Sunday, June 8, 2014

Today's News

Health update:

Jim Ross has now been released from hospital. Doctors found he had suffered an un-diagnosed stroke, and changed his medications to counter potential future side effects.

Hornswoggle reveals who got him WWE job:

Hornswoggle says Mr. Kennedy was responsible for him winning through an audition process to land the gig as Finlay's sidekick...

"I should have never made it. I shouldn't be working for WWE, but because of some stroke of luck, about eight years ago they were looking for a guy like me. They tested out eight or 10 guys of my stature and Ken (Anderson) put his name out there for me. He referred me and (WWE superstar) Dave Finlay loved me and saw something in me, and at 19 years old I got signed."

Good news for McMahon's:

Motley Fool have gone against the flow, and advised WWE NOT to replace the McMahon family in the wake of their financial crash, but did say changes need to be made...

"You fire executives or sell a company when it's clear things are not working. All that's clear with WWE is the network is not yet a sure thing and the North American TV deal increased, but not as much as expected. Changes in approach are needed, but changing leadership would be premature."

Another site has blamed the WWE announce team for their failing fortunes. Guyism has issues with the WWE presentation of it's product.

Rough live event for WWE:

Adam Rose was bust open hardway last night, in a match vs Heath Slater, and John Cena suffered an injury to his face early into a 30 minute plus match vs Bray Wyatt. He struggled throughout, and Bray had to regularly waste time and stall to give him time to recover. After the match he went straight to the back, without his usual post show promo, thanking fans, and interacting with the crowd. It seems Bray's hair whipped him in the eye, during a spot where Bray used a headbutt in the corner.


Sin Cara's new look.

Why Bully Ray missed HOH4:

TNA sent Bully Ray to an award show along with Jessie Godderz, Velvet Sky and Taryn Terrell, who caused a stir by kissing each other on the red carpet before the event (Pic on Facebook).


Some are criticising TNA for using the Von Erich youngsters at Slammiversary. They booked them to raise awareness of the event in the Dallas area, where the Von Erich name is the stuff of legend. Some say it is a cheap way to cash in on their famous name.

D'Lo Brown remembers Owen Hart:

"Owen was a guy that I considered myself very lucky to have spent just thirty seconds around, let alone a couple of years. One of the best guys, great family man, and in the ring, if people think that Bret Hart was a great worker, Owen Hart was one hundred times the worker of Bret. That's just my opinion, maybe people agree with it, maybe they don't, but I've seen them both up close, and to me, Owen was much better."

He also said he thinks of the accident that ended Droz's career almost every day.

Daniel Bryan:

Vince McMahon is taking personal responsibility for the decision on the future of the World Title, and Daniel Bryan's booking during his injury.

WWE offer great prize:

WWE have teamed with Totino's to offer a competition winner the chance to go to the WWE Performance Center, to be put through their paces during WWE promo classes, training, the chance to design and have created their own ring gear, and to appear in the ring in front of an audience, To enter you have to make a 3 minute YouTube video, cutting a promo, and send it to WWE via YouTube or Twitter.

One more match:

Bully Ray has revealed he and Hulk Hogan had talked about him being Hogan's last opponent during their TNA feud, in conversation with Chris Jericho...

"Me and Hulk had talked about this match on several different occasions and he felt totally comfortable with me because he knew I could custom tailor the match to exactly what he needed. It just didn't happen. It didn't happen because of his physical reasons, and also business reasons within TNA."

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