Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Today's News

WWE World Title:

Daniel Bryan was stripped of his championship on Raw last night, and WWE have confirmed that the Money In The Bank match will be for the now vacant title, Alberto Del Rio has been joined by Randy Orton, Sheamus and Cesaro in the match.


Actor and Comedian Kevin Hart will host Raw next week.


Randy Orton enjoys having a week off.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has passed his WWE medical, and is now free to return to WWE as an on screen performer.


Here is the trailer for Leprechaun Origins, starring WWE man Hornswoggle.

Batista talks WWE return:

"Somewhere along the line I found my groove and it felt good. I only stayed away so long because it took me longer than I thought it would to do the things ... I wanted to accomplish. But at the end of the day, I love being a professional wrestler. That live, automatic feedback is what I crave."

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley has blogged on the toll wrestling has taken on his body, and the affect it has, and continues to have on his life...

"Seeing Dr Maroon on WWE Monday Night Raw, talking about Daniel Bryan's neck surgery brought back some tough memories for me. About three years ago, I thought there was a surgical procedure that might bring me some relief, especially from the sciatic nerve pain that has been a constant part of my life for the past several years. Dr Maroon was set to perform the minimally invasive surgery, and I had high hopes as I headed to Pittsburgh for my final pre-op appointment. But it was there, in Pittsburgh, that Dr Maroon, one of the top surgeons in the country spelled out the facts as he saw them. I'll never forget his words, "you've just got too many issues" - meaning that even with surgery, the other problems brought on by my particular style of wrestling were too numerous and complex for any one specialist to solve. I wish I'd done everything I could to get healthy while I was still under contract with WWE. The company was certainly willing to help me. But after the one-two punch of being told by two top brain specialists that I should never wrestle again, and Dr Maroon telling me that even neurosurgery wasn't likely to be a cure for all that ailed me, I just kind of gave up. I just stopped believing that there was any hope I'd live a normal life. Instead, I threw myself into becoming a performer of stories onstage, and began looking forward to my December visits as St Mick all year long. I don't escape from the pain in traditional ways like alcohol and pills. I escape every night when I have a chance to step onstage and share my stories with a crowd. It really doesn't matter if there are 100 people there, or 100,000; as long as I'm connecting with an audience and creating reactions, I feel like I'm back in MSG with 20,000 in the palm of my hand. And December is only 6 months away! Plus, I've got a chiropractor (Don Moore, formerly Dr Porter in FCW) who has both my legs almost the same length again, and I'm going to answer the call of DDP Yoga one of these days! I may walk slowly, but I walk down my own path, to the beat of my own drummer..and enjoy the sights and smells of that less-travelled path."


WWE are considering putting two Money In The Bank Matches on at this months Special after all. One with the top guys going for the title, and the other featuring mid carders, will be for the briefcase, and a future title shot.


If they go with that angle, expect Cesaro to win the title in the championship MITB bout.

Kevin Steen:

Indy star Kevin Steen has reportedly signed his WWE deal, but that is not officially confirmed as yet.

Shawn Michaels defends John Cena:

In this interview with WWE, Shawn Michaels has spoken honestly and candidly about his feelings on the face of WWE, John Cena.


Taichi has been docked 30% of his salary and suspended by New Japan for being unfaithful to his wife.

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