Sunday, June 15, 2014

Today's News

Dedicating today's news to Casey Kasem, the voice of Shaggy from the Scooby-Doo cartoon who died today... RIP...

WWE wedding:

PWI and FW4 have confirmed that CM Punk and AJ Lee married this weekend, this is still not confirmed by either of those involved, who reportedly wanted to keep the wedding a private matter. Rumours that AJ Lee is pregnant have been denied by sources close to the former Diva's champ.

WWE cuts:

WWE did everything they could to avoid the cuts from earlier this week, the change in strategy, allowing contracts to expire, rather than release people is something they wanted to stick to, but they felt they needed to show investors they were cost cutting in the wake of the financial crash, and had to backtrack on their promises to the roster regarding their job security.

Referee Marc Harris may be an exception to that, WWE have not been happy with him since he had an online spat with Jim Korderas a few months ago. A reminder of what happened, Harris, in one of his first events on the main roster botched a call, Korderas, a former, long term WWE official, who now tweets during PPV events for followers of his podcast, made light of the issue, and teased the rookie. Marc did not take the banter in the way it was intended from the former star and arrogantly attacked Korderas as washed up and bitter that he was still at the top, while Korderas was not. Korderas responded only once, saying that he was trying to pick him up from his mistake, and that everyone had been in the same situation at some point in their career, also that he was very disappointed in his response, and that he would not last in the business very long if he did not know how to take a rib, or how to laugh off his mistakes, and move on. Harris continued to tweet negatively about the former ref, without actually naming him, which was something else Korderas questioned him on. WWE it seems were very unhappy with his behaviour, not just for letting the company down, but because Jim Korderas is still very well liked and respected in WWE, after being employed for over a decade by them, and were embarrassed by the newer man's disrespectful outburst, and lack of professional etiquette. It has been suggested that he has been in the dog house with some in WWE ever since, and was a very easy decision when it came to picking a ref to drop.

Brodus Clay talks WWE departure...

''I was driving to go train at Hard Knox. I got a phone call and they were like, "I think you know why we are calling." I am like, "ok." We discussed a few things and I thanked them for their time. We parted ways and that was it.Visit Wrestling Inc. Then I looked online and on Twitter and it started blowing up. So I made a statement and as far as I was concerned, I was going to finish my day. I did not want people to be all negative and all like, "I am so sorry." There is people that had really bad mornings and I wasn't one of them. I had one of the greatest jobs in the world, but that is not the end of the world. There's people out that don't know if their child is going to make it out of the hospital or not. Also may not know where their next meal is coming from. There is people that had some bad days. Like nobody wants to lose their job. They way I look at it. You can break bread or play dead. Only you can close doors or burn bridges. I don't think I have done anything to do that.''

Seth Rollins:

WWE are working on new theme music for Seth Rollins, but are at pains to say he has not joined Evolution, as was first thought when he broke away from The Shield.

Goldberg vs Y2J:

When made aware of Chris Jericho's comments about him (See yesterday), Goldberg denied the account of a backstage fight between the two, and say's of Y2J...

"He's on crack."

NXT star reveals past illness:

Alexa Bliss has revealed that she suffered a near fatal eating disorder during his gymnastics career, but is now using some of the skills she learned to improve her ring style.

3MB rise like a phoenix:

3MB may not be dead after all, Heath Slater and Hornswoggle continued to work as 3MB at this weekend's lives.

Also at the lives Damien Sandow was squashed three times in a row vs three different opponents, Titus O'Neill, Bo Dallas, then Adam Rose. Remember when he was #1 contender???.

WWE 2K15:

Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan, Naomi, Cameron and AJ Lee have all been confirmed for the next WWE game, joining John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Bray Wyatt and Cesaro. Also announced for the game...

* 2K Sports is promising a much more polished game. One area that will be improved is motion captures. WWE actually sends an "official ring setter-upper" to make sure everything is by the book when motion captures are being filmed.

* WWE 2K15 will feature at least five times the animations of any previous WWE game.

* Visual Concepts is working on the game in a major role and one of their new goals is for gameplay to have a pacing similar to that of a real WWE event with matches having less of a free-for-all tone.

* Yukes is also working on the game but Visual Concepts is doing most of the work.

* Superstars will seem a lot more life-like in their movements and facial expressions.

* Visual currently has 90% of the WWE roster scanned in.

* Visual Concepts is also improving the commentary. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler have already recorded about 35 hours of new lines, most of them recorded together.

And Sting will be heavily featured, as Warrior was this year, as an extra pre order character, and in the promotion of the game.

Macho Man Randy Savage:

Lanny Poffo is reportedly set to take part in the new Randy Savage DVD from WWE, that is rumoured to be coming out as part of his HOF announcement for next year. Speaking of which...

Hall Of Fame 2015:

This is the likely class of 2015...

  • The Rock.
  • Macho Man Randy Savage.
  • Kevin Nash (As Diesel).
  • Rikishi.
  • Victoria or Mickie James.
  • An as yet un-named celebrity inductee, but as they are in California, it will probably be a big name, to cash in on their profile to promote Mania.

WWE Alum causes huge offence:

Matt Striker learn your crowd... The WWE Alum worked a match in a tough part of San FranCisco this weekend, and cut a really strong heel promo, Striker was bashing gays, marijuana advocates, black people and Mexicans. He said that the white man rules the world and that Obama is Hitler. At this point an extremely angry man, charged to the front of the crowd trying to get to Striker, he was held back by some fans initially, as the security were very slow to respond to the situation, some parents worried about the safety of their kids asked him to calm down and go back, eventually security did restore control and the match went ahead. Afterwards Striker stayed in the ring and apologized for his promo, to the crowd, and personally went to the aggressive fan and apologized to him, with a handshake. He later admitted to being very scared for his safety. He did however stay until the end and signed autographs for fans, as well as running the merch stand.

WCW star arrested:

This story is just breaking, so there are not many details, but Buff Bagwell was arrested in Georgia this week, one charge is an old one of reckless driving, other offences are TBA.

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