Thursday, June 12, 2014

Today's News

WWE vs CM Punk:

WWE have taken another shot at CM Punk, with a video playlist on his WWE run Facebook page, this one entitled... "SUPERSTARS WHO SOLD OUT and broke our hearts in the process!!!!"

TNA Slammiversary:

Sanada will defend the X Title in a ladder match against Manik, Tigre Uno, Crazzy Steve, Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards.

Vince McMahon vs Triple H:

There is a split in the WWE office over the future of a physical WWE Hall Of Fame museum. Vince has never been a supporter of the idea, but it is something Triple H is adamant must go ahead to add credibility to their Hall.

Randy Orton:

Orton missed Raw this week due to an injury. It is not serious, and he was given the time off as a precaution. The knock happened in a match vs Big Show, when he hurt his collarbone. He will be back next week.

TNA star branching out:

Magnus is having meetings in Hollywood this week, looking to further his ambitions away from the wrestling world.

Tyson Kidd:

WWE are now in two minds about changing Tyson Kidd's gimmick, they think he is doing well as a heel.

NXT star to benefit from Rey Mysterio's departure?:

If Rey Mysterio goes through with it, and quits WWE, expect Kalisto to be promoted from NXT, as WWE want a Latino baby face to lead their Spanish market as it's figurehead, and have already given up on Sin Cara.

WWE Cull roster:

WWE have today axed 11 stars, they are...

  • Theodore Long.
  • Yoshi Tatsu.
  • Brodus Clay.
  • Aksana.
  • Evan Bourne.
  • Camacho.
  • Curt Hawkins.
  • Drew McIntyre.
  • Jinder Mahal.
  • Marc Harris.
  • JTG

The 10 wrestlers have already been transferred to the Alumni section.

A number of those released have commented since the news broke, one, Curt Hawkins, was left furious by what he saw as a swipe at those dropped from Mark Henry on his Twitter. The former champ said ''Here we stand 18 years in August. Still here!!!''

Hawkins re-tweeted the comment, with an additional note...

''Your colleagues lose their jobs & you tweet that? You're an idiot Mark.''

Jeff Jarrett wasted no time in declaring interest in the released for his GFW promotion.

This comes on the day it is reported that Vince McMahon has also given up on 3 recent NXT promotions, Bo Dallas, Paige, and Adam Rose, who was ''Totally buried'' by senior exec Kevin Dunn backstage at this weeks Raw. However another staffer has played the reports down, saying Vince is not fond of stars being pushed too far too soon.

Rock Star:

Australian singer and actress Kylie Minogue has joined up with The Rock on set of his disaster movie ''San Andreas''. She has joined as a late addition to the cast. (Pic).

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