Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Today's News


Konnan has accused Sheamus of being an arrogant backstage bully. After a discussion with Hunico / Sin Cara about a recent altercation he revealed that it was not the first time Sheamus had been involved in conflict since joining WWE. In fact he says the first issue he was involved in happened before he made it onto the main roster. He loaned money from the recently released Yoshi Tatsu, who had also recently made the move to the States, and repeatedly refused to pay him back, eventually Tatsu grew tired of waiting and went to his house, and ''Slapped ths shi*t out of him''', he also got his money back.

He then went on to talk about the more recent fight with the new Sin Cara, Konnan says the problems started when Sheamus involved himself in a feud Hunico had with Drew McIntyre, Hunico did not like the fact Drew was always polite and shook hands with the top guys and officials, but did not show the same respect to the rest of the roster, apparently Hunico sees himself as a top guy, and was put out that Drew did not make a point of sucking up to him. Sheamus, is a long time friend of McIntyre, and Konnan assumed that is at the heart of their falling out. So what happened?... Well, this is all according to Konnan, neither man has spoken publicly about the incident, and Konnan was not there personally, so there should be a health warning on this story, but here goes... The former Hunico was in the treatment room during a TV taping, when Sheamus entered and told him to get off the bed and get out, he wanted treating first, Hunico did get off the bed and got in the Irishman's face, Konnan claims the Cuban called him out, Sheamus thought it was a joke and laughed, so Hunico pushed his challenge more aggressively, Sheamus then allegedly threw the first punch, but only landed one before having his legs swept out from underneath him, and was pummeled about the head.

Aries vs TNA:

Austin Aries is going to stop using his social media in protest of the online poll that has brought back the six sided ring to TNA.

Dixie Carter back tracks:

Dixie Carter tweeted that the New York TNA shows were sold out, then had to clarify that only one of the three days is full, tickets are still available for the Wednesday and Thursday tapings.

The new ring has been revealed, (Pic).

Former WWE stars Ezekiel Jackson and Snitsky are at the Taping tonight.

Bo Dallas:

Bo Dallas is sporting a black eye at the moment, the injury came from a mis-timed kick by RVD during a recent battle royal.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

Bad News Barrett vs Dean Ambrose (More on this later)...

Cameron vs Paige...

Bray Wyatt vs Sheamus...

Alberto Del Rio & Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler & Rob Van Dam...

Rusev vs Sin Cara...

Kane vs Roman Reigns...



A female fan was kicked out of the building after she grabbed Roman Reigns as he made his way through the crowd to get to the ring.

Hernandez talks TNA release:

"To be honest, I knew I was still a part of the roster and my check came every month. Periodically I would check the Impact website to see if I was still on there. (laughs) It was definitely a head scratcher right there. Not an email. text, phone call ... nothing. In fact, my contract was up May 12th but I thought it was up May 14th. So I woke up May 12th and my timeline was flooded on Twitter that my contract had expired. I looked at my contract and I looked on the (TNA) website and they pulled me off the website, they already unfollowed me on Twitter. (laughs) It was like bizarro world, brother."

Money In The Bank:

The Rhodes Brothers vs RybAxel has been added to this Sunday's Special. Rusev vs Big E may also be added on the night.

Booker T, Alex Riley and Christian will join Renee Young on the panel.

Top WWE star injured:

Bad News Barrett has suffered a separated shoulder. The injury happened during a post match brawl at last night's SmackDown tapings. He was thrown from the ring and crashed into the barrier, landing hard. A referee threw up the ''X'' and he was helped to the back back, clearly in a lot of pain, and swearing profusely. WWE have acknowledged the injury, but would not be drawn on his status for this Sunday. He is currently booked to be in the second MITB match.

Brad Maddox:

Brad Maddox has caused some concern for his safety after posting a video on his YouTube claiming to be stuck in a cave in Mexico.


Hornswoggle has shaved his head and is now completely bald.

John Cena reacts to creative leak:

After a bit of a fan back lash following a leak suggesting he is set to win the WWE title this Sunday, John Cena has responded with...

"Good to c a lot of opinions about Sundays big event, good to c lots of critics back in the fold. Criticism is a sure sign you're doin well."

Related to this WWE may have inadvertently spoilt the result, and their plans for SummerSlam by revealing this years promotional poster for the event (Pictured).

Jim Ross:

Matt Striker has joined the cast of JR's movie, he plays a sexual deviant cop, that also works on the wrestling circuit.

Kofi Kingston on The Rock:

Kofi has shared a story about The Rock...

''At WrestleMania at the MetLife Stadium when we announced the partnership, an athlete named Ashley Weber was talking to me about three hours before the show saying, "I just want to meet The Rock." And here comes The Rock walking toward her behind her back. I looked up and said, "You really want to meet The Rock?" He tapped her on the shoulder and she was in shock. She put her hand out to shake his hand, and he said, "Oh no, we don't shake hands here. We hug." And she wouldn't let go."

Vickie Guerrero:

Vickie Guerrero was heavily involved in the booking of her last WWE appearance, and was allowed to pay tribute to her late husband Eddie Guerrero by using his music and some of his trademark mannerisms. She is gone, wanting to move her life in a different direction, but may make special appearances here and there in the future.

She has also written a letter to say goodbye...

"It has been an amazing 9-year career at WWE. I started at WWE as Eddie's wife, and now I am leaving with my own identity. I loved performing in front of millions of people. Whether you hated or loved me, I appreciated every moment. I gained some amazing friendships that will always be kept in my heart. It is time to turn the page and start a new career in medical administration. I have so many other things to do in my life, and the most meaningful one is graduating from college in January. (Phil. 4:13 – "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.") It is time to say "goodbye and thank you" to everyone from the WWE Universe, WWE Headquarters and everyone backstage. My first "thank you" goes to my Lord Jesus Christ, for giving me a healthy mind and body to have been able to do the exciting things inside and out of the ring. He always kept me safe in my travels, and gave me the strength to improve myself emotionally and physically year after year. To my beautiful daughters, Shaul and Sherilyn – Thank you for inspiring me to be better than yesterday. Your support was unconditional when I traveled. I still feel sad that I had to miss so many of your milestones. I love you girls with all of my heart. Linda and Vince McMahon – I am grateful for the opportunities you gave me. Thank you for having my family feel accepted as a part of yours. I am thankful for the friendship we have built over the years. Vince, Eddie loved you like a dad! He had so much respect for you and it was always important to make you proud. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't! Stephanie – You are the true example of an independent, strong and successful woman. It has been an honor to work next to you. Thank you for being a part of my last night at WWE. I was honored! I wish happiness and love for Paul, you and the girls. To all the agents – Thank you for all of your help, advice and guiding me to have my segments successful… Arn, Fit, Dean, Road Dogg, Scott, Joey, Mike, Kidman, Jamie and Johnny."


Batista has confessed to crying when he got the role of Drax.

NXT Injuries:

Slate Randall has cleared up confusion over his concussion, he says he is coming back from a concussion that happened in May, it was reported that the injury had just happened. However WWE's NXT roster is currently hit by a number of problems, including...

* Tyler Breeze, broken finger
* Corey Graves, second concussion
* Kendall Skye, broken wrist
* Dana Brooke, leg injury
* Veronica Lane, leg injury
* Marcus Louis, leg injury
* Cal Bishop, torn rotator cuff

WWE announcer released:

Josh Matthews, who has been with WWE since the first Tough Enough series more than a decade ago has reportedly left WWE in the past 24 hours, his profile has been moved onto the Alumni page but there has been no official word as yet.

TNA to Japan:

Dixie Carter and Great Muta have announced that Bound For Glory is going to be held in Tokyo, Japan at the Korakuen Hall on October 12.

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