Thursday, June 5, 2014

Today's News


Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger are next in line for a shot at The Ascension's NXT Tag gold.

Indy star Brian Tannen has been named Tony Briggs by WWE.

WWE have confirmed they plan to host four NXT specials each year, one every quarter (3 months).

Chris Jericho:

Y2J will release his newest album on July 22. Followed by a US tour.

Tag Team Titles:

The planned run with the Tag gold for the Wyatt's is no more, the new plan will see the Uso's retain for the time being, until The Ascension are promoted from NXT to take the belts from their former NXT rivals. The promotion is expected to be coming soon.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has finally met with WWE docs for his WWE medical. The meeting was on June 2, and as long as he passes, he will be back on TV as an on screen regular soon.

Problems for Tough Enough:

WWE may be forced to delay the start of filming for the new Tough Enough. A number of names they wanted to be involved in the show have not yet signed their WWE deals, and with the planned start date of July 1 growing ever closer, a decision may be needed in the near future, either to delay, or to change the cast.

WWE funding rehab:

WWE have quietly made funds available to Diamond Dallas Page, as and when he sees fit to access it, for the rehab of Jake The Snake Roberts and Scott Hall. The money will be for DDP to seek expert advice from the best experts he can find, should either of the HOF'er's fall off the wagon.

Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake is working closely with Bray Wyatt, helping him with his character development.


WWE and Sting are still negotiating his WWE deal. The latest offer is a standard legends deal worth $10,000, but with no guaranteed dates or extra appearance fees. Whether he signs or not, WWE are going ahead with the DVD on him, it will hit stores on September 23.

WWE World Title:

The negative injury report on Daniel Bryan has pushed the World Title plans back, Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar, originally planned for Money In The Bank, will now happen at SummerSlam, with Cesaro's cash in coming at a Special in between SummerSlam and Survivor Series.

WWE scouting:

WWE are looking for tall wrestlers. They have already highlighted one man they are interested in, New Zealander Jade Diamond has been promised a try out if he travels to Australia for the next tour down under.

Matt Hardy talks pros and cons of TLC:

"Whenever human flesh and bone get slammed on steel like ladders or chairs, or tables, all that stuff, TLC's or cages, the flesh isn't going to win. Those matches beat you up and take a toll. It is what it is. Professional wrestling isn't ballet. Those were very tough grueling matches. It definitely took a toll on us. They took time off our career I'm sure and they beat us up for many years down the road. With that said, those are the matches that made us famous."


TNA announcer Jeremy Borash, who is in the UK on a promotional tour, has called on his employers to move the promotion to Britain, and make their home here...

"Move it to London. The fan base is a huge missed opportunity. The production in the U.K. is miles ahead of anything that is in the U.S., and I have no idea why, but I am a huge fan of the production values over here. I would use that production, and take advantage of how passionate the crowd is."

Rey wants away:

Rey Mysterio may be set to launch legal proceedings to free himself of his WWE contract. Vince McMahon decided to renew his deal by a year, due to how long he had missed of his previous contract with injury, this came after Rey had baulked at the deal they offered him during meetings at WWE HQ. It is now alleged that Rey had told WWE he was leaving as soon as his deal, which at the time of the meeting had one month left, expired. This prompted Vince to make the decision to renew his deal anyway. Rey is not happy about this, and is seeking legal advice to get himself out of the new contract, and away from WWE, ending his 12 year career with them.

Hall rejects WWE:

Cody, son of Scott Hall, has rejected multiple offers of a developmental deal from WWE, telling them he wants to make a name for himself, and to earn it on his own, not taking a deal because of who his dad is.

Taker at Mania 31?:

The Wrestling Observer report that is is not looking good for Taker fans, he is still very beat up after his Mania 30 match, and chances of a return for next years, at this stage are slim, although he is back training in the gym.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan is being forced to slow his rehab down. He is losing strength and feeling in his right arm as he tries to get back to action as soon as possible.

WWE man re-hashing TNA days:

Xavier Woods will be dressed in Red White and Blue, as he did during his TNA days, when he played Consequences Creed, when he wrestles on SmackDown this week.

Sin Cara:

Sin Cara is working under the name Myzteziz for AAA, as well as his WWE name on non AAA shows in Mexico.

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