Thursday, June 26, 2014

Today's News

AJ Lee:

There is no plan for a WWE return for AJ Lee. All previous schedules have either passed or have now been scrapped.

Josh Matthews:

Did not waste any time in moving on, following the news of his WWE departure breaking yesterday. Just hours after his WWE release he reportedly attended last night's TNA Impact tapings in New York. The departure of Matthews has both shocked and saddened many in WWE, as he is an extremely popular member of the team, WWE however feel they need to cut from all area's as part of their budget cuts and that Josh was the man that was most expendable.

WWE rib Renee:

Both Triple H and Roman Reigns have ribbed WWE announcer Renee Young recently on WWE TV. The jokes centering on her footwear are because the Canadian never wears shoes when she is presenting, interviewing or moving around the backstage area, apart from when she is doing an interview in the ring.


TNA have announced a TNA vs X Division champion vs champion match, and that the Hardy Boyz have got a TNA Tag Title shot at tonight's tapings.

In SPOILER!!! news from last nights tapings, Ezekiel Jackson and Snitsky made their TNA debuts, and Jeff Hardy says he will work as both Jeff Hardy and Willow going forward.

WWE 2K15:

Several stars, including Cesaro, Paul Heyman and DH Smith are in San Francisco this week doing motion capture work for this years WWE game.

NXT promotion:

Referee Darrick Moore is moving to the main roster to fill the gap left by the recently released Marc Harris.

Shield split:

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins is planned for BattleGround.


Stephanie McMahon is now referring to herself as the owner of WWE, this will be leading to a feud at some point with her Father.

WWE vs Amazon:

WWE are furious that Amazon posted the SummerSlam poster (See yesterday) further proving that it has has spoilt their summer plans, Amazon have now deleted the image, and replaced it with a generic one.

Why Punk left:

Paul Heyman has told Chris Jericho why he believes CM Punk left WWE and wrestling on the night after this years Royal Rumble...

"He was unhappy. He had enough. He couldn't take it anymore, and it wasn't a slow build. A year before he walked, there were daily conversations of 'I don't know how much longer I could take, I don't know how much longer I'm going to be here…' So, I'm surprised it lasted that long."


R-Truth is working out the final stages of his Rap album, which will feature John Cena on two tracks. The album will be released by WWE.


The TNA Impact set in the old Raw arena.

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