he was 17. He says he met Virgil and told him he wanted to wrestle, Virgil apparently told him he would never make it because he was black.

Tanner gets revenge:

Tanner has posted a picture of Tough Enough finalist ZZ walking across to a Burger King restaurant, and hinted that fans are making the wrong choice in keeping him in the show. He was eliminated last week.

Darren Young airs dirty laundry:

Darren Young has shared intimate text messages he is receiving from a cameraman that works on the Total Diva's show. The resulting conversation was way to cringe worthy to share, but D Young took great pleasure in mocking his interest in him. The cameraman repeatedly apologised to Young, but Young was clearly angered by the semi nude picture, and continually attacked him on his social media.


WWE have a major angle scripted for tonight's Raw, which will lead to a WrestleMania match. That angle is said to involve Sting, who is flying back to New York, after leaving before SummerSlam this weekend.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has confessed that Triple H and The Rock do not like each other, and questioned Rock's mic work. He said Rock always stuck to the script, and Triple H was freer on the mic, and repeatedly ate The Rock alive during their Attitude Era feud.

He was talking to Brother Love, who also confirmed they were not friends, and that there was a professional jealousy between the two, but defended them, saying they worked together beautifully.

Stephen Amell:

Stephen Amell impressed greatly in his match last night, and WWE have reportedly offered him the chance to come back, and this time they will trust him with a singles match, against either Stardust or King Barrett. No word on when that may be, but WWE are keen to use him again, if he wants to do it again.

Amell said King Barrett did catch him with a couple of stiff kicks during the match, and his back is scratched and bruised from his top rope adventure, but really loved being a WWE man for a day, and was blown away by the experience.

Batista takes shot at WWE:

Batista said he would not be interested in forming a team with Sheamus, as they would only be used as jobbers, and would be slapped around by Stephanie McMahon, referring to Kane and Big Show's recent angles.


Drugs paraphernalia, blood, and excrement were found in a hotel room recently used by Sabu. The promoter of the event he was attending said he was furious that someone was using in his locker rooms, as the group had lost two of their alumni to drugs deaths. He also said he was disappointed, as they had worked together for almost a decade.

Sandra still working:

Sandra Grey is still working for some of the WWE diva's despite retiring to care for her husband. She had worked for years in the costume department, and is now working from home in her spare time. She made the outfits worn by Naomi and Alicia Fox last night.


R-Truth has unveiled the artwork for his new single (Photo).

New stars:

Apollo Crews and Dasha Fuentes have been given their offiicial WWE profiles.